Again, when I said parroting it was in the context of a full readback, addressing your posts in an orderly fashion and looking at them all in context. I wasn't bringing particular focus to that post, I was showing a trend in your play.
I don't mind anyone making individual posts or points that align with the majority view, its when they just feel like they're just being said to boost the post count that I start getting concerned, and that's how your play felt there. As I've said I think you're town based off this offensive which is very uncharacteristic of you and isn't something you'd do with a team so my view has clearly changed.
Also re: you thinking rugrat and I are scum partners - if there's one thing we can say about my scum game its that I don't pussyfoot around my partners
So I don't follow your logic on that one
Because we're clearly not voting any of my other scumleans, its been somewhat universally accepted that we're voting between a batch of players we think may be less useful in the mid-late game, and since Flay seems like the direction people want to go and I do have him as a townlean, I'm happy to go along with it.
The only read I'm properly confident on is Jeff and we're not lynching him, Lethal is next and I highly doubt that one is going anywhere either. Ditto for Rugrat and, seemingly, Alco.