its a post. YOU decided to take it as shitty, and YOU decided to project that bullshit on me. so yeah, you're wrong for simply deciding it was shitty, got offended, and decided to make things personal. thats fucking shitty, and it's fucking dissapointed you're too blind to actually see that. if you actually think thats even the same as repping out on purpose, you're mental. ive never, ever, ever repped out of a game ever. and im allowed to say dumb shit as town or scum if i want to, up to u to believe it or not. to overeact and insult me for no fucking reason over it is fucking childish and a bitch lil move.
edit: you're also not the decider of what is proper or improper play, nor is it anywhere against the rules. Only in your headcanon did you decide it was, and interpreted as a fucking serious comment. take that elitist crap and shove it