The Mandalorian War is over. The Jedi Civil War is over. The Republic lies in a broken heap ... but it can be saved. Can our heroes unite to overthrow the Sith and any other threats?
Welcome to the game!
- Do not post outside of the game thread unless given permission to do so
- Character claiming is permitted
- I have deliberately added inconsistencies to PMs, role power relative to character, role relation to character etc. You won't be able to reliably solve the game using any of these measures
- Keep flaming to a minimum
- Day phases will typically last a maximum of 28 hours, and night phases a maximum of 14 hours. I reserve the right to adjust these lengths according to my schedule, and I will endeavour to give you suitable notice if this happens
- Action resolution order will be used (see below)
- As ever, there exists the significant possibililty of role overlap. I design my games specifically to create conflict and gameplay, there will be no easy mode setup spec solution available to you ...
- If I remember anything else, I reserve the right to add it here
Action Resolution
Reflexive Roleblock / Nexus
Special Actions
Bus Drive / Redirect *
Roleblock *
Standard kill / Poison / Arson
Watch / Track / Follow / Voyeur / Motion Detect
Night phase completes
Results given to players alive
* If these roles interact in such a way as to create a paradox, the roleblock will take precedence. This includes if a roleblock targets a bus driver - the roleblock will prevent the bus drive from taking place, unless the bus driver switched themselves or the block happens to prevent other roles from resolving on the target.
** A jailkeeper will be treated with roleblock priority
Sample Role PM
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie

You are Odo, Republic Aligned
You have no flavour
In this game, you have no role.
You win when all threats to the Republic are eliminated.
Players Alive (9)
1. Haza
7. Big Man
8. Barry
11. Blaine
13. Magic
15. Jeff
16. Doddsy
20. Chimp
21. Flay
Players Dead (12)
Brutus was Juhani, Republic Aligned Vanilla Townie, duelled Day 1
Tweet was Calo Nord, Republic Aligned Even Night Tracker, killed Night 1
CP was ?????
Smark was Kreia, Kreia Aligned Survivor/Mason, shot Midday 2
Alco was Saul Karath, Sith Aligned 2x Non-consecutive Bus Driver, lynched Day 2
Ace was Darth Nihilus, Sith Aligned 3x Jailkeeper/Lord of Hunger, killed Night 2
Poyser was Zaalbar, Republic Aligned 1x Seraph Knight, killed Night 2
Kajuh/Brutus v2 was Darth Malak, Sith Aligned Godfather/1x Strongman, lynched Day 3
T'Challa was Atton Rand, Republic Aligned Ascetic, killed Night 3
Lethal was Mission Vao, Republic Aligned Vanilla Townie, killed Night 3
Haza was Darth Revan, Revan Aligned Serial Killer/Mason/Developer, lynched Day 4
Magic was G0-T0, Republic Aligned 3x Watcher, killed Night 4
Day 1
Night 1
Midday 2
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Night 4
It is now Day 5. With 9 players alive, 6 players to lynch. You have 28 hours.
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