So my serious answer doesn't matter to you. Then that is your problem, not mine.
If I provide you with a different serious answer - that would just me flip flopping. Which would be what mafia would do - when they are willing to say anything in order to be town read.
You don’t think who are aligned?Leaning towards Haza cause I feel like a scum Juice wouldn’t be this antagonistic towards Odo and I don’t think they’re aligned at this junkture
the way most town players - seem to be in favour killing indie players so easily - its very accurate imo.
Am I an indie? No.
If I was an indie - would I claim considering how often indies get lynched by town or killed by mafia - No.
But no - I'm not an indie.
Because I liked your points and think he’s the better target, but you’re voting for Juice despite what u said about Haza so im like why is poyser voting juice over haza rnWhat’s this got to do with haza