Clock Tower II:
Don't Cry Jennifer
Time has come again, a dark cloud has fallen. Murderers who wield large scissors inhabit this world, and it is up to the lowly few victims to find a way to survive. Who will make it through this game of murder alive? Find out in Clock Tower Mafia II: Don't Cry Jennifer...
1. Doddsy
2. Jeff - Victim Aligned Dreaming God
3. Poyser - Victim Aligned Double Voter
4. Big Man - Victim Aligned 2x Tracker
5. CP
6. Tweet
7. Lethal - Victim Aligned 2x Follower
8. Blaine - Scissorman Aligned 2x Ninja, 3x Doctor
9. Sky
10. Haza
11. Odo - Victim Aligned 1x Deulist
12. Juice - Victim Aligned 1x Desperado
13. Junk
14. Jeff V2
15. Kajuh
16. Ace Dalton
17. Smark - Victim Aligned Stump
18. MyPrerogative
Rep List:
1. Kajuh
2. Jeff Valley Driver
It is now Day 1... With 18 Players, it requires 10 votes to lynch. The first day is 36 Hours long, and will last until time expires, or until a lynch is made.
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