Ok, now i caught up and i've quoted specific posts to ask few questions or state few things.
FYI the feeling is that it seems to me like EV is picking and choosing his moments to post atm
How do you feel about EV now?
Maybe you guys shouldn't play there.
You honestly kinda should.
This exchange makes you look pretty bad as I don't really see you making that first statement as town. It just feels like an, "I've read the thread and can't form an opinion so let me put this here so it looks like I'm doing something". You're also more aggressive as town and thus far I haven't seen any of that. Like Jeff said, you were free to chime in at any point but you decided to say, "nah mate, y'all bore me". Doesn't have that tinge of authenticity in my opinion.
I like Barry's post here.
is this at me?
why what happened
jeff is town too.
vote barry
me no like barry's vote and weak explanation of his vote. when ive seen him think someone is scum in the past and be the lead on the wagon he's a bit more forceful on the wagon.
what do others think of barry barns?
Why is Jeff town?
sure why not. should I not? i like barry's case. is that not poor?
if so vote me.
You like Barry's case but you are voting him?
What do you make of banez voting alco and dipping
doesn’t his first vote usually come with a bit more fanfare (from himself I mean) lol
Not really. You should have seen more of my games.
Doesn't Banez usually start games with like a poem or something lmao
Roses are red, violets are blue... and Banez does not poem because he sucks.
I certainly feel like he usually starts with more at least
Sometimes yes, but last night i was playing a poker tournament and it was little more interesting than the start of this game y'all anticipated for.
Banez started Tiger King mafia with just a vote on EV, just doing a quick skim of his first posts. He was town then right? Or probably an Indy just going by odds now that I think of it
Oh no young one. I was town. I remember because i had investigative role which gave me NO RESULT on all attempts and OMB never had any mod QT so i still today, dont know if i was blocked all 3 shots or if the role was just for fuckery.
I think Banez was scum in that game.
Also doing this whole "what was their first post like" schtick isn't exactly a good way to read someone, as scum Sky pointed out.
No, i was town. 3x cop that got no result on all 3 times. How can we have hosts who dont have MOD QT?
Hmmm maybe I just have that one game he opened by voting magic and being like HEY DO YOU TOWN READ ME NOW lmao
I remember. I used to go after him, you or CP on day 1 when i was town.
Can you explain why 8 posts in the first 7 pages gives you the impression of "scaredscum!" other than "Poyser said it too"?
Last game where I was the 2nd most active player, I had only achieved 13 posts in the first 5 pages (not too dissimilar to the 8 here).
Very similar the game before that too.
I'm curious to what is different to those games that makes you think at all I am being timid?
It can't be the memes, the memes are always based from funny quotes/moments within the game. Hard to come up with a rock solid meme off of nothing early game.
So please! Explain to me why I am suddenly timid when I am playing consistent to how I have been since my return?
I like this post.
I'm extremely curious to see how magics progression this day goes
Why do you solely focus on Magic?
anyways cba right now, I'll be back when the other group of players have posted
magic you should give more RE: your vote being on me. Ive posted plenty by now for you to have some sort of read on me
is framer lawyer always on role resolution chart regardlesa or are we expecting some kind of fuckery here
So you CBA but you keep posting?
I never switched to Banez.

I stated my agreement that he's usually more self-aggrandizing.
But whatever. CBA'd to deal with you. You never even stated your agreement or lack-thereof with me regarding Haza, either. Why did you try switching the conversation from my points to Haza and make it about a different matter entirely?
This is true, he never did, not sure why EV starts pushing this agenda.
Well you hadnt given a reason why the old content made it worth voting me either. Can you?
But didn't you CBA?
Also, as we currently stand, 14% of your posts have been about Banez
which means 86% of his posts weren't about me.
I'll answer yours if you answer mine kid
This is fair request.
I'm sure you'll be hestoning some more when I claim.
In before you get janitored if there is janitor?
Barry made a good case. You said nothing and town read me for nothing and you tend to not town read me at all due to natural mistrust so just assuming I was town was kinda a big leap for your typical "I can't trust magic until he's dead"
He made a good case. And i got no reason to doubt Barry is town atm.
Not fan of Haza going CBA but then keep posting just to pad up post count. I like Barry's reasoning and i think this is right direction for now.
vote Haza