like this dude coming in insulting everyone and we should just be like oh ok,.Quite sad when Sky is the only other voice of reason. sad indeed. NOT HEROIC from some of you smh.
I fucking dare you to lynch me right now so I can laugh at how bad people listening to magic are at this point though. please do it.
like seriously you either work with me or im going to read you as scum for opposing town strategy and trying to make outright scummy plays. if youre town dont try to laugh at anyone, your own play right now is 100% shit.
quick lynching is bad for town.
not looking over wagons is bad.
not reading back.
this is all bad fucking town play. there's no arguments here.
lol i didnt even vote last day you fucking duncewhat a villain
youre quick lynching this day phase dumbass.
we have 24 hours, not 5.
go read the fucking wagons. stop trying to argue with me. this is amazing advice, heed the fuckign advice and go do the shit im asking of you as it will only help town if you're town. stop trying to be combative. trying to think youre top shit and before you try throwing that shit back at me, i was top shit for a long fucking time and there's a reason people didnt want me in end games and it's because i did this stuff. this is good town play now, again, go help with said town play.