WAR 6.6.2011 - BookerDust vs Riley/DiBiase
I come from money...
Familiar theme hits the sound system and on stage appears Alex Riley but without Ted DiBiase. Fans loudly boo´s at A-Ry and he asks for microphone and gets one and get him near his mouth and start talking...
A-Ry: Shut up you jerks, wrestlers with class has arrive !
A-Ry gets boo from fans but he only smiles and continue..
A-Ry: Boo, Boo, Booker ! The man we facing now ! Oh, when say we, I must tell you, that my partner is late and he will arrive in a moment, he´s got some business things to do ! But back to Booker, sucka Haha ! Can someone can tell us why we must facing pensioner´s ? I mean they are like fifty, sixty years old huh ? They got no money, no class, no charisma, no talent ! And we ? We got money, class, charisma, talent and many many next things what they don´t have ! So why we must face looser´s like Booker or Goldust ?
Fans boo´s at A-Ry but he just smiles and make his walk to the ring. He stops before ring and looks at fans but ignore their booing and steps into the ring and continues in his talk...
A-Ry: Firstly, look at your poor lives and than boo on someone and secondly....
Ted DiBiase interrupt´s his partner and asks for microphone on stage...
TD: And secondly welcome most rich man in this building - ME !
Fans loudly boo´s at him and Ted makes his way to the ring, steps into the ring and shake hand with his partner...
TD: Well partner, everything you told is true, but I must tell one more thing ! I am third generation superstar and everybody know my dad, but in fact, he is dead, just like these two jerks we are facing tonight !
Fans boo at DiBiase and his partner but they continue on ...
TD: But you see this title ? It was made by my daddy and now, He gave me it and it mean I already am champion, but, after Money in the bank, I ...
A-Ry: You mean WE !
TD: Sure, we will be tag team champions ! And tonight, we will just deal with these two looser´s and if you got balls to come out here, so let´s do it !
A-Ry: We still don´t see ya ! But I know, step to the ring with wrestlers with class is hard, cause you never be on same level like us !
Ted DiBiase and Alex Riley stand´s in the center of the ring, but no one comes out...
TD: Huh, thats what I thought, Goldust is scared of another beating, like I did before and well, he already know what I´m capable of and he is scared to comes here, and steps right before us ! But don´t worry Goldie, I will don´t beat you !
fans still booing at DiBiase and chant " boring " ...
TD: You are boring with your same old boo, boo shit ! Go to hell you idiots ! You are´nt even nowhere near to class where we are so shut up ! And where I ended, oh, I will don´t beat you... I will don´t beat you, NOW ! I can beat you anytime, anywhere but not now ! Now just come out here with your same old shit and try to tell something intelligent !
A-Ry: Mr. Booker, we absolutely forget about you ! We don´t see ya as well ! You should take your partner and come out here, sucka, before we come for you, personally !
TD: Let me just call someone !
Ted picks up mobile and want to telephone somewhere but he gut interupted...
Familiar theme hits the sound system and on stage appears Alex Riley but without Ted DiBiase. Fans loudly boo´s at A-Ry and he asks for microphone and gets one and get him near his mouth and start talking...

A-Ry: Shut up you jerks, wrestlers with class has arrive !
A-Ry gets boo from fans but he only smiles and continue..
A-Ry: Boo, Boo, Booker ! The man we facing now ! Oh, when say we, I must tell you, that my partner is late and he will arrive in a moment, he´s got some business things to do ! But back to Booker, sucka Haha ! Can someone can tell us why we must facing pensioner´s ? I mean they are like fifty, sixty years old huh ? They got no money, no class, no charisma, no talent ! And we ? We got money, class, charisma, talent and many many next things what they don´t have ! So why we must face looser´s like Booker or Goldust ?
Fans boo´s at A-Ry but he just smiles and make his walk to the ring. He stops before ring and looks at fans but ignore their booing and steps into the ring and continues in his talk...

A-Ry: Firstly, look at your poor lives and than boo on someone and secondly....

Ted DiBiase interrupt´s his partner and asks for microphone on stage...

TD: And secondly welcome most rich man in this building - ME !
Fans loudly boo´s at him and Ted makes his way to the ring, steps into the ring and shake hand with his partner...
TD: Well partner, everything you told is true, but I must tell one more thing ! I am third generation superstar and everybody know my dad, but in fact, he is dead, just like these two jerks we are facing tonight !

Fans boo at DiBiase and his partner but they continue on ...
TD: But you see this title ? It was made by my daddy and now, He gave me it and it mean I already am champion, but, after Money in the bank, I ...
A-Ry: You mean WE !
TD: Sure, we will be tag team champions ! And tonight, we will just deal with these two looser´s and if you got balls to come out here, so let´s do it !
A-Ry: We still don´t see ya ! But I know, step to the ring with wrestlers with class is hard, cause you never be on same level like us !

Ted DiBiase and Alex Riley stand´s in the center of the ring, but no one comes out...
TD: Huh, thats what I thought, Goldust is scared of another beating, like I did before and well, he already know what I´m capable of and he is scared to comes here, and steps right before us ! But don´t worry Goldie, I will don´t beat you !
fans still booing at DiBiase and chant " boring " ...

TD: You are boring with your same old boo, boo shit ! Go to hell you idiots ! You are´nt even nowhere near to class where we are so shut up ! And where I ended, oh, I will don´t beat you... I will don´t beat you, NOW ! I can beat you anytime, anywhere but not now ! Now just come out here with your same old shit and try to tell something intelligent !

A-Ry: Mr. Booker, we absolutely forget about you ! We don´t see ya as well ! You should take your partner and come out here, sucka, before we come for you, personally !
TD: Let me just call someone !
Ted picks up mobile and want to telephone somewhere but he gut interupted...