Scarlett Summers

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Name: Scarlett Summers
Nickname: The Vindictive Jezebel
Pic Base(Name Only - NO PICTURES): Carrie Underwood
Date of Birth: December 25, 1994
Place of Birth: Beverly Hills, CA
Currently Residing: Washington D.C., Maryland
Height: 5'5
Weight(In Pounds): 125 lbs.

Face/Heel (No Tween): Heel
Style (High Flyer, Brawler etc.): All Rounder

Basic Moves:
Aerial -
1. Missile dropkick
2. Springboard armdrag
3. Diving crossbody sometimes into a pin
4. Slingshot somersault leg drop
5. Split-legged guillotine leg drop
6. 450 degree splash [occasionally]
7. Moonsault
8. Missile front dropkick

Front Grapple -
1. Double wrist clutch
2. Jawbreaker
3. Hair-pull gory special
4. Super kick
5. Snap DDT
6. Vertical suplex
7. Backhand chop
8. Implant ddt

Back Grapple -
1. Bulldog
2. Back rake
3. Inverted headlock backbreaker
4. Bridging German suplex
5. Hair-pull mat slam
6. Double knee backbreaker
7. Sitout rear mat slam
8. Belly to back mat slam

Submission -
1. Indian deathlock
2. Over the shoulder single-leg Boston crab
3. Bridging reverse chinlock
4. Cloverleaf
5. Surfboard
6. Sharpshooter
7. Sleeper hold
8. Tilt-a-whirl headscissors armbar

Running -
1. Handspring back elbow smash
2. Tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown
3. Calf kick
4. Spear
5. Leaping clothesline
6. Spinning spinebuster [counter]
7. Lou thesz press followed mounted punches
8. Samoa drop [counter]
9. Monkey flip
10. Spinning wheel kick
11. Rolling neck snap
12. Cartwheel splash

Rope [moves using the ropes]
1. Rope hung ddt
2. Slingshot suplex
3. Rope hung seated chinlock
4. Rope hung Boston crab
5. Guillotine
6. Rope hung neckbreaker
7. Guillotine slingshot
8. Rope Choke [Stands on opponent's back while pulling upon the top rope]

1. SuperPLEX
2. Double knee backbreaker from the second rope
3. Tree of woe followed by sliding dropkick to opponent's face
4. Foot choke
5. Foot choke to seated opponent
6. Toss into ring post
7. Hanging figure four necklock
8. Running crossbody to the midsection of her opponent landing on the ring apron and often followed by climbing to the top rope. [adopted from Gail Kim]

Signature Moves:
1. Face Lift (reverse sto)
2. Special Attraction (chokebomb pin)
3. Nose Job (sit-out facebuster)
4. 7 Minutes in Heaven (octopus stretch)
5. Thigh Master (diving leg drop)
6. A-Roll (roll-up)
7. Scarlettcunrana (top rope huracunrana)
8. The Scarlett's Web (inverted stf)
9. Scarlett's Thunder (flip senton splash)
10. Scarlett's Letter (Tornado DDT)

Finishing Moves:

(Primary) Sparkling Diamond (Roundhouse kick to the face)

(Secondary) Once Upon Scarlett (Swinging Neckbreaker)

Taunts/Poses: Hair flipping, thighs slapping, slapping the mat, pulling her hair back and showing moments of doubt, leaning back in the corner smirking at her opponent, sliding out of the ring and motioning to her opponent she cannot be touched, she blows the fans and her opponents a kiss (before and after matches)
Tag Line(s): "You haven't seen anything until you've seen Scarlett!"
Entrance Music: Mudvayne - "Scarlett Letters"

Short Entrance Description:

"Scarlett Letters" is heard through playing through the PWF P.A. system and the crowd immediately stand to their feet booing the anticipation of Scarlett Summers. The song is followed by a dark red light throughout the arena as a feminine figure appears on the entrance ramp with her back turned to the ring.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing at this time accompanied by Chase Anderson and hailing in from Washington D.C., she is known as Double S... The Vindictive Jezebel... SCARLETT SUMMERS!

She twirls around and struts out from the curtain area. She poses at the top of the ramp with her hands on her hips. She is wearing a short tight black skirt, red and black corset tied in the front, fishnet stockings, knee-high heeled boots, and red eye shadow extended pass her eyebrows, and a look of confidence across her face. She glances over her shoulder as Chase Anderson walks out to her side with a clipboard in hand. The two start down the ramp; she's strutting to the sounds of "slut," "wannabe," and constant boos while she continues to look confident as Chase Anderson checks things off his clipboard. They make their way down to the ring and Scarlett Summers sits up on the ring apron and sets her legs up, pulling herself upon the second rope and stepping in under the second rope. Chase Anderson walks up the steel stairs as he enters over the second rope as she walks to the front ropes. She steps on the bottom rope and leans over the top blowing a kiss to the booing crowd. She steps off the ropes and then struts to the corner as she leans against the turnbuckle. Chase stands beside her as he's pointing to his pen at the clipboard while instructing Scarlett on something. The music slowly fades and so does the red light.

Previous Experience: Not legally eighteen yet, the PWF has taken the necessary precautions to hire Scarlett Summers as a full-time in-ring competitor. The blonde jezebel has been training for the past four years training at a local Washington D.C., "The Monster Factory Training Facilities," ran by "Pretty Boy" Larry Sharpe. Even though, Scarlett has never been in a real wrestling match she has the confidence it takes to wow not only the fans, but her fellow competitors. She looks to make a splash in PWF and only time will tell what is in store for PWF and her co-workers.

Manager: Chase Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height/Weight: 6' & 215 lbs.
Hometown: Washington D.C., Maryland
Picture Base: Chris Hemsworth
Finisher: The Executive Decision (inverted DDT) - The Lay-off (he knocks Scarlett's opponents out with the clipboard blow to the back of their heads.)

Have you read and do you understand the Pulse Wrestling Federation, and Rules and Regulations?: Yes
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Accepted. You will be booked on the next card.Feel free to PM a segment to #HEEL, Catfish Billy, or myself if you would like to be included in the upcoming show.

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Application looks great. Welcome to the PWF.

Reiterating what Krim said - if you can get us a segment/intro RP by Saturday, we can get into the next show.


Thank you guys. I am trying super hard to think about segment ideas, so I can have it to you before Saturday.


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Welcome to the forum and the efed.



I love the avatar. It looks really nice. Carrie really blends well with any colors.