Riley Losing His Push?

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Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Monday Night Mayhem April 9th

Kerry: Well folks, after months and months of downtime the IWF is finally back up and running! And we could not be anymore happy!

Josh: You bet Kerry, The wrestling world was turned upside down at Final Impact. One year later, the IWF has Finally Re opened the doors.

Kerry: That’s right josh, One year ago, MJ was busted for a gambling Fraud, and several IWF Wrestlers were arrested on various charges. Several wrestlers will no longer be in the IWF, but one man has done his best to scrap together what was left after Final Impact. He has put together the top talent in the wrestling world today, and right now we have a special interview with, Detective Bruce Page who is already standing in the ring.

Bruce page has a brown leather jacket unzipper with a black t shirt and his badge showing. He is in his mid 50 and has a very professional look on his face. As the lights pound down on him, he begins to sweat as everyone in the building is curious what he’s going to say.

Bruce: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Monday Night Mayhem. I guess I have some explaining to do. You are probably asking yourself, why did I bust MJ and the IWF. Truthfully, I didn’t think the IWF would fold as quick as it did. You see, Even myself was a fan of the IWF at the time. But I had a job to do. I have to make sure the world runs without crime. So the children can live without harm and better world for all. I did it for the fans. Didn’t ANYONE find it strange how Knicky held the belt for almost the whole year? I smelt something was wrong years ago. And look at some of the so called talent. I’ve found more drugs backstage than any crack house or rock concert EVER. So finally after nailing the IWF my job at the force was complete. I retired after 24 great years on the force. But it didn’t stop there. Oh No, you see, The IWF fans sent me mail every day asking several questions and tearing my head. Finally I couldn’t sit back anymore. I had to take action. After thinking long and hard, I went out and purchased the rights to the IWF.

It was the hardest choice I had to do my whole life, I’ve never been in the wreslting business, and im probably not the smartest owner or booker, But you know what? I can promise you one thing. This place is going to be ran Correctly. There wont be any corrupt owners, no drug addict champions, no gambling, no ex cons. That’s right Bruce Page is here to clean up the wrestling business, to bring it back to how it was when I was a kid in the 60’s. Good ole fashion wrestling. Something the whole family can enjoy.

You won’t see anymore Knicky, Kassidy, Montana, Tony Dumile , Slash and many others. Most of those guys are locked up for quite some time. So its time for a new day here in the IWF. New Stars with good values. Guys Like RJC COOL, Charlie Wayne, Aussie Battler, Team Titan. Hell It took some effort but I went out and got several IWF stars guys like Chris Kendo, Tyrus Helms, Red Jak and a man only true IWF fans know about. The man The Myth The Legend Jack Richter! That’s right, the Original Champion here in the IWF. Tonight should be a great show everyone, so thanks for coming out and enjoy.

Lights go out followed by massive Green Pyros emitting from the stage and than Pain by Three Days Grace starts at the chorus and James Kash steps out onto the stage and taunts at the top of the ramp followed by money falling down the ramp as James Kash makes his way down to the ring. Kash steps in between the ropes and snatches the microphone from Bruce.

James Kash: Wait one damn minute. Bruce, you must have forgot about our little agreement.

Bruce: Agreement?

Kash: Yea Page, You said I would be the star, and you rattle off all these no namers, with zero refernce to the FUTURE James Kash?? As far as im concerned, our relationship is over. You see Page, Me and You are now enemies. You’ve broken up MY FAMILY, My ONLY family I’ve EVER had. You’ve broken up the mobb, a job I thought could NEVER be done, but you framed Montana with those drug charges. I know it, Everyone knows it! You might have been able to get rid of Montana, but his legacy and the mobb WILL live on! Bank on it! James Kash will be your New Leader of the Mobb.

Bruce Page: Not under my watch Kash, you see I got more law enforcement in the back to contain a small country.

A Man Yells “ Wait just a damn minuteâ€

Marcus Marshall comes out to the ring, in his wrestling attire.

Marshall: Now page, I know you run a clean ship, and if theres one man in the IWF you can trust its ME.

The crowd Boo’s.

Marshall: Page you have nothing to worry about, just reinvoke my Money in the Bank contract, and Nobody is going to get hurt. You see, I got word from Montana, that he wanted ME to restart the mobb with Marcus Marshall now in charge. James kash as the Cappo.

Kash gives him a strange look.

Bruce : You guys gotta get the hell out of my ring, this is a wrestling show, not a winey show on lifetime. Its Mayhem Night Mayhem, Its time for some Action!

Kash: What did you say, WE call the shots around here, and guess what, It IS time for some action. Only problem is that is the two of us against 1 Bruce Page. I don’t care how many coppers you got back there.

As Kash Steps in Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva plays over the arena as Kendo and Miller run down to the ring and make the save. Kendo and Kash are going at it, as Marshall and Miller are slugging it out. Finally Kendo superkicks Kash over the top as Miller clotheslines Marcus to the outside. The securtity comes down to break it up and take Kash and marcus to the back as the camera moves to the top of the Ramp as Talon Storm appears with a black leather jacket with a cross on the back. Storm has bulked and gained almost 60 lbs of muscle it looks like. Talon looks on at all four men in the ring.


Kerry Lane: We are back folks, and it looks like Bruce Page has gotten things under control, as we are about to have our first tag match and it will feature an 8 man match.

Josh Hart: Mayhem is guaranteed in this match. Too many ego’s in one ring.

Kerry: I wonder what Bruce has in store for the tag team championships? Will ADC get their belts back? They fought off three of the best teams at Final Impact to retain.

Josh: Their title was legendary as they held the belts longer than any other champions.

The V Boys make there way to the ring, and taunt the crowd. ADC’s music play’s as the fans Boo at an alarming levels. They appear tired of the these two, and their antics. Team Titans music plays and the crowd roars, as the titan signs are being held high. Pro Wrestling Illustrated rated them the #1 Tag Team to watch in 2007. They hop in and jump on the ropes as the fans cheer them on. The Wallace Bros music plays as the fans remain standing as everyone cheers and claps for the legends. Several fans bow, as many didn’t expect to see these two back. Jessica announces the competitors, and...

Team Titan + the Wallace Bros vs. the V Boys and ADC

Before the referee calls for the bell, all three teams turn to ADC, as they have a bull’s eye on their back. Jay Adams and Nick Davis look at each other as the 6 men charge at them. Charlie titan spears Jay, as Hard Knox and Chuck Wallace take down Nick Davis. A Beat Down ensues as the fans go wild, but we still have a match. The V boys now turn to Charlie Titan as Charlie tries to fight off both. They push Charlie back to the other side on the ring, and double team him. John Wallace and Havoc are going at it toe to toe on the other side. Chuck Wallace throws both members of ADC out of the ring. Chuck yells at the crowd asking if they want tables, and they respond back positively. Chuck pulls out a table under the ring, as he whips Jay into the guardrail, and Nick into the steps. The V Boys remain doing double team moves to Charlie Titan.

Chuck sets up the table and tells the crowd to get up as he grabs some lighter fluid. Chuck is going to try and end someone career here tonight. He grabs Jay Adams and drops him on the floor with a Death Valley driver. Jay Appears out, as chuck pulls him up and on the table. Chuck goes and looks for the lighter as Chuck is searching Nick Davis takes him out with a killer clothesline that turns him inside out. Hard Knox grabs Charlie for a back breaker as he demands Jason to go to the top. Havoc is now gaining the upper hand on John Wallace as he throws John over the top with a belly to Belly Suplex. Havoc see’s his partner in trouble and he charges at Jason and knocks him off the top rope all the way down to the floor. Hard Knox drops Charlie and goes after Havoc, but he press slams Hard Knox to the mat. It’s now left with a 2 on 1 in the ring. As ADC and the Wallace’s is now getting Hardcore as John swings a chair at the members of ADC. Havoc does a big boot to Hard Knox as he gets up slowly and sets him up for a power bomb. Charlie slowly goes up to the top as Havoc has him up on his shoulder. Charlie leaps off the top and take him out with a neck breaker as Havoc throws him down with a power bomb. Charlie makes the cover as Havoc makes sure no one breaks it up. 1, 2, 3,

Jessica: Your winner of the match; Team Titan and Wallace Bros.

ADC and the Wallace’s continue to battle all the way through the crowd and to the back as Team Titan celebrates in the ring.

Kerry: Bad Blood between these teams still exist. The Wallace’s and ADC will hate each other for life. We still have several more great matches in store for you tonight! Stay Tuned.


Jessica Lock: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, He weighs in tonight at 290 ponds and hails from Japan He is the Great Aria!

The Janpanese National Anthem begins to play as The Great Aria makes his way to the ring, The fans are about to riot, They throw rubbish at Aria as he slides into the ring, Aria then spits towards the fans then pushes a cameraman of the ring apron.

Jessica Lock: And introducing his opponment He hails from Miami Florida and he weighs in tonight at 267 pounds, He is the Rock n Roll King Serge!

Fozzy by Liverwire begins to play The arena goes black then a spotlight appears at the top of the ramp we see serge lowered down to the entrance ramp playing the gutiar in his hands. As he lands on the ground he takes off his guitar and walks down to the ring with a coxy swagger.

The Great Arai vs Serge

Serge sildes into the ring then gets to his feet, Aria throws a big right hand at Serge as the bell rings, Serge moves out of the way then hits a Standing Drop Kick on Aria knocking him off his feet, Aria falls back and bounces off the ropes then Serge delivers a huge Big Boot to Aria knocking him over the top rope as the crowd begins to chant "Aria Sucks"

Josh Hart: When will these fans shut up.

Kerry Lane: Josh these fans arnt the biggest Serge fans either.

Serge hops onto the ring apron then jumps at Aria but Aria moves out of the way sending Serge head first into the Steel Baricade.

Kerry Lane: Head first into the Barricade that has got to hurt.

The Great Aria drives to elbows to the back of Serge then he Irish Whip's Serge shoulder first into the Steel Steps. Serge slowly turns around with his hand on his shoulder then he is hit by a massive Drop Kick sending him over the top rope and out of the ring. The Great Aria spit's towards the crowd as the crowd boo. Aria then hops out of the ring and walks up to a fan booing The Great Aria, Aria goes to throw a big right hand at the fan but he is tackled by Serge the two men then brawl on the mats outside the ring, They trade blows while then are down and rolls along the mats brawling. The ref gets up to a eight count and the two wrestlers continue to brawl outside the ring, The ref counts nine then ten and calls for the bell.

Jessica Lock: The following contest was a double countout therefor we have no winner of the match.

Aria gets to his feet then Serge gets to his feet and Serge is hit by a huge Death Kick to the eyes, The Great Aria raises his hands as the crowd boos.


Jessica Lock: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first from Rouge, Louisiana The Impact Player Christian Vengeance.

Pendulum by Blood Sugar is heard throughout the arena as The Impact Player walks down to the ring, No real noise is coming from the crowd as Vengeance hops into the ring and raises his hands.

Jessica Lock: And introuducing his opponment, He hails from San Diego California and weighs in tonight at 245 pounds, He is the Californian Crippler Charlie Wayne.

Fly by Sugar Ray begins to play as White lights light the arena, Wayne strolls out of the curtain with a baseball bat, he swings it in the air, and walks to the ring lip singing to his song as the crowd go bilistic.

Charlie Wayne vs Christian Vengance

Both men circle eachother in the ring as the crowd begin to chant "Wayne", Wayne looks around and smiles he looks back at Vengeance and walks towards him, Vengeance stands his ground and takes a big right hand punch by Charlie Wayne then Vengeance fires a huge right hand punch at Charlie Wayne, Wayne ducks then tackles Vengeance into the turnbuckle, Wayne drives his shoulder into the gut of Wayne three times in a row then lifts Vengeance in the air and hits a massive SpineBuster on him. Charlie Wayne jumps on Vengeance for the cover 1..........2........ Vengeance kicks out.

Kerry Lane: He showed alot of heart there kicking out to a huge SpineBuster.

Charlie Wayne waits for Vengeance to get to his feet then Wayne runs at Vengeance and goes for a clothesline from hell but Vengeance moves out of the way, Wayne bounces off the ropes and runs back at Christian Vengeance only to reseave Flying Leg to the jaw, Charlie Wayne crumbles into the mat as Vengeance climbs to the top rope, Christian Vengeance jumps at Charlie Wayne and hits the Flying Elbow to the gut of Charlie Wayne. Vengeance covers Charlie Wayne 1..........2.. Charlie Wayne gets his shoulders off the mat. Vengeance guides Wayne to his feet and goes for a Suplex but Charlie Wayne reverses it into a Suplex of his own, Wayne then jumps on Vengeance for the cover 1..........2..... Vengeance kicks out at 2 and a half.

Josh Hart: Wayne nearly had The Impact Player there.

Charlie Wayne locks on a Head Lock in the centre of the ring, Vengeance trys hard to break the hold but he has no luck, Vengeance gets onto on knee and drives two elbows to the gut as Wayne releases the hold, Vengeance gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes and runs at Wayne, Wayne ducks a clothesline attempt then hits three German Suplexes on Christian Vengeance. Vengeance gets to his feet only to get slapped in the face by Charlie Wayne then Wayne raises his hand as the crowd cheer, Vengeance throws a big right hand at Wayne and Wayne fires one back at Vengeance both men trade blows in the centre of the ring then Charlie Wayne kicks Vengeance in the mid-section twice and lifts Vengeance up for the Sunset County Driver and Charlie Wayne hits it.

Kerry Lane: That's it no one can kick out to the Sunset County Driver.

Josh Hart: Thanks for coming now go home.

Charlie Wayne covers Christian Vengeance 1..........2.........3

Jessica Lock: Here is your winner the Californian Crippler Charlie Wayne.

Josh Hart: Well what a win there by Charlie Wayne but we still have bigger things planned for tonight thats right our Main Event is going to be huge it is James Kash vs Chris Kendo.

Kerry Lane: And can you beleive that we still have another two ripper matches, Cahan Malone vs Red Jak and RJC Cool will face Marcus Marshall.

Josh Hart: It is great to be back.

Kerry Lane: Thank Bruce Page for that Josh Hart.

Josh Hart: Now why would I do that, Bruce Page closed down this buisness we would never have had this mess if it wasent for him, He closed down the buisness took away our titles and Kerry Lane we lost out job for a year and what can you say about that.

Kerry Lane: Well Josh you should be thankful that Bruce Page opened the IWF back up.

Josh Hart: Ive had enough of you Kerry lets go to out next match.

Jessica Lock: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first from Ann Arbor, Michigan, He weighs in tonight at 195 pounds He is Red Jak.

30-30 150 by Stone Sour hits as Red Jak pushes his way through the curtain as the crowd cannot beleive that Red Jak is back. Red Jak cockily walks down to the ring as the crowd dont really make much noise as they are in shock. Red Jak hops into the ring and raises his hands.

Jessica Lock: And introducing his opponment, He hails from Dublin Ireland and weighs in tonight at 201 pounds, He is Cahan Malone!

Revenga by System of a Down plays as Cahan Malone hops onto the stage with microphone in hand. The crowd begins to boo Cahan Malone.

Cahan: Shut Up.

The fans continue to boo Cahan Malone.

Cahan: I guess you idiots dont know the meaning of Shut Your Trap.

Cahan begins walking down the ramp.

Cahan: What do we have here, Red Jak, Well Red Jak why you where off crying late last year I was doing what I do best and that was kicking some a**.

The crowd begin to boo as Cahan stops infront of the ring and stares at Red Jak.

Cahan: Red Jak I am the The Past, I am the present and I am the future of the IWF.

Cahan drops the mic then rolls under the bottom rope as the bell rings.

Cahan Malone vs Red Jak

Cahan and Red Jak trade blows in the centre of the ring, Cahan gets the upper hand and takes Red Jak to the turnbuckle. Cahan hops onto the second rope and begins throwing vicious punches to the head of Red Jak. Cahan hops off the second rope then Irish Whip's Jak into the turnbucke, Cahan then runs at Red Jak but Red Jak moves out of the way as Cahan smashes chest first into the turnbuckle, Cahan is then rolled up by Red Jak 1...........2...... Cahan kicks out at two and a half. Both men get up and stare at eachother.

Kerry Lane: What a match this has been so far.

Cahan and Red Jak lock arms then Cahan drives his knee to the stomach of Cahan then Red Jak hits a hurricanna on Cahan Malone, Cahan gets up quickly and walks into a Spinning Wheel Kick. Red Jak then raises his left arm as Cahan slowly gets to his feet with help from the ropes, Cahan gets to his feet then runs at Red Jak, Red Jak moves out of the way and Cahan goes flying over the top rope. Red Jak hops out of the ring then guides Cahan Malone to his feet and goes for the Side Affect but Cahan elbows Red Jak twice then hits a devastating DDT on Red Jak on the mats outside the ring. Cahan gets to his feet and rolls Red Jak into the ring. Cahan walks over to a fan and begins badmouthing him then Cahan Malone slides into the ring and then he is attacked by Red Jak. Red Jak drives elbows to the back of Cahan Malone then stomps him while he is down three times, Cahan trys to get up but is then kicked in the ribs by Red Jak, Cahan falls out of the ring under the bottom rope and onto the mats outside the ring. Red Jak climbs to the top rope then jumps at Cahan as he gets to his feet and hits a Cross Body on Cahan. Red Jak gets to his feet then guides Cahan Malone to his feet and smashes Cahan's head into the Steel Step, He trys to smash Cahan's head into the Steel Step against but Cahan reverses it and smashes Red Jak's head into the Steel Steps. Cahan then Irish Whip's Cahan into the Barricade as the ref gets to a eight count. Cahan slides into the ring then hops out of the ring breaking up the countout. Cahan grabs Red Jak and slides him into the ring, Cahan hops into the ring, Red Jak slowly gets to his feet then Cahan bounces off the ropes and runs back at Red Jak, Cahan spears Red Jak.

Josh Hart: What a Spear, Have you ever seen a Spear like that.

Kerry Lane: I dont think so Josh, Boy its great to have the IWF back.

Cahan guides Red Jak to his feet then hits a devastating Celtic Cross on Red Jak. Cahan then screams out I am the Past, The Present and the Future of The IWF. Cahan then drives his elbow into the face of Red Jak for the pin 1..........2..........3

Jessica Lock: Here is your winner Cahan Malone!

The crowd begins to boo as Cahan Malone climbs to the top rope and hits a Flying Headbut on Red Jak.


Kerry Lane: Welcome back, What a match we have for you here Marcus Marshall vs RJC Cool both men are in the ring and are ready to get it on.

RJC and Marshall circle eachother then lock arms in the centre of the ring, RJC Cool then throws headbuts Marcus Marshall, Marcus Marshall falls back into the canvas. RJC then goes for an elbow to the stomach but Marshall moves out of the way sending RJC elbow first into the canvas. Marcus Marshall then drives his knee into the face of RJC. RJC gets to his feet and throws vicious punches at Marcus Marshall, Marshall keeps his hands up and blocks all the punches then Marshall kicks RJC in the mid section, RJC falls foward onto Marcus Marshall then Marshall hits a devsatating DDT on RJC Cool. Marshall then covers RJC Cool 1..........2........ RJC Cool gets his right shoulder off the mat as Marcus Marshall sits up yelling at the ref. RJC Cool gets to his feet then kicks Marshall in the leg as he is yelling at the ref. RJC then hits a Baseball Slide Kick onto Marcus Marshall's right leg knocking him off his feet. Marshall rolls around the ring holding his leg as the fans cheer. RJC Cool then begins to stomp Marcus Marshall's right leg then RJC begins throwing right hand punches to the leg. RJC guides Marshall to his feet and then goes for a huge clothesline but Marshall ducks then hits a Drop Kick on RJC Cool. Marshall holds his right leg as he gets to his feet, Marcus Marshall hops around the ring then throws a big right hand punch at RJC Cool knocking him off his feet. RJC Cool gets to his feet quickly and begins to trade blows with Marcus Marshall, Marshall gets the upper hand and continues to solg away on RJC Cool until RJC kicks Marshall in the right leg, Marcus Marshall falls into the canvas as RJC Cool locks on the Ankle Lock. Marcus Marshall is trapped in the centre of the ring, Marshall is about to tap, Marshall grabs the ref's leg and pulls it as the ref falls back hard into the canvas. Marshall begins to tap.

Josh Hart: He's tapping.

Kerry Lane: The ref can't see it Josh, The ref can't see it.

RJC breaks the hold and walks over to the ref, RJC trys to help the ref up but is then hit by a Marcus Marshall low blow from behind. Marcus Marshall slowly gets to his feet and hops towards RJC Cool, Marcus Marshall guides a hurt RJC Cool to his feet and hits a Devastating RKO on RJC sending him face first into the canvas. Marcus Marshall smirks as bodys are lying everywhere in the ring then "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot plays as the arena goes black, Red pyros shoot off, The lights turn back on and Marcus Marshall is lying motionless in the ring.

Josh Hart: What the Hell happned there.

Kerry Lane: I think that was Tyrus Helms, Tyrus Helms has attcked Marcus Marshall.

RJC Cool puts his right hand over Marcus Marshall as the ref slowly gets to his feet, The ref see's the pin and slides in for the count 1..............2.................3

Jessica Lock: Here is your winner RJC Cool !

Kerry: We have a special guest backstage!

Aussie Battler: This Thursday I go against Mike Nigel Manase in a steel cage match on Hardcore Impact. And how fitting seeing as how I was the former Xtreme Champion. Now MNM I have a few words for you. This match will be one of the best of my careers and I’m going to take you to the limit until you are going to wish you never walked into that cage. Now I’m on a journey for gold and not secondary gold this time but top gold and MNM you’re my first step to getting there…

All of a sudden you hear steel meeting bone as MNM rushes in and slams a chair into Battler. MNM grabs the mic from Battlers motionless hands.

MNM: Battler everyone’s tired of hearing you and they’d rather be listening to their favorite superstar on the roster Mike Nigel Manase. Now before your little accident I overheard you saying that you are going to make me wish I never stepped foot into the cage. Ha that’s amusing your not as extreme as you think you are Battler and everyone on the roster knows that. They all know that you need to use championships to cover up for your lacking skill and I can’t wait for Thursday so I can make sure you will never be able to wrestle again.

MNM drops the mic picks up the chair and slams it down one more time on Aussie Battler.


Josh Hart: Welcome Back we still have one huge match left tonight.

Kerry Lane: Speaking of huge matches, Bruce Page just announced the The Aussie Battler will face MnM inside a Steel Cage this Thursday on Hardcore Impact.

Josh Hart: Do not miss Hardcore Impact this week.

Kerry Lane: Both men in that match in my eyes are the future of this buisness.

Josh Hart: Speaking about the future in this next match we have James Kash and Chris Kendo.

Kerry Lane: Over to Jessica Lock in the ring.

Jessica Lock: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first from South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The MMA Machine Chris Kendo !

Ladies and Gentleman by Saliva plays as dark Purple and White pyros blast off lightly, Kendo stands at the top of the ramp, hoodie on with the hood over his head, looking down. Only white pyros now blast off wildly and Kendo lifts up his head so the head comes off. He then walks down the ramp, claps the fans hands, slides into the ring, pulls off his hoodie and throws it into the crowd.

Jessica Lock: And introducing his opponment, He hails from Lake Jackson, Texas. He is one of three members of the Riot, He is James " The Future " Kash !

Lights go out followed by massive Green Pyros emitting from the stage and then Pain by Three Days Grace starts at the chorus and James Kash steps out onto the stage and taunts at the top of the ramp followed by money falling down the ramp as James Kash makes his way down to the ring. James Kash raises his hands out the front of the ring then Chris Kendo hops out of the ring and hits a huge Roundhouse Kick on James Kash knocking him off his feet. Chris Kendo grabs James Kash and rolls him into the ring. Chris Kendo climbs to the top rope as the bell rings.

James Kash vs Chris Kendo
Chris Kendo and James Kash circle around the ring before locking up in the middle of the ring. Kash gets a cheap shot with a right hand to the kidney of Kendo. Kendo holds his side from the cheap shot and than Kash takes him down to the mat with a clothesline. Kash stomps away at Kendo on the mat and than locks on an armbar in the middle of the ring. Kendo is yelling from the pain, and Kash just adds the pressure. Kendo starts to fight towards the ropes and is able to grab the bottom rope. Kash keeps the lock held on and the ref starts the count. The ref gets to four and Kash doesn’t release until four and a half. Kash makes it back to his feet and guides Kendo back to his. Kash sends Kendo towards the ropes with an irish whip and when Kendo bounces back Kash takes him down to the mat with a back body drop. Kash bounces off the ropes and connects with a leg drop across the back of the head of Kendo. Kash makes the quick cover and the ref gets down for the count, but Kendo is able to kick out at two and a half. Kash guides Kendo back to his feet and Kendo surprises Kash with big right hands. Kendo sends Kash to the ropes with an irish whip and when Kash bounces back Kendo takes him down to the mat with a flapjack. Kendo guides Kash back to his feet and connects with the reverse STO. Kendo climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle and than jumps at James Kash and hits the Frog Splash then he covers James Kash.

Josh Hart: It may be over already.

1..........2..... James Kash gets hit left shoulder off the mat. Chris Kendo fires away at James Kash and throws vicious punches at Kash while he is down, Kendo guides Kash to his feet then Irish Whip's him into the turnbuckle. Kendo walks over to Kash and hits punch combinations all over James Kash's body. Kendo goes for a big right hand but Kash ducks then hits a massive SpineBuster on Chris Kendo. James Kash gets to his feet and does the Destiny taunt as the fans boo. Chris Kendo gets to his feet then is hit by a huge Sambo Suplex. James Kash hits a Splash on Chris Kendo then covers 1..........2....... Kendo kicks out at two and a half. A frustrated James Kash covers Kendo again 1..... Kendo kicks out once again. James Kash drives his elbow into the face of Chris Kendo for the cover 1..........2.. Chris Kendo kicks out again. James Kash guides Chris Kendo to his feet and hits a huge Powerbomb, James Kash guides Kendo to his feet and hits another huge Powerbomb on Chirs Kendo. Kendo squirms around the ring then is guided to his feet by James Kash, Kash lifts Kendo up and goes for a third Powerbomb but Kendo turns it into a huge DDT, James Kash hits the canvas hard. Both men lie motionless on the canvas as the ref begins to count 1.......................2......................3.......................4..................5................6........ Both men slowly move towards the ropes ........7.................8 James Kash gets to his feet then runs at Chris Kendo who is on one knee holding the second rope, Kash drives his knee into the face of Chris Kendo.

Kerry Lane: Chris Kendo could be out cold.

James Kash smiles as Chris Kendo lies on the canvas, James Kash guides Chris Kendo to his feet, Kendo throws a huge right hand at James Kash but Kash ducks then hits a devastating Back Cracker on Chirs Kendo. Kash gets to his feet and smirks as Kendo rolls around on the canvas holding his back. James Kash drives and elbow to the gut of Chris Kendo then covers him 1..........2......... Kendo kicks out, A frsutrated James Kash gets to his feet and begins to stomp away on Kendo, Kash then throws vicious punches to the head of Chris Kendo, Kash throws about ten punches the the skull until the ref pulls James Kash away. Kash turns towards the ref and begins to scream into his face, Kash is about to throw a big right hand punch at the ref but is then rolled up by Chris Kendo from behind 1..........2........ James Kash gets his shoulders off the mat then quickly jumps on Chris Kendo and throws more punches the the head of Chris Kendo, James Kash hops off Chris Kendo as blood pours down his head.

Josh Hart: Chris Kendo has been busted open.

James Kash screams at Chris Kendo while he is down and nearly out. James Kash climbs to the top rope and holds the destiny taunt then Chris Kendo slowly gets to his feet as blood continues to pour down his head and onto the mat, Chris Kendo tunrs around and is then hit by a massive Shoulder Block off the top rope. James Kash then covers Chris Kendo 1..........2.........

Kerry Lane: Is that it.

Josh Hart: I think so Kerry.

Chris Kendo gets his right shoulder off the mat.

Kerry Lane: He kicked out, Chris Kendo kicked out.

James Kash gets to his feet and walks over to the ref, Kash screams "that was three" to the ref then James Kash kicks the bottom rope in frustration, James Kash then turns around and is hit by Chris Kendo kick and punch combinations, Kash trys to defend himself but cannot block a punch. Chris Kendo then Irish Whip's James Kash into the turnbuckle then he runs at Kash looking for a Spear but James Kash moves out of the way and Chris Kendo hits the Steel Post shoulder first. Kendo is then hit by a huge DDT. James Kash guides Chris Kendo to his feet and trys to lock on a arm bar but Kendo drives Elbows to the stomach of Kash then reverses the hold and locks a arm bar on James Kash then Kash reverses the arm bar again and locks it in as the fans begin to get behind Chris Kendo and chant "Kendo". Kendo drives two elbows to the stomach of James Kash then turns around and hits a huge Belly to Belly Suplex on James Kash. Chris Kendo then see's the opening and quickly climbs to the top rope and jumps at James Kash, Chris Kendo hits the Frog Splash then covers Kash 1..........2....... James Kash throws Chris Kendo off him then gets to his feet and is hit by a Chris Kendo roundhouse kick knocking James Kash off his feet. Chris Kendo waits for James Kash to get to his feet then Kendo hits the Kendo Buster on James Kash, Kash hits the canvas hard and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope.

Kerry Lane: That has to be it the Kendo Buster.

Josh Hart: James Kash is out of the ring Kerry, Chris Kendo cannot pin him there.

Chris Kendo slowly gets to his feet, a tired Chris Kendo falls back down onto the canvas as the ref begins to count James Kash out 1.................2...................3....................4...................5................6 Chris Kendo rolls under the bottom rope then walks towards James Kash, Kendo grabs James Kash then Kash turns around and drives a Steel Chair into Chris Kendo's stomach, Kendo stays on his feet then James Kash gets to his feet and smashes the Steel Chair over Chirs Kendo's head knocking him out cold as the ref calls for the bell.

James Kash then smirks and guides Chris Kendo to his feet and hits Down Payment on Chirs Kendo.

Kerry Lane: That is adding insult to injury.

Jessica Lock: The winner off the match by -----

James Kash pushes Jessica Lock over and grabs the mic off her.

James Kash: Bruce Page I have got a big suprise for you on Hardcore Impact this Thursday.

James Kash drops the mic and smirks as the fans boo.

Josh Hart: There is only one way to find out what James Kash's big suprise for Bruce Page is and that is to watch Hardcore Impact.

Kerry Lane: Goodnight and thank you for watching Monday Night Mayhem.

The screen fades to dark black ending with EMT's and officials rushing towards Chris Kendo outside the ring.


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Dec 17, 2010
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- While WWE officials have been high on Alex Riley as of late, there was a lot of second-guessing him after his WWE Title tournament match with The Miz on this past Monday’s RAW from Green Bay. There is talk of slowing Riley’s push down big time unless he improves in the ring. There was concern backstage on Monday that Riley would injure The Miz because of how sloppy he was being.
No source so take it for what it's worth. Personally I don't like anything about the guy so i'm not overly fussed but once his feud is done with Miz, then he should just get thrown into the mix in the midcard with someone like Ziggler and see how he gets on there.


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He had a good start for a face turn but I knew they wouldn't do much with it as they haven't given him time to develop his own character. So not surprised that he isn't gonna get hot shotted. Plus them not giving him much mic time since being face hurts since he is mostly that a mic skills guy.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Meltzer mentioned something about this on the Wrestling Observer radio. It does seem in recent weeks that A-Ry's push has lost steam, as he was on fire after he left Miz's side. They could easily put him into a feud with Ziggler for the US Title, so we don't keep seeing Kofi/Dolph feuding over the title.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Knew this would happen, WWE can not get behind any faces and haven't for the past couple years or so. PUSH FACES DAMMIT.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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There are many ways around not having Ziggler/Kofi wrestle each other anymore. I think Ryder would be a better fit currently to feud with Ziggler. Riley doesn't need to be that option not yet anyways. He needs to conclude this thing with The Miz before he does anything else.