Donnie watches NWA-TNA 2003

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November 5th, 2003
TNA Asylum

Tonight; Jeff Jarrett vs The Man Called Sting. The start of the Triple Chance

In the carpark, Jimmy Hart says Jeff's biggest nightmare might be under the tip of his nose.

Match#1 The Gathering vs Kid Kash & Lazz
Tenay speculates that TNA are fucking with Kash by teaming him with a jobber because they hate him, and it's not the worst story to explain this weird team. This is a fun showcase for the kids with some fun Kash heel work thrown in. Kash kicks Julio in the dick to isolate him and he leads the work because Lazz is a jobber who doesn't know how to control. Lazz tags in and fucks it up and Punker gets the hot tag. They get rid of Kash and beat Lazz with a Doomsday Blockbuster called Near Death Xperience.

Post match, Kash beats up Lazz for being bad. Abyss comes down and beats up Kash for a while until Kash runs through the crowd and out the back door of the asylum.

In Raven's lair, Raven says this is the twilight of the Gods and the Church has been broken and they're last men left. He says Mitchell's new parish will be in HELL. Not his best work, but this feud is over, so whatever.

In the ring, Tenay brings Jarrett out for his weekly 10 minute segment. Not sure if this is worse than Triple H at this point, but Jeff at least has AJ to work with. So, call it even. Jeff has a magazine from Japan with Hogan's bloody face on it, and a German one that wants to know when Hogan is coming to TNA. He says AAA wants to host the match in front of 50k. Sure, Jan. Tenay again tries to ask about the fucking BATB angle and Jeff snaps at him and kicks him out of the ring. Jesus, take a hint you smug little fuck. Jeff tries to talk but AJ's music hits and he's in the crowd among HIS people. Jeff calls him a redneck just like them and AJ owns it!! AJ tells him to worry about him and no one else, Jeff says he got dragged out last week and he ain't worried. AJ demands his rematch and he wants to know when. Jeff says he's got too many people gunning for him and he's got press after to him, and AJ isn't on that level and he can't hang. AJ loses it and says the people NEED him in the heavyweight division and the X-Division no longer needs him, and he's going to knock off Jeff. COMPETITION IS HIS LIFE, THIS WHAT HE DOES FOR A LIVING. AND IT STARTS NOW AND HE RUSHES THE RING AND FINALLY FIGHTS JEFF AGAIN. Awesome brawl as always and AJ fits right back as the babyface with all the fire in the world. The shitty shirts try to stop him and AJ FUCKING DROPS THEM BOTH. HE WALKS BACK INTO A GROSS CHAIR SHOT AND THE RED SHIRTS BEAT HIM UP IN THE CROWD. Jeff gets on the mic and says Sting is going to be his next victim. He'll see the batman in an hour, choke on that.

Back in the crowd, the shirts are still beating AJ up. They open the door to throw him out, BUT ABYSS COMES THROUGH IT AND PUNCHES THE FUCK OUT OF THEM. DW says Abyss was on the hunt for Kash and he must be hitting anything that moves. God Bless. He beats them back to the ring and holds his own until the numbers get him. They drag him back in the ring and try to beat him, but he fights them off. He kills Wilson with the BHS and closelines the fuck out of Northcutt. Callis is in the ring watching and Abyss snatches him by the throat, but the red shirts save again. He gets one up for the Shock Treatment and Callis demands he put him down or else, AND ABYSS DROPS HIM WITH THE SHOCK TREATMENT AND CHASES AFTER CALLIS, Holy fuck, what an awesome angle.

In the back, Mitchell says he's a teacher not a fighter, and Raven always preys on the weak and that's why Mitchell was kicked out the groups years ago. He says he has a brain of his own and that's why Raven hates him, and he's going to outsmart him tonight and don't underestimate his mind.

Match#2 Shane Douglas vs The Sandman
Sandman is finally back and fighting Shane like it's 96, but without Shane actually being good. He does his best to make it fun by taking the Belly To Belly into the fucking guardrail. Sadly, Shane's control is terrible as he sits in a bad chinlock for a while, and Tenay tries to say by saying he's working on the bad neck, but Shane does nothing to actually get the across. Sandman's comeback is a sloppy drunk mess and not in a good way as he misses a ton, and Shane is caught waiting on a lot of stuff. Traci Brooks shows up and jumps onto Sandman and Tenay shouts "PIE IN THE SKY" for some reason. Sandman gets rid of her but walks back into a B2B, which he kicks out of so Shane hits another to win. Jesus, what a mess.

Shane gets on the mic and tells us to take a look at the new member of the New Franchise. Traci says there is nothing she wouldn't do for him. Gross.

In the back, Jimmy cuts another terrible promo before Sting walks on and screams about showtime.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted vs Ekmo Fatu & Sonny Siaki w/Trinity
Tenay says he's shocked they didn't come to AJ's aid before, like they aren't heels and AJ isn't back as the top face. Fucking goof. AMW finally get someone good again in Ekmo, and TNA gives us maybe half of what we need, and instead lets Sonny do the bulk of the work. Anything Fatu does it awesome though and makes it worth the pain of Sonny. Storm gets isolated and it's fine, but nowhere near good as it could be thanks to Sonny being a dull man. Harris and Fatu get tagged in and that shit is wonderful as Harris does his best to drop the big man and Fatu wreaks his day. It all breaks down and Ekmo accidentally takes out Siaki with a spear, but Trinity throws in a chair to Harris and he uses it and brains Ekmo. Wait what. He kicks out, so DY runs down and hits Harris with a racket and Sonny hits the neckbreaker to win.

In the back, Team Disco thanks DY for his help and lets him in the group. DY says he got him a present, a match with 3LK tonight. Disco is scared but the others bait him into it.

Hype for the Triple Chance.

Match#4 X-Division Battle Royal (5 Seeds advance to round two)
Low Ki, Sabin, Dutt, Shark Boy, Johnny Storm, Chad Collyer, Daniels, PCO under a mask being called X. PCO murders people because he's fucking PCO and that's his thing. Everyone in this aside from maybe Storm is good to great, so this rocks. DW calls X the "X Factor" because he's the best. Lots of crazy spots and close calls, and Tenay drops the famous "It's not about weight limits, it's about NO limits". X kills Storm with a nasty powerbomb and gets rid of him and Sharky. Daniels/Ki work together and it's the best again. X throws Sonjay out to the floor. Final 5 is X, Daniels, Ki, Collyer and Sabin. XXX beat up Collyer and get rid of him and he's #5. Shane is watching from the balcony again. PCO hits a chokebomb on Daniels and and kills Ki with a Bucklebomb and a butterfly suplex. FUCK YEAH X. The other 3 finally try to take him out and do well until it all breaks down again. Awesome stuff from the other 3 and it's so nice to get to see Ki and Sabin. Ki/Daniels fight for the first time in a year. Sabin shoves them both out when Ki is choking Daniels. X/Sabin fucking rules for the 30 seconds it gets. PCO HITS A FUCKING PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ONTO A CHAIR AND AND THROWS SABIN OUT.

In the back, Callis keeps avoiding talking about Abyss and praises X for being amazing. He talks about Piper being insane and stuff. Red Shirts walk on and say they know where "he" is, and they run off to find this person.

A really terrible Piper video airs where he teases fighting Hogan again. truly can't stand him post 96.

Match#5 3 Live Kru vs Disco Inferno & David Young
Oh god. Horrible stuff again. Can't understand why anyone allowed Konnan, BG and Disco in a ring, but life is full of mysteries. Lots bad wrestling for a while and it's not the fun kind we laugh at, sadly. BG hits DY with a tennis racket and Truth hits the Axe Kick to beat him

Post match, Team Disco and 3LK have a bad fight before AMW join in and help the faces clean house. Harris gets on the mic and again demands a fucking rematch. Spoiler, our heroes never beat Team Disco and don't get the belts back until June 04, so none of this matter. BG is angry at them and for stepping in front of the line, and then Sonny and Ekmo come out, and DW calls the division a mess. Sonny says they're next because they beat AMW for Disco. Disco runs off and we get no resolution for this nonsense.

Hype for Raven/Mitchell.

Match#6 Raven vs Father James Mitchell (Last Man Standing)
The feel good murder of Mitchell, and the end of a feud that ran its course long ago. Mitchell gets a GUSHER and it's nasty and scary, and perfect. The Gathering show up and try and help, and for the 100th time Raven tells them to fuck off. I swear everyone in TNA is just really dumb. EVENFLOW does it after Raven murders this poor bastard.

Post match, Raven throws him over the top rope and murders him for all the shit he put him through. He promised him he would end this and now HE HAS DESTINY TO FULFILL AND HE'S COMING FOR JEFF JARRETT. He tells the Gathering he want to do it alone and he's setting them free because he walks alone. Punk begs him not to and Raven walks off. Punk is full on single white female and it's sad as shit.

Low Ki runs down to the ring and grabs the mic. Next week he's fighting Daniels and XXX is dead, and all he can do is be ready.

Match#7 Sting vs Jeff Jarrett
Sting beating the piss out of one of the most annoying motherfuckers at the start of one of the most annoying reigns of terror is an all time cathartic moment. Classic Sting offence with Jeff being the perfect man to take it because he knows better than most how to do this the way it's meant to be. He control a tiny bit, but just lets Sting run over the top of him and bust him open, you can't not love it. Sting has it won after the Deathdrop but Callis pulls the ref out and Jeff uses the title and Jimmy tells the ref and he doesn't count. The Red Shirts come out and attack him and Jeff uses the chair and it's finally over.

Red Shirts beat up Sting and Jeff joins in AND RAVEN SHOWS UP AND GOES FACE TO FACE WITH JEFF AND SMILES AT HIM, AND THEY FIGHT AGAIN. FUCK YES. Red Shirts attack him and he's forced to fight them off, and another thing gets in the way of destiny. Jeff hits him with a chair, AND AJ SHOWS UP AND HITS A PHENOMENAL FOREARM ON THE SHIRTS AND BEATS JEFF'S HEAD IN. The Shirts get him as well and hits a neckbreaker/powerbomb combo and AJ dies off it. Abyss now runs out and the heels run for the hills and AJ raises his hand, AND ABYSS TURNS HIM INTO THE FUCKING BLACK HOLE SLAM , AND CALLIS CELEBRATES. ABYSS WAS HIM. JEFF TRIES THE GUITAR BUT STING SMASHES IT WITH THE BAT AND BEATS THE HOLY HELL OUT OF ALL THE HEELS. HE IS STING. Callis gets on the mic and says Raven will never be the champion and the Red Shirts will take him out. Fuck no. Sting gets on the mic and says he likes TNA and he's coming back next week, and he wants AJ Styles to be his partner. Hell yeah, Sting teaming with his one true successor. Jeff agrees to it and says he's teaming with LEX LUGER. Sting is shocked because famously trustworthy Flexy Lexy has turned on him for the 30th time.

Incredible closing angle, and a damn fun show
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November 12th, 2003
TNA Asylum


Tonight; AJ Styles & Sting vs Jeff Jarrett & Lex Luger. Raven & ? vs Red Shirts.

For the 3rd week in a row we kick off with Jimmy Hart in the car park.Please go away, you little shit. AJ gets out of a limo and says he is THE next level and Jeff and Lex can't compete with him. Sting gets out as well and shouts SHOWTIME.

Match#1 Tag Team Gauntlet For The Gold
#1-BG James
#2- Chris Harris
BG tries hard for once and a nice fight with Harris breaks out.
#3- Sonny Siaki
He sucks as always, but then gets thrown out in 15 seconds.
#4-Disco Inferno
He refuses to get in so the faces chases him and beat his ass.
#5-David Young
He picks things up by being awesome.
#6-CM Punk
He hits a springboard rana and looks even better this week.
#7-James Storm
Looks good as well.
AMW throw out Disco.
#8-Ekmo Fatu
Fuck Yes
Amazing run of offence.
He squashes Punker and throws him out.
He kicks DY out.
Harris and BG closeline each other out.
Ekmo is murdering everyone.
He finally gets to do cool shit without his terrible partners there to ruin it.
Ekmo throws out Julio.
Ekmo/Truth rules.
Ekmo tries a splash and Truth and Storm kick him out and over the ropes.
Storm vs Truth is now a singles match.
Pretty fun first time match as they're both balls of energy and throw themselves at the other.
Storm has it won with the 8 Second Ride, but DY distracts the ref and Disco hits him with a chair and Truth steals it

In the back, Callis and the Shirts are standing by. Callis hypes the main event and begs AJ to step up, young man. Callis says he doesn't control Abyss, it's simply business. He says Abyss will kill Don Harris tonight. We can only hope.

Jarrett comes out for his circlejerk, and i can't take 3 years of this. Jeff kicks out Tenay for being the worst and asks DW to interview him. I take it all back, Jeff. You're ok. Jeff wants to know where Hogan is and when he's going to show up. DW says Jeff took TNA to him, so why do this when it makes no sense. Get him, DW. Jeff says this is about Hogan saying he wanted the NWA championship and he took him out because of it. He says he will not be ignored and this will be settled one day. He finally moves on from this trash and hypes the main event. Which reminds me that Lex Luger was arrested in 03 for beating Miss Elizabeth up, and he was a suspect in her death for a time. So yeah, TNA bringing him in some serious LOLTNA shit. Raven's epic theme hits and he has "CRASH" written on his chest for his fallen brother. He says Jeff listed a lot of names but he didn't hear his, and he thinks its because he knows his tears of joy will turn into sorrow. He is here to fulfil his destiny. Jeff says he's not on his level and he's got other concerns with the Red Shirts. Raven walks down to the ring to fight but the Shirts attack him from behind. Awful beatdown from these lugs happens and Jeff joins to save it. They bust him open with a mic and kill him with a drop-toe-hold onto a chair.

Recap of the battle royal.

Tenay announces that Sabin is injured and will be replaced by the 6th seed, Sonjay Dutt.

Match#2 Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki (Triple Chance-Seed 3 vs Seed 4)
Shocked it took TNA this long to run it, but good work saving it for a moment that matters. Awesome feeling out to start with them both knowing each so well, that it's hard for one to really take over. Ki gets too angry though. and Daniels is able to move out of the way of the combo kick and hits a moonsault to the shoulder and he goes to work on it. Great focus on it and Ki's selling is wonderful. Ki's comeback is good times as he batters Daniels and sells the bad wing the entire time. Ki goes after the shoulder in revenge and now both of them are even. Awesome finishing run with lots of big shots and close near falls. Ki gets too obsessed with trying to choke Daniels out and Daniels is finally able to reverse one into a fancy rollup to steal it

Post match, Ki offers his hand and Daniels shakes it. CODE OF HONOR. Ki leaves, and X runs out and murders Daniels with his amazing offence. He ends him with a gross Package Piledriver that sends Daniels on top of his head. This is also how Sabin got hurt because PCO doesn't give a shit. Refs run out and X leaves, and Daniels is badly hurt.

They run a softcore porn like video for Traci Brooks.

In the back, Raven is bleeding like a stuck pig and being attended to by EMT's. Punk again goes Fatal Attraction and says Raven will pick one of them as his partner, but there will be no hard feeling when it's him who gets the nod because he's got his boss' back.

Match#3 Sonjay Dutt vs Chad Collyer (Triple Chance-Seed 2 vs Seed 5*)
Decent enough 5 minute match between the mat guy and the high flyer. Chad goes after Sonjay's knee and the work is good, but dry as hell. There's a reason he never went any further. Dutt's selling is pretty good for a dude who doesn't really sell much. It hobbles him and puts him on the back seat. Chad is working the leg and Dutt leans all the way back to geta rollup and he steals it.

Post match, X attacks Dutt on the stage. He kills him with a gross gorilla press.

In the back, Hudson tries to see Lex Luger as he hasn't been on TV in 3 years and he's been through a lot. Like, beating women? Jeff walks out and tells him to piss off.

Match#4 Abyss w/Don Callis vs Don Harris w/Chris Vaughn.
Abyss does his best to get something out of the worst wrestler in the company, but you can't save someone this far gone. Nor can you save a near 7 minute Don Harris match where he controls a ton of it. Just a bunch of horrible choices. BHS ends our pain

Abyss murders the kid, and AJ runs out to fight the big man after last week and it's great as hell. AJ closelines him out of the ring, and Tenay says AJ CAN hang in the Heavyweight Division. Hate this story so much. Dude was world champ for 3 months, no shit he can hang.

In the back, 3LK say word about their title match and AMW walk on pissed off about how the match ended. BG tells them to get over it and wait in line, and Storm says they'll be there if they win, and if they lose they can get to the back of the line. SORRY, BOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK.

Raven's partner is...THE SANDMAN. Punk cries a lot and goes home to watch Swimfan.

Match#5 Raven & The Sandman vs Red Shirt Security
The dream team use all the tricks to get anything out of the lugs, and it's probably the best match they'll ever have depending on what AJ can get out of them in 04. Raven makes the control seg good by selling for the bad offence and bleeding very badly, and Sandman's hot tag rules. He canes them in the face and holds nothing back on the shots. King Shit. Legend makes his return and hits Sandman with a cane and the heels win. Booooooo

The heels beat them down until the Gathering run down and help fight them. The worst heel trio takes over for a while until Watts makes the save with a chair. Jesus Christ, end this. Watts gets on the mic and calls this "WATT'S WORLD" lmao. He books a 6 man Clockwork match for next week.

Next week; AJ vs Abyss. Team Disco vs 3LK. Six Man Clockwork match. X vs Daniels vs Dutt in the finals of the Triple Chance


Tenay actually brings up Miss Elizabeth dying and how it's SO great to see Luger here. Fuck him.

Match#6 AJ Styles & Sting w/Jimmy Hart vs Jeff Jarrett & Lex Luger w/Don Callis
Flexy Lexy hasn't been good since September 97, and he's not going to be good a few years later when he's roided to the gills and his life is a shambles. The others are great though, and make up for a giant block of wood being in the ring. AJ owns Jarrett again with ease and makes Luger not look like a piece of shit by bumping all around the place for him. Should have sandbagged him, but that's not AJ's style. He gets isolated and thankfully Jeff does the control seg, so it's actually good.. AJ takes a nasty running powerbomb and, again, just outshines every other wrestler by sheer talent. Sting gets in illegally and cleans house, and Flexy even takes a bump for his old friend. It looked like shit, but good for him. Sting and Jeff fight at ringside and Lex get AJ in the Rack, but Sting hits him in the guts with the bat and AJ sunsets him and beats the giant lug.

They all fight post match for a while, and Abyss saves Jeff from the clash and KILLS AJ with another insane Black Hole Slam. Jeff gets on the mic and says AJ has been taken care of and he wants Hogan, but Raven rushes the ring and fights Jeff to close the show.


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November, 19th, 2003
TNA Asylum

In the back, Callis, Abyss the Shirts and Legend (now wearing a Red Shirt because life is a pain) are standing by. Hudson starts to talk about AJ and Raven and all that jazz, and says AJ gets his rematch in two weeks!!! Double J walks on and rants about Hogan. Fuck off, dude. The jig is up and everyone knows it. He demands that Abyss take out AJ and the Shirts kill Raven and then he can have Hogan to himself. Protype Planet Jarrett fucking stinks, man.

Match#1 Raven, The Sandman & Erik Watts vs Legend & Red Shirts w/Don Callis (Clockwork Orange House of Fun)
Raven and Sandman are tasked with getting anything out of 4 of the 5 worst wrestlers in the company, so they keep it simple with plunda and blood. It's not anything to write home about, but not being a dreadful match is a win. The heels control work sucks shit, but the selling is very good as always. Watts and Wilson get handcuffed together to take out two duds, and the boys fight back with some gross plunda shots. Goldy comes down with a handcuff key, which no one wonders how she got it. The faces nuke the bad heels and Raven kills Wilson with an EVENFLOW to finally end this feud.

At ringside, DW tells us to buy some merch.

Tonight; AJ vs Abyss. Team Disco vs 3LK. Finals of the Triple Chance.

This weeks sitdown is with AJ Styles. Tenay says AJ is the only grand slam champion and it must hurt him to hear Jeff say he can't hang. AJ says he's heard it his entire life and he proved all his doubters wrong time and time again. He beat Jeff for the title and he made it HIS. He beat Lex last week and that's more proof he can hang. AJ says it's not about Raven tonight, it's about him. AJ says he knows they're trying to hurt him tonight with Abyss, and he's going to survive and win the title in two weeks.

Match#2 Kid Kash vs Shark Boy
Fun Kash squash. Moneymaker does the deal.

Post match, he tries to unmask him but the blackshirts and the Nazi make the save. Kash slaps him and Nazi chases him to start a feud we for sure don't want.

In the back, DY asks Disco to be in his corner against Chris Sabin tonight. Disco hates it, but reluctantly agrees.

Match#3 The Gathering vs Ekmo Fatu & Sonny Siaki
Punk is now wearing a white beanie showing he's now in his STAN stage. Siaki is terrible again and he nearly kills Punk with a botched suplex, so fuck him. Julio is isolated and Fatu beats his ass and it's awesome. Punker gets in and we get a brief preview of their 09 work, and it's fun enough for the short time we get it. Trinity shows up and refuses to give a chair to Sonny and the Gathering hit a double dropkick on the heels and stack pin Ekmo to beat him.

Post match, Trinity walks out on them.

In the back, Hudson says Ryan Wilson is badly hurt (and that's how we get rid of him). Northcutt cuts a terrible promo challenging Raven to a fight next week because i can't have nice things.

Match#4 Chris Sabin vs David Young w/Disco Inferno
Sabin wins with a rollup in 3 seconds

Disco gets on the mic and says the bell never rang and they want a rematch right now. Sabin accepts.

Match#5 Chris Sabin vs David Young w/Disco Inferno
Pretty fun 2 minute sprint between the best high flyer in the division and a meathead powerhouse. DY throws him all over and Sabin uses his speed to not die. Disco tries to pull DY's arms for a leverage pin, but the ref kicks his hands off and Sabin gets a tight rollup to win

In the back, 3LK and AMW argue again. Begging you to do something different.

More Jeff/Hogan/Hart shit on a radio show.

We go to the ring and it's the same fucking points as it;s been for the last month, and i just want it to fucking end. Tenay calls Jeff an embarrassment to TNA, and Jeff finally goes after him, but Hart hits him with a belt. Boooooooooo. AJ runs down and fights Jeff and holds the ring.

Recap of Traci Brooks joining Shane Douglas.

AMW again come out to watch the match, and i now hate them as well. Fuck, i hate the tag division.

Match#6 Team Disco (c) vs BG James & Ron Killings w/Konnan (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
BG gets isolated nearly right away, and TD work on his arm and it's all very dull and not mean looking. True pedestrian stuff, but BG at least sells it making it not worthless. He uses it to punch but always sells it after, and it's the best thing he's done since 99. Truth's hot tag is very good and TD actually bump well for him and seem to give a shit. I'll be damned. Truth hits Swinger with a German and two refs count the fall and the bullshit hits as they call it a draw.

The refs take the belts to the back and this will settled next week.

Recap of the Triple Chance.

Match#7 X vs Christopher Daniels vs Sonjay Dutt (Triple Chance Finals)
Daniels uses Sonjay as a red flag to a bull to get him killed by X, and then tries to pick the bones whenever he gets a chance. It works well until everything breaks down into a fun three way dance. Sabin is watching from the crowd, which begs the question of why not wait a week and put him back in, but TNA is going to TNA. Shane also watches on. X keeps murdering everyone and not giving a single shit for anyone's safety.Massive dives, gross strikes and a fucking hurricanrana. PCO. Daniels hits three BME's and X still won't fucking die. X sets him up for the Piledriver, but Sonjay jumps out of nowhere with the West Coast Pop and beats the big man.

Post match, Sonjay and Shane have a face-off.

Next week. Shane vs Sonjay for X-Division title. Team Disco & Disco vs 3LK in a 6 man for the tag titles.

Raven walks out with a mic and tells Tenay to shut up. He says he is hated by the damned and forgotten, and he knows that Jeff will have all the Shirts fight him next week, so he challenges them to a handicap match to take them both out. He took out the entire New Church and he broke Willson's arm, and he's knocking on Jeff's door and he's coming in.

Awesome hype video for Abyss/AJ. Near the end we see Abyss write AJ's name in blood on a truck. Fucking Yes.

One of my all time favourite TNA match-ups. Perfect David vs Goliath stuff, and the best TNA will do until they hire Samoa Joe.

Match#8 AJ Styles vs Abyss w/Don Callis
AJ RUSHES THE RING AND CLOSELINES ABYSS OUT AND HITS THAT STUNNING FLIP DIVE AGAIN. HE RUNS OFF ABYSS' CHEST AND TRIES THE STYLIN DDT AND ABYSS CATCHES HIM AND SLAMS HIM KIDNEY FIRST INTO THE FUCKING APRON. Holy shit. AJ slides under the rail and hits a picture perfect rana and sends Abyss into the ramp and he goes nuts on him trying to end it, and Abyss finally plucks him out of the air with a gross gorilla press and AJ is dead. Wonderful control seg from the big man as he nukes AJ over and over, and AJ takes some of the dumbest and amazing bumps for it all. AJ's attempted comebacks rule and Abyss' cutoffs are mean as hell. He forearms him off the apron and AJ goes headfirst into the rail and he's busted wide open. Awesome concussion selling from AJ, and he's slotted back into being the #1 babyface so fucking easily it's almost scary. Abyss tries a giant splash and misses and AJ finally mounts a wonderful maniac comeback with all the fire in the world. Abyss pulls the ref in front of a dro[kick and he's dead. AJ brings back the running flip off Abyss' chest and hits a gross dropkick to the dome, and the springboard 450 and the big man is beat but the ref is still out of it. Callis slides in a chair and AJ takes a Benoit like shot to the face, and he kicks out of it. Holy shit yeah. Abyss kills the ref in anger and he sets up a chair and tries to throw AJ off the top rope, but AJ sunsets him off and he lands on the back of his skull. Bruh. HE KICKS OUT OF IT AND SLINGSHOTS AJ HEAD FIRST INTO A CHAIR SET UP IN THE CORNER, AND AJ AGAIN DOESN'T USE HIS HANDS TO BLOCK IT. AJ GETS KILLED WITH THE SHOCK TREATMENT AND HE FUCKING KICKS OUT. ABYSS KILLS ANOTHER REF AND AJ BRAINS HIM WITH A CHAIR, BUT ABYSS LIFTS HIM UP FOR A CHOKESLAM, BUT AJ TWISTS HIS WAY OUT AND PULLS ABYSS' LEGS INTO A PIN AND HE GETS THE 3. What a fucking match.

AJ tries to celebrate but the Shirts attack him, but he slides out and flips them off. He walks up the stage and Jeff smacks him in the head with the title. They drag him back in and kill him again, but Ravane makes the save for AJ! He gets most of them but Jeff hits him with the title belt as well. DUSTY RHODES COMES OUT WITH JIMMY HART AND HE GETS TO CLEAN HOUSE. Ugh fuck off. He gets on the mic and calls Jeff an asshole and challenges him to a Fans Revenge Strap Match. Way to undercut AJ's incredible performance and Raven furthering his story. LOLTNA
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November 26th, 2003
TNA Asylum

Tonight. Fans Revenge. Shane vs Dutt for the X-Division title. Team Disco/Disco vs 3LK for the tag titles.

In the carpark, Jim...NO FUCK YOU.

Jeff Jarrett and his faction come out to the ring to ruin my already bad day. He yells at Tenay for being a smug rat and tells him to shut his mouth and do his job. He again cuts a fucking promo on Hogan, and i refuse because there is no point covering anything we know never happens. After all of that, Watts makes his way out to somehow make it worse. Jeff says he needs to leave and let Callis run the company by himself, and Watts says he was the one who bought in all the legends (that have sucked shit). He cuts a terrible promo and gets the fans call Jeff a Jackass. What are we doing? Abyss attacks him on the stage and the faction leave him laying. AJ, Raven and AMW run down for the save. Dreadful shit.

In the back, Team Disco cut a very bad promo. This episode is terrible.

Kid Kash comes out for his match with a red sign with red writing on it and you can't make it anything out. Lmao kill me

Christopher Daniels joins commentary,

Match#1 Low Ki vs Kid Kash
Kash now has the dreads back and he looks like a massive asshole. Ki beats him for this with amazing and ugly shots, and Kash dies a thousand deaths. Ki walks through all his tricks and really beats his ass, and easily comes back whenever Kash gets a bit of control. Daniels gets up from commentary to yell at Ki and Kash shoves him into him and Daniels hits Ki in the back of the head and throws him in the ring and Kash gets a rollup and steal it. Boooooooooooooooo

Post match, Kash and Daniels argue.

The Nazi comes out and chases after Kash, and i guess the sign said "I HATE NAZIS"

In the back, Callis and the others sans Jarrett are standing by. Callis has a TNA magazine with AJ's picture on it and says he's the target tonight, and Abyss will take that anger out on Shark Boy. Ok. Northcutt and Legend also say words.

Match#2 Abyss w/Don Callis vs Shark Boy
Wonderful squash from the big man. HUGE Black Hole does the deal

Post match, Abyss kills him with the Shock Treatment and a gross powerbomb through a table.

In Raven's lair, Raven is burning his hand over a candle and says his destiny won't end tonight. He snapped Wilson's arm and he's gone. He did the same to the Church, and the Shirts should be worried they're next. He knows Jeff will keep throwing people at him to stop destiny, but it's not stopping and Jeff can hear his door knocking and he's coming in. The Gathering walk in and Punk wants to talk, but Raven blows this crazy fucker off.

Match#3 Chris Sabin vs X
Fuck yeah. PCO beats the shit out of him and Sabin uses his insane athleticism to stay alive and wear him down. PCO breaks out some wild shit like a legdrop off the top rope and that gross chokebomb, and Sabin dies on everything. Sabin's comeback is frantic as hell and he overwhelms PCO more and more, and makes PCO get desperate. PCO TRIES A SWANTON ON THE RAMP AND SABIN MOVES AND PCO CRASHES AND FUCKING BURNS. HOLY SHIT. He's finally dead and Sabin beats him with the Cradle Shock

Hype for Raven/Shirts.

Match#4 Raven vs Red Shirt Security (Handicap Elimination)
This is the worse of use of peak Raven ever. Even WWF didn't make him work with walking talking sacks of shit like these two, and Vince hated him more than most. This is worse than WCW sticking him with Vamp and ICP for a month before he finally walked out. Gathering watch from the stage and Punk looks like he wants to cry. If ROH wasn't about to implode thanks to RF being a pederast and kill off the partnership, i can't imagine how awesome their TNA matches would have been. Oh, the match? Raven works for two and does the best he can. He gets rid of Legend with the EVENFLOW, and Nortcutt shits the bed as everyone expected him to. Raven gets a chair and beats them both to death and the match ends as Abyss runs in and hits him with a BHS

The heels get out a table and go for the kill, but the Gathering make the save and clear the ring.

Hype for Shane/Dutt

Match#5 Michael Shane (c) vs Sonjay Dutt (X-Division Championship)
Shane Douglas is watching from the fucking balcony for like the 50th week in a row, and holy shit just to do it. This is a fine enough showcase for Shane as Sonjay has no chance and everyone knows it, so he's just a warm body to do cool stuff to. Shane and Traci finally walk down and cheer the other Shane on, and we get the answer to the question no one really wanted answered. Sonjay goes on a run and hits the Hindu Press and maybe has it won, but Traci distracts the ref with boobs!!!! Shane gets back up and superkicks him to win

Post match, Shane cuts a horrid promo announcing this fuck has joined the New Franchises.

In the back, Dusty cuts the Dusty promo, if you wheel, Jeff Jarrett you're going to take a beating because you refused to be the MUTHERSHIP of TNA. He holds the symbol of tradition and he's a disgrace to that very name, baby. Shame on you, Jeff. AJ walks on and says next week they'll be saying that Jeff Jarrett can't compete with AJ Styles.

Match#6 Team Disco & Disco Inferno vs 3 Live Kru (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
So, the titles were indeed vacated and are now being defended in a 6 man against some of the worst dudes in the company. Just TNA things. AMW join commentary to continue the tension with seemingly the only other teams in the entire division. This is very bad as you've added Konnan and Disco to it, and they're the fucking worst. The bullshit hits and AMW stop TD from stealing the win, and superkick a chair into Disco's horrible fucking face. Truth then beats Swinger with the lie detector and the nightmare is finally over.

Post match, AMW hand the titles over like they're the champs? ferghebrntkebltecrtegfvdx fuck off.

In a pre-tape, Piper is still deranged and on lots and lots of drugs.

In the back, Raven agrees to reunite The Gathering one last time to kill Abyss and Red Shirts, and to keep Punk from stabbing him in his sleep.

Match#7 Jeff Jarrett vs Dusty Rhodes (Fans Revenge Strap Match)
I hate this gimmick a ton because they wasted the chance to give Joe the title in 06 on it, and it's pissed me off ever since. This pisses me because on top of that, you've got Jimmy Hart taking main event time for a match that never happens. This is fine, i guess. Jeff gets strapped a lot by the fans and stooges for all of Dusty's offence, and Dusty is Dusty. The ref gets bumped and Watts comes out and it stops. ffs

It turns into a big clusterfuck brawl with everyone in the feuds with the faction to close the show.

Terrible episode.
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December 3rd, 2003
TNA Asylum


Awesome hype video for Jeff/AJ kicks us off.

In the back, Jeff Jarrett is on a flip phone talking to someone and asks if they're sure "they're not here" He hangs up and says Hogan is out of the picture and Dusty and Hart are gone. He demands Abyss kill Raven, and he'll take care of AJ. He says tonight it's either with him or against him.

Match#1 Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki vs Kid Kash (#1 Contenders match for the X-Division Title)
Hell yeah, awesome three way dance between two of the dudes who put it on the map. Hard strikes, awesome dives and Kash getting his ass beat in-between being a slimey shitbag.Kash hurts his foot early on and it slows him down at points and his selling is awesome. KI mauls everyone in amazing fashion, and the other two try their best to get rid of him whenever they can. Kash is thrown out on the floor and it comes down to the old partners and they have a wonderful finishing run. Ki fights out of the Angels Wings and lifts Daniels up and kills him with the Ki Krusher 99

Post match, Kash throws a chair in Ki's face and holds up a sign saying he fears no man. This of course means the Nazi comes out and Kash runs for it.

In the back, AJ says he beat Abyss and Lex proves he's in Jeff's league, and the title comes back to the house of Styles.

Recap of 3LK winning the titles.

3LK come out for some mic time and it's terrible, but i do love seeing Truth with some gold, AMW come out like they're the champs, and i really fucking hate this entire story. BG finally calls them out on it and Harris says they gave them the belts last week, and they want their shot. Jeff Jarrett's terrible music hits and he comes out with Callis. He says they've got to decide tonight if they're with him or not, because he has a SHOCKING announcement and he needs to know. Harris gets on the mic and says they used to look up to him and now he's a disgrace to the NWA, and the answer is hell no.Jeff calls them midcarders. Way to bury the only good tag team you have, fuckface. He says Truth is a superstar in the making, Konnan got the red carpet laid out by them, and BG is his roadie. Team Disco come out and Disco says him and DY are with them 100% as are Team Dis...Simon cuts him off and says to never talk for them. He blames Disco for losing the titles and he'll find out why SIMON HAS A PROBLEM. Jeff cuts them off and tells Team Disco to make a choice tonight, and now Watts comes out looking like he's tripping balls. He makes Team Disco vs AMW vs Disco/DY for the #1 contendership tonight. Watts again calls him a jackass. Watts says he's in AJ's corner tonight. Awesome... AJ runs out and attacks Jeff from behind and an awesome pull apart happens.

Recap of the formation of the New Franchises.

Match#2 The New Franchises w/Traci Brooks vs Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt
Shane in the ring with X dudes just shows how terrible he is. Massive mistake on TNA's part, but then again, so is this entire stable. The other 3 make this pretty fun with a standard x-division match, and Sabin is again the highlight of it all. Things break down and Sabin takes out Shane with a dive, but Traci hits Sonjay with a rana and the other Shane Superkicks him to win

Post match, Sabin kills the Shanes with a double ddt and Sonjay moonsaults them.

In the back, Team Disco continue to argue about who's fault it was. Don't fucking care.

An awesome video about X killing himself with that swanton. Scott D'Amore makes his debut talking about it.

Match#3 X vs Don Harris
X refuses to let the Nazi drag him down to his level of match, and instead goes insane and gives Harris the best singles match of his life. It's 100% on PCO taking dumb bumps and throwing awesome shots as one would expect. The Nazi's comeback is bad, but Kash distracts him and X punches him the side of the head with a chain Kash dropped to steal it
Post match, Kash beats them up with a chain, and runs away when the Nazi fights back.


Match#4 America's Most Wanted vs Team Disco vs Disco Inferno & David Young (#1 Contenders Match)
AMW do their best to get anything out of this as it's mostly Team Disco finally fighting each other, and hey it's really bad. Storm beats Simon with a Superkick

In the back, the reunited Gathering are standing by. Raven says he enjoyed snapping Wilson's arm, and tonight will be one night only. Punk says they won't let him down.

Match#5 The Gathering vs Abyss & The Red Shirts w/Don Callis
Punker rules now with his awesome sloppy offence, and he's now able to help Raven carry these turds. He gets isolated thanks to Abyss and the control seg only works thanks to Punker's selling and bumping. Raven's hot tag is awesome as always, and the droogs bump well for him. He fights Abyss and it's good shit and gives me a lot of hope for 05. Raven hits him with the EVENFLOW and grabs a chair off Callis, but Abyss spears the chair and Raven is dead and Abyss takes the win.

Post match, Abyss tries for more killing but the Gathering make the save. They hold their own for a while, but the numbers take over and they get killed. Raven is taken out with the BHS, but the Gathering get back in with chairs and the faction hightail it.

Piper is returning 12/10/03.

Next week. Kid Kash vs Don Harris. 3LK vs AMW. Shane vs Ki.

Hype for AJ/Jeff.

Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) w/Don Callis vs AJ Styles w/Erik Watts (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
AJ goes on the attack right away and Jeff is thrown off, but it's a trap as he walks in and AJ starts mat wrestling and going after the arm, and it feels like AJ 100% being the fucking man and refusing to let Jeff fuck with his head and get him angry. AJ keeps on top of him and never lets Jeff get a moment to breath. He also fucks with him by kipping up during the Fargo Strut and meeting Jeff's eyes. Jeff runs to the outside and AJ follows and they have an awesome fight on the stage, AND AJ JUST CAN'T HELP HIMSELF IN THIS ENVIRONMENT AND LEAPS OFF THE STAGE FOR A DIVE, AND JEFF HITS HIM IN THE FACE WITH A CHAIR. Jef beats the piss out of him through the crowd and it's the best Asylum Brawl in months. Loads of gross chair shots and AJ bumps that he doesn't need to take, but he's going to do it because he's the fucking best. The best one is Jeff throwing him clear over the guardrail and AJ's lower back hits the steps. Jeff's cutoffs are brutal as hell, including slingshotting him into the guardrail that sends AJ throat first. Jeff continues to control in the ring very well, and i wish he could wrestle AJ every week. He stupidly tries to come off the top and AJ catches him with a dropkick and mounts an awesome comeback. He overwhelms him with all his big stuff and Jeff is well and truly on the backfoot. AJ breaks out the nasty snap powerbomb and has it won, but Callis puts Jeff's feet on the ropes. The seconds fight on the outside and the ref goes after them and Jeff gets his guitar, AND AJ PELE KICKS IT IN HALF AND JEFF IS FUCKING STUNNED. One of the coolest things AJ has ever done. The bullshit hits to ruin a moment that should be AJ taking his title back as Watts, RSS and Gathering all fight and take away from the match. AMW fight off Abyss, and AJ takes out the ref on accident. AJ goes for a springboard and Jimmy Hart comes out dressed as the ref. Stop this. AJ hits the 450 and Kid Kash pulls the ref out and he has a guitar with him. AJ cuts him off and tries to Clash him on it, but Jeff slides it away and when AJ turns around he walks back into it and Jeff wins.

Way to ruin a great match with a ton of horseshit.

Kash and Jeff hug and i guess the faction has a new member.

In the back, Raven says he's going to kill Abyss and knock at Jeff's door.
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December 10th, 2003
TNA Asylum


Recap of Kid Kash joining Jarrett.

In the back, Jarrett and the shitty faction are going over the list of victims over the last few months. He adds the Nazi and Watts to the hit list. 3LK might join the faction as well, but Team Disco are out. Callis says Piper isn't here, and he's doing a background check on Watts as we speak.

In the back, AJ, Gathering, Sabin and AMW are waiting for Watts to arrive. He walks in on the phone acting like he doesn't give a shit, and all the faces call him out on it. AJ walks out on this bullshit, and Watts promises a surprise.

Tonight. Raven vs Abyss. 3LK vs AMW. Shane vs Daniels for the X-Division title.

The Red Shirts attack the Nazi as he's making his intro. It's a very bad beating.,

Match#1 Kid Kash vs Don Harris
Kash beats him up and it's fine, but booking the new member of the top heel faction against a Nazi is a choice. It turns into a bad fight between them for a while, and the Shirts distract the ref and Jarrett runs in and hits him with the Guitar and Kash wins

Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic and says this what happens when you aren't with him, and you get rewarded like Kash if you join him. AJ runs down with a chair and takes everyone out with shots to the face. AJ keeps swinging at them as they try to get him, and some bagpipe players come out, and Tenay shouts "It's the Nashville Pipe and Drums" Like we know these dudes. Piper now comes out with an NWA flag and shakes AJs hand. He makes a pedo joke to start us off, and it's more horrible Piper mic work. He at least puts AJ over as the future, but he doesn't need Piper's endorsement. Jeff gets on the mic and say Piper has always been able to talk the talk, but he could never walk the walk. Jeff says he's now on top of the victim list and he goes after him, BUT D-LO BROWN SLIDES IN THE RING AND TAKES EVERYONE OUT. Watts now gets in makes a tag match for the main event between the super team and Jeff and a partner of his choosing. He asks Piper to be in the faces corner tonight and he agrees.

In the back, AMW cut the same promo they've been cutting for the last 4 months.

Christopher Daniels is now taking Ki's place after he killed him last week.

Match#2 Michael Shane (c) w/Traci Brooks vs Christopher Daniels (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Daniels goes after Shane's knee and does some really good work on it, and Shane sells pretty well. Nothing out of the world good, but decent enough for a guy who doesn't do it often. Traci causes a distraction and Shane sends Daniels into the steps and busts him open and Shane does a great job of being a little shit working the cut. Daniels concussion selling fucking rules as he's got a gusher and is slow and wobbly on everything. His comeback rocks as well, and Shane's bad knee holds him back and let's Daniels keep him close to attack. Finishing run is very fun as both dudes sell their injures and there's lots of drama. Daniels goes after the knee and has it won with a kneebar, but Traci distracts him and he goes after her which lets Shane come back. Sabin runs down and stops Shane from using the chain. Daniels gets it and hits Shane and the ref sees it and DQ's

Daniels attacks Sabin in anger and they have a great fight.

In the back, Disco tries to recruit 3LK to the cause and Team Disco walk on and yell at him for being a dickhead. BG makes a gay joke and leaves. Team Disco continue to argue amongst themselves.

Match#3 Ron Killings & BG James (c) w/Konnan vs America's Most Wanted (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
BG actually tries hard and has a fun feeling out with Storm, and it's nice to see him give a shit for once against the best team in the company. Truth/AMW rules a ton to the shock of no one, and it's so nice seeing Truth work against actual good wrestlers. 3LK go after Storm's knee and the work is very fun and even BG does a nice job of working it. Harris' hot tag is very shot and fun before it all breaks down. 3LK keep up with the boys and don't look out of place at all. Team Disco come out to watch and Truth and Storm take them out, but Disco sneaks in and hits Harris with a chair and Truth hits the Axe Kick to win

In the back, Jeff Jarrett refuses to tell us who his partner is.

In the back, The Gathering think Raven has been testing them over the last few weeks, and they're his boys. Oh, no.

Match#4 The Gathering vs The Red Shirts
Punker again carries these bastards in the opening, and it's the best they'll ever look. They isolate him and it's all on him making it work with his bumps and selling, because these idiots bring nothing to it. Julio's hot tag is maybe 20 seconds long before he beats one of the Shirts with a sunset flip. Fair enough

In the back, New Franchises say words.

Match#5 Chris Sabin vs Shane Douglas w/Traci Brooks
Sabin does what he can with this shooting turd for a few minutes, and it's not bad at all. All very basic because Shane can't be trusted with anything more, but fun. Sabin cuts off the interference and beats Shane with a victory roll

In the back, the superteam and Piper are standing by. AJ says this is about revenge and nothing else. D-Lo says he never lost respect for AJ at any point this year, which is bullshit. But whatever, happy to have them back.

An awesome pre-tape airs with Callis burning Abyss' hand with a candle to show he's a monster.

Match#6 Abyss vs Raven
Tenay keeps calling Abyss "A Roadblock" and it sucks so much. They have a big brawl to start and Abyss' punches look like fucking shit, but the rest of his offence is awesome and Raven is working extra hard tonight. Abyss targets the arm with a chair and the work is fine enough, but Raven's selling really helps out. He hold it whenever he gets a chance and sells it after throwing punches. He kicks out of the ST and mounts a fun comeback. He hits the EVENFLOW but a Shirt distracts him and Abyss spears him through a table and cuts Raven's back up. They do more stuff and the Shirts attack Raven for the DQ

The Gathering run out and another brawl breaks out. Raven gets a chair and MURDERS Abyss with a shot, and screams that he's still standing. He says the Gathering is coming back one last time in a cage match next week.

Next week. Low Ki returns and gets his title match against Shane.

In the back, Callis calls Raven insane if he thinks he's winning the title from Mr Jarrett. They accept the match. He accuses Goldy for sleeping with the board and that's how Watts got his job back, and how Piper got back on PPV.

Kid Kash is the mystery partner. Why was that a mystery?

Match#7 AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown w/Roddy Piper vs Jeff Jarrett & Kid Kash w/Don Callis
The Superteam gets back to work and haven't lost a single step. Crisp, smooth and loveable as hell. They hit double dropkicks and D-Lo launches AJ to the outside of the ring into another stunning dive. AJ and Kash finally fight for the first time in a year and Kash looks sloppy as hell. Damn it. Although, he'll be fired from TNA in a year after shit talking the company and saying AJ sucked, so him being terrible with the best wrestler in the company makes sense. Dumb asshole. The other 3 rule though, and more than make up for him for being bad. D-Lo is isolated and it's fun stuff, and AJ's hot tag is tremendous. He gets isolated though and Kash actually tries hard this go round, so he was really being a bitch. Kash works the arm and it's the best stuff he's done, and AJ's selling is good. D-Lo's hot tag tops AJ's, and man have i missed him. It breaks down and Kash goes for his rana off the top, but Piper hits him with a flag and AJ breaks out the Super Styles Clash to win

AJ and D-Lo celebrate before leaving a very angry Jeff Jarrett. Watts then shows up in the crowd looking like he's been smoking meth all day with Goldy. He makes Jeff Jarrett vs Sting for next week. Jeff and Watts fight in the crowd to close the show. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
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December 17th, 2003
TNA Asylum


During the recap we get footage of,Jarrett refusing to defend the title against Sting. He demands Callis fix it, of they're going down together.

In the back, Watts rallies the babyfaces to step up tonight. He says Sting won't get a title shot, but he will beat Jeff's ass. He announces that if Raven wins tonight, he gets a title match. He also makes AJ/D-Lo in a tag match where the winner gets their dream match.

TNA now has match graphics.


Tonight. AJ/D-Lo vs Team Disco in a Dream Match. Michael Shane vs Low Ki for the X-Division title. Sabin vs Daniels. AMW vs Disco/DY in a Street Fight. Sting vs Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff Jarrett makes his way out with Callis, and Tenay says this was meant to be the main event. Jeff says there is no better way to close 03 than to celebrate his victim list over the last 12 months, and Watts is a loser who can't get him to do shit. Watts and Goldy make their way out, and man i can't wait for this to be over. He cuts another horrible promo for a few minutes and the crowd is dead for him. He says on the 7th, Jeff WILL defend the title. Jarrett says the board doesn't like him, and Goldy is a golddigger. Got Em. Watts announces the match with Sting starts NOW.

Match#1 Sting vs Jeff Jarrett w/Don Callis
Sting beats the crap out of him like last time, and Jeff is a wonderful stooge. Just a shame he's holding the title and not a permanent mid-carder because he was born for this. They fight around the Asylum, and Sting beats him all over the place as only he can. He keeps beating his ass no matter what Jeff tries, and it feels like a swan song if he never came back. AMW fight off the Shirts when they try to help, and AJ steals the guitar before Jeff can use it, and he shoves Jeff back into the Death drop and the man called Steve does it

Post match, Jeff throws a fit and yells at everyone. He gets into a shoving match with Tenay and the smug bastard pisses his pants.

In the back, Punker says his only goal is to give Raven what he deserves tonight. Raven says he has a black soul that destroys everyone and everything he touches, and he's bringing pain, fury and anger to this cage. He will leave a pile of burning husks and then he will reach destiny. This is the wind of fate showing its power.

We get a backstage promo from Daniels after his loss last week. He says Shane got lucky once tonight, and next time it'll be him with luck on his side. He nearly decapitated Ki to get a shot, imagine what he'll do to Shane to win the title. He finishes by saying Sabin is making noises about Ultimate X 2, and he'll be damned if he's not apart of it!!!!!

Match#2 Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels
Daniels has his head bandaged from last week and Tenay notes he's not 100%, like no shit man. Daniels grabs his head whenever he gets a chance and he tries to end it quick as a result, but Sabin isn't playing that game and brings the fight to him and forces Daniels to work for it. Daniels throws him to the floor Sabin hurts his neck, and Daniels goes to work. He goes after it for a while, but he's too hurt to really grind him down and it lets Sabin survive it. Daniels tries to come off the top and Sabin Belly To Belly's him off and Daniels lands on his head and now he's really hurt. Sabin gets closer and closer to ending it, but Skipper makes his return and hits Sabin in the back of the head. Daniels hits Angels Wings to win

Skipper throws up the Triple X sign and Daniels smiles at him. OH SHIT

In the back, Team Jarrett (fuck it, new name until Planet Jarrett debuts) argues about getting it done.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted vs Disco Inferno & David Young (Street Fight)
Really fun plunda brawl and the best way to end this terrible feud. Everyone goes nuts and holds nothing back, and even Disco does a good job of throwing plunda around and a few right hands for good measure. DY takes a ladder to the balls and does the D-Von Dudley seizure sell. Love it. They all brawl in the crowd and AMW fit right in with the Asylum Brawl, and i have SUCH high hope for their heel run that i haven't seen in a decade plus. DY hits a gross moonsault to Storm laying on a ladder and he bends in half. The Heels control work rules as they use the ladder to beat the crap of AMW and it never lets get boring or dull. AMW's comeback is fire as well. Disco gets speared into a ladder and Storm Swantons DY through a table to FINALLY end the feud

Post match, the Shirts attacks AMW. OH NO. They handcuff Harris to the ringpost and try to kill him with a chair, but Storm makes the save! Sadly, Jarrett attacks from behind and beats Harris up with a chair and the Shirts hit a TERRIBLE spike piledriver where Northcutt falls down before Legend even half-way jumps off. Jarrett smashes the guitar over Harris head to end it.

In the back, Hudson says the man who gets the pin gets the title shot. Well, yeah. Both dudes say they're ok with the other man winning, and i feel like they're setting up D-Lo turning on him, but they never go that way, sadly.

Match#4 AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Team Disco (Dream Title Match)
Massive ask for the superteam to carry these goons, but that's been written into AJ's contract ever since he started. He holds their hands through the opening and doesn't let them fall on their faces, even though he should let them eat shit. D-Lo gets kicked in the dick and isolated which is the smart play because it sets AJ up at the hot tag. Control sucks of course, but D-Lo does the best he can with them, and it could have been worse. AJ gets the tag and he breaks out the Fosbury Flop on these morons to really show them they can't hang. He also murders Simon with the Dropkick and it's the prettiest one in a while. He doesn't end it quick enough and gets isolated after a nasty bump into the rail, and he carries them better than D-Lo did. D-Lo's hot tag rocks before it all breaks down. There's a super rare AJ botch as he and D-Lo go up for tandem dives and he's meant to leap over the ropes to the other side and onto the floor on Jarrett, but his foot gets caught on the ropes and he nearly breaks his neck and lands on the floor at Jeff's feet. Back in the ring, Team Disco beat D-Lo with the Snapshot

Backstage, Low Ki drops the line, but Skipper walks on and says it's time to reform Triple X. Ki says Daniels can't be trusted and XXX is dead. Skipper says they're family and he can't turn his back on them.

Match#5 Michael Shane w/Traci Brooks vs Low Ki (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Ki is in a bad fucking mood and beats kicks the shit out of Shane for being the worst. Traci causes a distraction to cut off said beating, and Shane lamley sits in a chin lock for the control seg and it dies a death. Fuck this boring asshole. Ki thankfully nukes him on the comeback in revenge and picks the fans back up after Shane killed them. Finishing run is whatever as Ki can, and will only do so much if he's not in the mood to play along. Ki hits the Phoenix Splash, but Shane gets his knees up and a hooks the leg to win

Ki is mad about losing and kicks Shane Douglas in his dumb face. He goes after Traci but Shane makes the save, and the other Shane punches Ki with the chain. Fuck everything. He gets on the mic and says cuts the Shane Douglas promo for a while, and Skipper comes out and stand over Ki, AND HE DECKS SHANE AND STANDS UP FOR HIS BROTHER. Hell yeah. Sabin runs out and throws Skipper onto Shane and Traci. Daniels now comes out and attacks Sabin in revenge for earlier and Ki sees him and goes nuts on him. Shane, Sabin, Daniels and Ki all fight until it gets broken up by Black Shirts. Watts come out and announces ULTIMATE X TWO. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

In the back, 3LK rap words.

Buy the TNA calendar.

Smug Tenay says they're dedicating this TNA PPV to the armed forces. Bro, they've been through enough.

In the back, Jarrett demands Team Jarrett win the match.

Match#6 Raven & The Gathering vs Abyss & The Red Shirts w/Don Callis (Steel Cage-Raven gets a title shot if he wins)
Another massive clusterfuck cage like the last one a few months ago. Plunda, blood, Raven being amazing, Punker coming into his own and Abyss killing people. Abyss breaks out a chain and beats Punker with it while smashing his face against the cage in a super cool visual. The Shirts suck, but they mostly do plunda shots and nothing else, so it's better than normal. Punker bleeds buckets and is maybe even better than Raven at points during this. Punker throws Legend off the top of the cage and it's the best thing Legend has ever done, or will do. The bullshit hits and all of Team Jarrett try to get in and Jeff throws in handcuffs. AJ fights him off. PUNK HITS AN ELBOW OFF THE TOP AND SENDS ABYSS THROUGH TWO TABLES. FUCK YEAH,PUNKER. Sting now shows up and helps AJ beat up Sting. The Shirts get handcuffed to the ropes and Abyss is all alone. He holds his own because he's a fucking monster and it won't be easy, but the Gathering beat him down with nasty chair shots. They concharito the Shirts and Raven sets Abyss up for the EVENFLOW AND THE FUCKING GATHERING KILL RAVEN WITH THE CONCHARITO AND ABYSS WINS. PUNK FINALLY WENT FULL GLENN CLOSE FINAL ACT. GOD BLESS.

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Raven & The Gathering vs Abyss & The Red Shirts *** ( 17/12/03Steel Cage-Raven gets a title shot if he wins)
Chris Sabin vs X *** (22/11/03)
Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki vs Kid Kash ***( 3/12/03. #1 Contenders match for the X-Division Title)
Chris Sabin vs Frankie Kazarian vs Nosawa vs Jerry Lynn vs Juventud Guerrera *** (24/9/03 #1 Contender's Elimination Match)
Bobby Eaton vs Kid Kash *** (13/8/03)
X-Division Battle Royal *** (5/11/03)
AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Sonny Siaki & David Young *** (30/4/03)
Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible *** ( 16/7/03 Last Man Standing Match)
AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Shane Douglas & Team Disco. vs Raven, Jeff Jarrett, D-Lo Brown & America's Most Wanted *** (3/9/03 Wednesday Bloody Wednesday)
The Gathering vs Shane Douglas & The New Church *** (30/7/03. Clockwork House of Fun)
Chris Sabin © vs Frankie Kazarian *** (6/8/03. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
AJ Styles (c) vs Dusty Rhodes *** (8/10/03. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
AJ Styles (c) w/Trinity vs D-Lo Brown *** ( 23/7/03. NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Best of Three Series - Match #1 Pinfalls Only)
The Sandman vs Crowbar *** (Hard Ten quarterfinals 11/6/03)
AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Jeff Jarrett & Kid Kash *** (10/12/03)
Match#4 AJ Styles (c) vs D-Lo Brown *** ( 23/7/03. NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Best of Three Series - Match #2 - Submission Match)
Triple X vs America’s Most Wanted *** (18/6/03 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship)
AJ Styles © vs Frankie Kazarian *** (2/7/03 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)

AJ Styles vs Disco Inferno *** (9/4/03)
Triple X vs America's Most Wanted *** (23/4/03)
AJ Styles vs Ron "The Truth" Killings ***(15/1/03)
Jeff Jarrett vs The Gathering *** (16/4/03)
The Sandman vs New Jack *** (2/7/03 Hard Ten Finals)
America's Most Wanted vs Disco Inferno & David Young *** ( 17/12/03 Street Fight)
Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs Shark Boy & Jason Cross vs Chris Sabin and Johnny Storm vs Jerry Lynn & Amazing Red *** (9/4/03 #1 Contenders vs No Contenders Elimination Match)
AJ Styles vs Larry Zbyszko *** (29/1/03)
AJ Styles (C ) vs D-Lo Brown *** (9/7/03 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Low Ki vs Steve Corino ***(12/2/03)
AJ Styles vs Disco Inferno *** (16/4/03)
Raven vs The Sandman *** (12/2/03)
AJ Styles vs The Sandman *** (26/2/03)
Raven & Low Ki vs Steve Corino & The Sandman *** (19/2/03)
Kid Kash (c) vs Amazing Red *** (5/3/03 NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki *** (12/11/03)
Raven vs The Sandman *** (5/3/03 Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun match)
AJ Styles (c) vs Jeff Jarrett ***(24/10/03. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
AJ Styles © vs Jeff Jarrett *** (3/12/03. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels (C) w/Low Ki vs AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown ***1/4 ( 15/5/03. NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Chris Sabin vs Juventud Guerrera ***1/4(3/9/03 Super X-Cup Finals)
Perry Saturn vs Bart Gunn ***1/4 (9/4/03)
Raven vs AJ Styles ***1/4 (12/3/03 #1 Contenders Match)
Match#7 AJ Styles (c) w/Trinity vs D-Lo Brown ***1/4 (23/7/03.(NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Best of Three Series - Match #3 Ladder Match
AJ Styles © vs D-Lo Brown ***1/4 ( 6/8/03. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
AJ Styles vs D-Lo Brown ***1/4 (25/6/03. Steel Cage)
AJ Styles (c ) vs Raven ***1/4 ( 27/8/03 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
AJ Styles vs D-Lo Brown ***1/2 (4/6/03 #1 Contender’s Match)
AJ Styles (c) vs Jerry Lynn ***1/2 ( 17/9/03.NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles vs Raven ***1/2 (11/6/03 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Raven vs AJ Styles ***1/2 (19/3/03 #1 Contenders Hardcore Ladder Match)
America's Most Wanted vs Low-Ki & Christopher Daniels ***1/2 (12/3/03 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship)
The New Church (c) vs America's Most Wanted ***1/2 (8/1/03 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
AJ Styles (c) vs Low Ki ***1/2 (13/8/03. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs Amazing Red & Jerry Lynn ***3/4 (16/4/03 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Triple X vs America’s Most Wanted **** (25/6/03 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship-Cage Match)
AJ Styles vs Abyss **** (19/11/03)
Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles **** (19/2/03 NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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2002-America's Most Wanted

A truly shakey year for tag wrestling as the high were beyond increible, and the lows nearly killed me. But as one might have guessed, the best team in the company who had the chance to wrestle nearly every week took this one out very easily. To the rest of the teams all we can say is SORRY, ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK



Christopher Daniels/Elix Skipper-21
AJ Styles/D-Lo Brown-19
Slash/Brian Lee-17
Team Disco-17
The Gathering-10
Low Ki/Elix Skipper-9
Harris Brothers-8
Ekmo Fatu/Sonny Siaki-7
Jerry Lynn/Amazing Red-6
Ron Killings/BG James-5
Kid Kash/Abyss-5
Disco Inferno/David Young-4
Rock N Roll Express-4
The Hot Shots-4
New Jack/The Sandman-4
Disco Inferno/Mike Sanders-4
Sonny Siaki/David Young-4
Jeff Jarrett/Kid Kash-3
Low Ki/Christopher Daniels-3
Shark Boy/Jason Cross-3
Chris Sabin/Jonny Storm-3
Ron Killings/Jerry Lynn-3
Raven/Low Ki-3
RoadKill/Danny Doring-3
Steve Corino/Sandman-3
AJ Styles/Sting-2
Jeff Jarrett/Lex Luger-2
The Naturals-2
CM Punk/Jason Cross-2
Eric Young/Sonjay Dutt-2
Jerelle Clark/El Fuego-2
The Red Shirts-2
Quiet Storm-2
Dusty Rhodes/Vader-2
Justin Credible/Perry Saturn-2
Jerry Lynn/Jason Cross-2
Chris Harris/Chris Sabin-2
Jerry Lynn/Justin Credible-2
AJ Styles/Syxx Pac-2
Jeff Jarrett/Sting-2
Shark Boy/Mad Mikey-2
AJ Styles/Vince Russo-2
Jeff Jarrett/Dusty Rhodes-2
The New Franchises-1
Chris Sabin/Sonjay Dutt-1
Red Shirt Security (Wilson/Northcutt)-1
BG James/Konnan-1
Ron Killings/Don Harris-1
Raven/Jeff Jarrett-1
Shane Douglas/Disco Inferno-1
Jeff Jarrett/Erik Watts-1
Legend/Christopher Daniels-1
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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2002-AJ Styles

This is the most forgone conclusion since, well, last year. This pheromonal son of a bitch worked nearly every week and missed ONCE for the year. Dude was smashing ** and above every time, and once he teamed with D-Lo and then won the world title, this wasn't even close. The man who built TNA and saved the show more times than you can, and will count.



Chris Harris-78
James Storm-73
Christopher Daniels-71
D-Lo Brown-66
Kid Kash-57
Jerry Lynn-56
Chris Sabin-53
Jeff Jarett-49
The Sandman-45
Elix Skipper-45
Sonny Siaki-37
Amazing Red-34
Julio Dinero-29
Disco Inferno-27
Frankie Kazarian -27
Brian Lee-26
David Young-26
Ron "The Truth Killings-26
CM Punk-25
Michael Shane-25
Simon Diamond-22
Johnny Swinger-22
Shark Boy-22
Shane Douglas-21
Mike Sanders-20
Dusty Rhodes-19
New Jack-18
Perry Saturn-17
BG James-16
Juventud Guerrera-16
Don Harris-16
Justin Credible-15
Jason Cross-15
Sonjay Dutt-14
Ron Harris-12
Kevin Northcutt-10
Ekmo Fatu-9
Alexis Laree-9
Paul London-8
Johnny Storm-8
Mike Awesome-7
Brian Lawler-7
Erik Watts-6
Steve Corino-6
Joel Maximo-6
Jose Maximo-6
Ricky Morton-5
Chad Collyer-5
Robert Gibson-4
David Flair-4
Cassidy O'Reilly-4
Chase Stevens-4
Jimmy Rave-4
Vince Russo-4
Eric Young-4
Teddy Hart-4
Danny Doring-4
Bobby Eaton-3
Bart Gunn-3
Ryan Willson-3
Jorge Estrada-3
Larry Zbyszko-3
Father James Mitchell-2
Andy Douglas-2
Chase Stevens-2
El Fuego-2
Jarell Clark-2
Syxx Pac-2
Lex Luger-2
Super Crazy-2
Jonny Storm-2
Tony Mamaluke-2
Tracy Brooks-2
Rick Steiner-2
Quiet Storm-2
Divine Storm-2
Jimmy Yang-2
Kid Romeo-2
Jose Maximo-2
Joel Maximo-2
Edward Chastain-2
Mad Mikey-2
Terry Taylor-1
Joey Matthews-1
Buff Bagwell-1
Matt Stryker-1
Johnny Swinger-1
Damien Dothar-1
Tenacious Z-1
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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This was a hard one to give out as 3 of the 4 best feuds of the year has terrible endings, but man the highs in two of those were fucking perfect and truly the best stuff TNA had put together after the main event fell off the cliff for a few months. But in saying that, as wonderful as Raven/Jeff,, Jeff/AJ and Raven/Jeff/AJ was, there one that stood out above the rest. The one feud that TNA not only didn't ruin with some TNA bullshit (that's for next year), but the one they gave the perfect bloody conclusion to.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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Well, it took two years, a pandemic, major surgery on my eye and couple of mental breakdowns, but i finished the first full year of NWA-TNA, and what a ride it was. Vince Russo was his normal insane self with the terrible SEX stable, pushing Disco Inferno as the top heel for a few months. Letting Jeff go over Raven. Letting Erik Watts speak. Letting an actual Nazi on TV. Pushing Legend and the Shirts. Letting Shane Douglas stink the joint up every week. Hiring fucking Vampiro. All the very bad things he's very good at doing. But, man the highs were some of the best stuff TNA ever did and still stand the test today.

AJ Styles arrived in 02, but he put himself on the map as not only the best wrestler in the company, but he elevated the entire roster and dragged them along to highs they would never have touched if not for him. Raven knocked on Destiny's door and nearly walked in, but he met a guitar and he'll need to wait a while, but gosh that 5 month run to facing Jeff is some of the best work of his life. AMW and Triple X put the division on their backs and took it to the promise land for a time, and they'll do it again. Jeff Jarrett did some of the best work of his life helping AJ become the man he was always destined to be, but he killed Destiny and forever salted the earth.

There a hell of a lot of good and bad, but i think TNA 03 is something we can look at in a better light as it's a year where TNA grows up a little and sets itself up for the future. God Speed.
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