Kayfabe After Terra vs. Lilith Young

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*The crowd boos as Terra sits there recovering up against the barely conscious Lilith Young following their hard fought match. She then gradually makes her way up to her feet as she ties her hair back into a ponytail before making her way to the timekeeper's side of the ring, where she calls for a mic. As she moves her way back to the center of the ring, she waits for the crowd to calm down, meanwhile referee Jason Calvert assists Lilith to the back*
Terra: So... you all want answers for my actions at Winter Wonderland?
*At this point the typical "What?" chants begin after every pause Terra makes*
Terra: I'm sorry, what was that? .. What? .. What? .. What? .. What? You see, you guys are the only ones who can do that ridiculous chant. Now if you want answers, shut up, otherwise I'll just make my way to the back.
*Surprisingly, the crowd does as told for once, quieting their chants to allow Terra to speak*
Terra: Now this past week, I was able to sit at ringside for the steel cage match between Spark World Champion, Vanessa York, and her challenger, Christina Morgan. Now I will be the first to admit that that match will definitely be considered a landmark for the Spark division for years to come!
*At this point, "Yes!" chants sound off, to which Terra takes a break to allow them to go before speaking again*
Terra: However! ... However, things within that match didn't go as smoothly as everyone would have liked. At one point in the match, Vanessa desperately put a stop to Christina's rampage by reversing a suplex and sending her opponent crashing into referee, David Lattin. Following this turn of events, we would eventually see a well timed reversal from Christina that would lead into her hitting Vanessa with the Back Crash. When she went for the cover though, there was no referee, and we all waited and waited... but none came.
*She pauses at this and chuckles a bit, the crowd murmuring a bit confused*
Terra: None came! So what did I do? I did what I would have been able to do if I were in charge of this place! I took it upon myself to get into the ring and count the pin. But my word wasn't final, because I didn't have the authority to put myself in charge of such...
*The murmurs continue as we continue to see irritation building up in Terra*
Terra: It was at that point that I came to realize, that the reason nobody was sent to count the pin was because that wasn't what Jet wanted.
Terra: Jet didn't want Christina to win. Maybe because of his bias against Fireshock...maybe he just prefers Vanessa as a representative of his company. I don't know, but the fact is that he didn't want Christina to win. So, I decided to go along with his plans at that point, and made sure that Vanessa retained. And you want to know what happened as punishment for my actions? Nothing.
Terra: Yeah, the man who attempted to punish me a few weeks ago for speaking out against him, now wasn't going to punish me for interfering and deciding the winner of the Spark World title match. And not only did he not punish me for it, he didn't even mention it! And you want to know why? Because I am right!
*Boos begin to overtake the crowd as they realize what Terra is up to*
Terra: Through this single match, Jet has proven his sheer bias. The bias that has completely tainted his tenure as general manager of this company! The bias that shoved Todd McKay out of the World Championship match! The bias that forced Tyson Storm to defend his championship against three other competitors in a Hell in a Cell!
*The boos continue, and at this point Terra just gets furious*
Terra: You want one more bit of proof of his bias? How about his brother over there at ringside!? You know the one that drones on and on about how great his brother is, and how great the two people who 'just so happened' to get put in the World Title match are?
*At this point, the crowd begins to quiet down. Maybe because they are getting tired of booing...or maybe because they are starting to see what Terra is getting at*
Terra: Isn't it just all too convenient that Luis and Minho, the guys that Bryce drones on and on about, happen to be the two that Jet decides to put in the first ever Ignition World Championship match? From the start, Jet has proven is his clear bias has tainted this company, and until now I was the only one who stood against it. But now, I'm not alone. The Syndicate has risen up against Jet's tyranny, and it won't be long until someone else does as well.
*The crowd remains silent, as a now accomplished Terra grows a slight grin on her face*
Terra: But Jet, I will give you one chance to prove me and everyone else in this company that I am wrong. If you want to prove me wrong, then at Adrenaline Rush... give me the next shot at Vanessa's championship. I mean due to your poor booking, I'm the only one in the division who has picked up a win since the last pay-per-view anyways. It is the only choice. Otherwise throughout this company, and throughout the world... everyone will know that you aren't fit to run this company!

*Terra drops the mic onto the mat and makes her way out of the ring and backstage with a huge smile on her face. Meanwhile, some boos can be heard from the crowd, however the rest remains silent, still thinking over what she just said*

Honorable Mentions: @Jet Starr @Hybrid @SupaHeeroh @Fireshock @Frosty @MintMidget69 @impactking
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