Donnie watches WWF 1984

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Feb 1, 2021
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Sgt Slaughter & Junkyard Dog vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (13/10)
JYD comes out dressed in camo gear because he's got that dog in him. Awesome opening flurry from the faces with a insane white hot crowd, kicks us off and it's such a blast watching them pound and bite them fucks. Nik smacks Sarge in the back of the head and smashes his face off the post to bust him open, and Sarge gets a wicked blade job. Sheiky goes nuts on it with strikes and punches and it's the best he's looked in a little while. Sarge's selling is fucking wonderful as he's woozy and all messed up, but he still fights like hell not to die to his mortal foes. JYD has a great hot tag short with headbuts and lots of thumps and the like. Just a good old time, but he gets isolated as well. Horrible control work from Nik as he can't live up to anything the other two did, and i hate him even more for bringing this down. Sarge finally snaps and attacks the heels and even the ref because fuck all of them. A big massive brawl happens and the ref comes too and throws it out.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship-Hogan can lose the title on a countout)

Hogan is PISSED after the last few weeks, so he goes to town on Studd and beats his big lame ass all over the ring. Studd sells the beating really well to his credit, and finally looks to be what people have wanted/pretended he's always been. Hogan busts him open via the ring post, and the big man comes to life and kills him with a sick lariat to take over. Not an amazing control seg or anything, but well done thanks to some clubbering and good Hogan selling. Hogan does the hulk up and wins with a bad lariat in a weird choice given the entire feud.

Post match, they fight again and it's way better than the match. Hogan stands tall as you'd expect

Sgt Slaughter & Andre the Giant vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (14/10)
Sarge keeps finding monsters to team with, and i adore it so much. Also helps that Andre famously HATED Sheik and wanted any chance to fuck him up, and i imagine he was elated at this chance. Andre wreaks them both with his ass and it's so much fun, even more when Alfred Hayes can't stop laughing at it all. Andre singles out Nik and beats him down and it's the best Nik has looked as all he do is die and sell, and not be counted on to do anything else. Andre is isolated in a cool choice and it's fine as he sells all the bad Nik offence really well. Sarge gets in but is controlled as well after Sheik uses the loaded boot to fuck him up and cut him open. Short but rad control seg before Andre gets back and rips their asses in half. Sarge beats Sheik with a flying Lariat.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 14th, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; NCS in action. Brutus Beefcake picks his manager. A member of the Snuka family will be in Piper's Pit.

Match#1 Junkyard Dog vs Charlie Fulton
Fulton bites the dust!!! Fine enough JYD squash as he at least hits hard and seems to give a shit, and it also helps that i need to see Fulton get his ass beaten. Powerslam gets it done.

WWF Update-
-Mr Fuji is covered now that's managing wrestlers and not being awful in the ring. We see footage of him whacking a jobber with a cane to help Muarco win a match.

Match#2 North South Connection vs Billy Travis & Rick McGraw
God yes. McGraw gets offence in because he's sort of a star at this point, and he rocks against them throwing awesome arm-drags and more than holding his own against these massive bullies. Travis gets in and is promptly murdered in amazing form. God, just imagine NSC being around in 87/88 against all those amazing teams. Damn crime. Murdoch wins with a gross knee to the back off the top.

Mean Gene-
-Slaughter & Andre. Sarge says Andre is here to stand in the corner to watch his back against these maggots after they hurt Terry Daniels, and Andre won't let that happen to him. I assume Daniels is now gone from wrestling history.

Match#2 Paul Orndorff vs Rudy Diamond
The "PAULA" chants send him into a frenzy and he batters the living shit out of poor old Rudy. So many wicked moments and gross shots, and it's another killer squash from the Wonderful one. Piledriver does it.

Mean Gene-
-Kamala & Kimchee. Gene says Kamala murdered an elephant and ate it raw, and he might just do that to Andre if he gets the chance. Kamala grunts and shoves his spear in the air.

Match#3 Kamala w/Kimchee vs Robby Harland
Another sick one for the big monster from Uganda. Fat man offence and some sick strikes, and it's everything that's good about pro wrestling. Andre comes out to watch again, and it pissed Kamala off. Splash ends it.

Post match, Andre gets in to fight, but Kim pulls Kamala away and makes him leave.

We cut into Piper's Pit where Piper is interviewing a masked man. The Tonga Kid walks on to confront Piper about what he did to Jimmy. Piper is pissed and tells him to leave before he gets hurt. Tonga says he hurt his cousin and he wants to fight him now! OH SHIT, THEY'RE FAMILY. Piper says if he beats his new man The Executioner next week, then he maybe can have a match with him. Fuck yeah, that rules.

Brutus Beecake comes out for his match and Fink introduces his new manager, Johnny Valiant. Whatever.

Match#4 Brutus Beefcake w/Johnny Valiant vs Chico Rodriguez
Hey, this stinks and no new manager is going to change that. Brutus wins with a bad knee drop.

They replay Hammer winning the IC title.

Mean Gene-
-Hulk Hogan. Nothing new to say about this feud, so fuck him.
-Roddy Piper. He walks on flossing his teeth and says Andre has to do this to get the termites out his wooden teeth. He's not afraid of any man no matter how big, AND HE IS THE LEGEND KILLER AND THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN MAKE ANDRE SAY I QUIT. HOLY SHIT YES.
-Bobby Heenan & Studd. Heenan shows footage from the last match and commentates over it about what a cheat Hogan is, and how Studd will slam and beat him.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
October 20th, 1984
Toronto, Canada

Match#1 David Schultz vs Robbie Parliament

What a name for the jobber lmao. Really good shit from Doc as we're close to him slapping and ending his career, and it sucks man. Elbow drop ends it

POST MATCH BOBBY HEENAN AND JOHN STUDD WALK OUT AND HUG DOC. OH MY GOD, THIS IS WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US. FUCK YOU, VINCE. Also, the giant Hillbilly is in the crowd and is very angry at all of this and takes his hat off in disgust.

WWF Update-
-The Moondogs are covered as crazed monsters who can't be controlled by anyone.

Match#2 Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Bubba Hawkins
Normal bad squash from Studd, but it's at least great to have Heenan at ringside to make this worth sitting though. Elbow smash ends it

Post match, Heenan gets on the mic and says there is no competition for Studd.

Billy Red Lyons-
-Johnny Valiant. He hates Canada because they do everything backwards and they smell. He brings on Kamala and says he's going to be his zookeeper when he faces Andre. Ok, then.

Match#3 Junkyard Dog vs Jerry Valiant
Oh fuck no. Jerry is so old and washed, and looks like current Jericho but in slightly better shape. JYD beats him in a couple of bad minutes.

Post match, JYD dances with some fans

Billy Red Lyons-
-Lou Albano. He still fucking talking about the Samoans. DUDE SHUT UP

Match#4 Bob Orton vs Nick DeCarlo
Fun shit from Bob. He beats the crap out of him with some wicked strikes and has some fun stooging on top of it. The Hillbilly is still in the crowd and seems to hate Orton as well. Superplez kills Nick

Piper's Pit with Greg Valentine. Piper says they've had their differences before and he's fought him, but he knows he's one of the toughest son of a guns ever, and he's proud of him being the IC champ. Hammer says watching Piper breaks Snuka's neck was a wonderful thing, AND THEY SHAKE HANDS AND HUG. FUCKING GOD YES. They kiss the IC title and Piper says there are no tougher men than them. That ruled.

Match#5 The Moondogs vs SD Jones & Mario Mancini
Good squash from the Dogs. They're aren't going to light the world on fire as they're not those type of dudes, but they hit hard and kill some jobbers and it's good stuff. KKM says we will get an update on Tito next week, and his career might be over. They win with a sick as hell Death Sentence where one of them lands right on the jobbers head with his ass.

Match#6 Andre the Giant vs Butcher Vachon
Cool Andre squash of this old fuck. Lots of ass based offence which seems to be his thing, and hey, asses are sick lets be honest. Tremors does it

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 21st, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Tonga Kid vs The Masked Executioner.

Match#1 Sgt Slaughter vs Charlie Fulton
Sarge squashes this maggot scum puke for maybe the 500th time this year, but hey whose counting. Good shit from our hero, and like Doc, it sucks all the shit that he's gone soon because of bullshit reasons. (we'll get there). Cobra Clutch does it

WWF Update-
-Ken Patera is vey strong and can throw rocks through McDonalds windows at 3am and get himself locked up like a stupid asshole for two years.

-Jack from the Maple Leaf show is filling in for Gene
-Bobby Heenan & Studd. More Hogan talk, and i refuse.

Match#2 Tonga Kid vs The Executioner
It's Ron Shaw under a mask and not Playboy Buddy Rose, which is bad. Good little TK squash for 3 minutes and change. Nice strikes and some decent selling when called upon, and yeah not bad at all. He wins with an incredible Flying Splash off the top.

-Nik Volkoff. He hates American and all the stupid people in this country. The best part is him looking like he's reading off cue cards.

Match#3 Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Billy Travis
Same old lame shit. Can't wait for Bobby to manage someone good.
Big Poop

Piper's Pip with David Sammartino. Piper shits on him for being a loser from the minor leagues and he can't get by with his daddy's last name. Tonga Kid storms on set and demands he fight him after he just beat his man. Piper says he won't fight someone in a dress and he doesn't have to prove nothing to this garbage man. David grabs the mic and cuts a bad promo about Piper being a chicken. Piper loses his mind and accepts the fight before storming off.

We see footage of Tito being helped out of the ring after Hammer's violent attack on the leg. He's loaded on a gurney as the commentators speculate his career is over as they've seen men go through this, and it's never good. Coming from that, we go to Tito going into hospital to have knee surgery. it goes on for like 5 minutes as we see him arrive and get prepped and all that, and like there's a point where it's just boring watching a dude get put to sleep. Even more so when he cuts a promo about coming back and getting his revenge when he's high on pain pills after the surgery. The highlight was him wearing his glasses right after the surgery. Dudes Rock

Match#4 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs Steve Lombardi & Salvatore Bellomo
Fine little squash thanks to Sheiky Baby being amazing and not letting this shitbag drag things down too much. It sucks to rag on a dead guy, but he's really bad and i only want to see him in 94 when he joins Ted DiBiase. Clutch humbles a bitch

-Hulk Ho....NAH
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The British Bulldogs vs Goldie Rogers & Bobby Bass (21/10/84-Maple Leaf Gardens)
Oh fuck yes, they're finally together as a unit and while i've never fully loved them as singles dudes, they make a killer team for the most part. Davey uses lots of power stuff and DK uses that and his insane speed and timing to fuck them up. Goes too long at 9 minutes and change, but still a fun debut for the Dogs. They debut the famous Ode to the Bulldogs finish to win

Andre the Giant vs Kamala (Steel Cage-21/10/84)

They get right to it and have a sweet monster fight in the cage with Kamala dropping the big man with a loaded fist, and we get a ton of chops and stomps. Andre bleeds and Kamala likes the blood because he's a savage, so he really goes after it and it's fun. Nothing out of this world amazing or anything, but just a nice cool beating as it should be. Andre's selling is wonderful as he really struggles to get anything in and is all woozy and dazed as a result. He finally cracks him in the face with a nasty chop and mounts a comeback pinballing him all over the place. Andre keeps killing him and hits a super fucking Tremors to murder him, and then walks out the cage.

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Greg Valentine (c) vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontiental Championship-21/10/84)
Tito had the quickest recovery known to man thanks to cocaine and wearing sunglasses at night. He rushes him like a mad man and beats the dogshit out of him before Hammer can answer anything. Wild punches and kicks and some amazing Hammer bumps, including the always impressive Flair drop that he does better than Flair ever did. Yeah, i said it. Tito keeps at it and it's the perfect pissed off return of a babyface possible. Hammer fires back with a series of horrific forearms, but Tito hits him with a complete motherfucker of one to drop him again. Hammer elbows him in the face to finally stop hi, but nope Tito fights out of it and beats the shit out of him some more. HE KICKS AT HIM WHILE ON THE GROUND AFTER AN ATOMIC DROP, AND HE REFUSES TO LET THIS PRICK BEAT HIM AGAIN. They fight on the outsider and they rake each others eyes and Tito gets a chair and smacks Hammer in the face. Fuck yeah. He busts him open and punches the shit out of this assholes and it's so amazing and cool. Tito flings the ref away when he tries to stop it, and he refuses to stop punching at Hammer's bloody face. He cracks Albano as well and punches the piss out of him, and Hammer finally runs for the hills. The ref DQ's Tito for touching him like a real coward. Incredible 5 minute match.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 28th, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Junkyard Dog vs John Callahan

WWF Update-
-Kamala has a destiny planned for him by Blassie and Kim.

Match#2 Paul Orndorff vs Rick McGraw
Hell yes. McGraw goes for it and has a flurry of awesome offence and really messed Paul(a) up. Paul kills him with a hotshot and fucks him up in quick fashion and wins with the Piledriver

Mean Gene-
-Hammer Valentine is here. He's not afraid of Tito at all, and while people may think he's scared of this maniac, he's damn sure not. Tito better think of his family and health before he steps into the ring with him.

Match#3 David Sammartino vs Charlie Fulton
Oh man, are you fucking kidding me??? Really terrible 3 minutes of boring arm work that goes nowhere and looks dreadful to boot. He wins with a bad powerslam.

Mean Gene-
-Heenan & Studd are still talking about Hogan. rkehjvhgdbsewtrvdlfbgrjsteldvfbg sr. NO

Match#4 North-South Connection vs Mario Mancini & Tony Garea
Tony is finally on proper jobber duty as he should have been from the getgo, but fuck it at least it's happening. Awesome stuff from the best team in WWF history thus far, and i'm sad they're gone in a couple of months. Adonis wins with a sick elbow drop off the top

Piper's Pit with Valentine & Albano. Weirdly, they have Lou beg them to let the past go and how he wishes he could have managed them as a combined effort. Piper and Hammer shake hands again and all is well again.

Match#5 Brutus Beefcake w/Johnny Valiant vs...

Match#6 Roddy Piper vs Tonga Kid
GOD YEAH. Piper stalls and stalls and makes TK stupidly go after him, and Piper trips and beats the hell out of him. Incredible punches and kicks combined with all his dirtbag antics. Just a perfect thing to watch.TK fights back with headbutts and gets closer and closer to winning with each nasty strike. Piper's selling is wonderful as hell, and really helps to make the match even better. He ends up throwing TK over the ropes to the concrete and he gets a chair, but TK fights him and hits a splash. BUT HE CAN'T HELP HIMSELF AND KILLS PIPER WITH A SERIES OF CHAIR SHOTS TO THE HEAD AND SHOULDER FOR THE DQ. FUCK YEAH TONGA KID

Post match, Sheik and Nik run out and grab TK so Piper can cheap shot him, but TK gets free and chases them all off. What a killer thing that was
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
November 1st, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Sadly, no Maple this week.

Match#1 Sgt Slaughter vs Johnny Rodz
Tito is sitting in the crowd tonight. Hmmmm.... Awesome Sarge squash thanks to him being the best, and our hero Rodz finally getting back on TV and reminding everyone why he's the best jobber not named Barry. Cobra Clutch does it

WWF Update-
-Wendi is awesome and pals with Cyndi, so you should love her.

Match#2 Greg Valentine w/Lou Albano vs Rick McGraw
Vince realises why Tito is in the front row tonight. Also, that big Hillbilly is in the front row cheering for Rick. Dude must be really rich or something. This is awesome as Rick has another wonderful flurry and Hammer sells it all so fucking well. Hammer finally cracks him with an elbow and beats him with the Figure Four.


Mean Gene-
-Sheik and Nik are here and they still hate America and Sarge. The highlight is Nik trying to say this will be like Vietnam, so Gene cuts him off quick smart.

Match#3 David Sammartino vs Carl Furry
Fink is now announcing him with "Bruno" as his second name in a real sad moment of how bad this is. We get a closeup shot of the Hillbilly in the crowd, and Vince says he's huge as hell. Bruno wonders who he is, but i'm assuming he's just a big Hillbilly who enjoys graps and doesn't need these people gushing over him. The match is shit btw.

Match#4 The Briscoe Brothers vs Steve Lombardi & Charlie Fulton

DEM BOYS FUCK YEAH. Sorry, force of habit. The Briscos acquired minority interests in Georgia Championship Wrestling and, in 1984, convinced a majority (52%) of the shareholders to sell their shares to Vince McMahon, enabling him to increase his dominance of the professional wrestling world. So, yeah, they helped Vince fuck everyone and got jobs for life. This is only 90 seconds and change, but we get some good mat wrestling as you'd expect from these two. Jack wins with the Figure Four

Piper's Pit with Nik & Blassie. Freddie says Piper showed his class last week with what he did to Tonga Kid, and he's proud to call him a friend. Piper gets Nik to sing the anthem while the crowd gets more and more hostile at each note.

Match#5 Barry Windham vs The Executioner
Woooooooo Barry is here, and my desire to review NWA/WCW is further growing ( i will once i get to a point where i can it it all in). Awesome 2 minute debut for the big man. He's super smooth on offence and throws some wicked strikes to mix it all up. Barry wins with a running bulldog

Billy Jack Haynes is coming to the WWF. He doesn't do drugs hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

Mean Gene-
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
November 11th, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Tito vs The Executioner.

Match#1 Tito Santana vs The Executioner
Again, it's just lame ass Ron Shaw under a mask gimmick, so whatever man. Good Tito squash as always though, as he''s never going to miss if he can help it. He guides this lug through some stuff before winning with the Last Supper for the first time in a long time.

WWF Update-
-That Hulk Hogan fella is still liked by the fans

Match#2 Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Tony Garea
Gets 4 minutes so it's our real match of the show. Both men try hard for once and actually have a fun little fight as Tony does his best to chop down the big man before he can caught and killed. He runs in one too many times and Studd catches him with a knee lift to the guts to pin him.

In the crowd, the Hillbilly is not happy with Studd's win.

Match#3 North-South-Connection vs Rick McGraw & Jose Luis Rivera
Holy shit, JLR fell down and down until he found bottom. Awesome shit from our boys as always. Dick is nasty as fuck and seems really mad tonight, and the poor kids bear the brunt of it. Assisted closeline does it.

Mean Gene-
-Bobby Heenan. He demands the fans stop calling him a weasel, and Gene keeps saying and tells the fans not to say it. Heenan brings on Kamala and says he's going to win a battle royal for 50 grand and they'll work out how to spilt it. Gene says he sounds like his mother in law, and Heenan is shocked that Gene is actually married.

Piper's Pit w/Barry Windham. Piper makes fun of him for being from Texas and thinking he's tough when he's never had a pro fight. Piper makes him stand up and take his jacket off, and says they like to graze their homecoming queens in Texas. He says he's got pretty hair and legs and he wonders if he's actually not a lady. Piper takes his shirt off to show he's a real man, and Barry says he would ride side saddle in his skirt.

Match#4 David Sammartino vs Johnny Rodz
Rodz tries his best to carry the kid for a couple of minutes, but it's beyond even his talents. Powerslam ends it
Fuck you

The Hillbilly is in the crowd hanging out with young fans. What a nice man.

Billy Jack has never murdered anyone.

Match#5 Tonga Kid vs Dave Barbie
TK is very mad about the last few weeks and takes it out on Barbie. Loads of chops and headbutts, and it's easily the best TK squash yet. Piper comes out and talks shit to try and throw him off, and Barbie attacks from behind and gets some offence in. Hell yeah. BUT NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, JIMMY SNUKA MAKES HIS RETURN TO GET IN THE RING AND PIPER AND BARBIE HIGHTAIL IT.

To close the show, Vince announces Snuka will return in ring next week
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
November 17th, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

The file fucks up and we miss a Barry squash. Boooooo

Before his match, Nik sings the anthem and the big Hillbilly grabs an American flag and boos the hell out of him. Fuck yeah, love that guy.

Match#1 Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie vs ??
Bad as always from Nicky boy. Backbreaker ends it.

Mean Gene-
-Bobby Heenan & Studd. They're in the 50 grand battle royal at an upcoming show, and hey, no one can throw out a giant.

At ringside, the Hillbilly jeers NSC and Dicky dare him to jump the rail, AND THE HILLBILLY DOES IT AND DICK BACKS OFF. OH SHIT THIS FAN IS CRAZY

Match#2 North-South-Connection vs AJ Petruzi & Salvatore Bellomo
Dicky is now mad as shit and batters these poor bastards after being humiliated. Gross strikes and all that great stuff before the assisted closeline ends it

Post match, the Hillbilly dares them to fight him, but they leave. Sal walks over and gives him a big hug. Awwwww.

Mean Gene-
-Iron Sheik & Nik. Humbling American's

Match#3 Jimmy Snuka vs Carl Furry
Jimmy is very mad at nearly dying because only he can do that, so we get a fun pissed off Snuka squash. Splash ends it.

Match#4 Ken Patera w/Lou Albano vs Jose Luis Rivera
Just watched a shoot where Ken said he was making 35 grand a month, which might be the best lie anyone has ever told. Squash is whatever of course, but bless him for being a complete lying shithead. Powerslam ends my pain.

Billy Jack is normal and not a madman

Match#5 David Schultz vs Tony Garea
Doc squashes this bastard to finally get the show back on track. He drags him through some mat wrestling before he has enough and beats the snot out of him. Flying Elbow gets the W

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
November 24th, 1984
Toronto, Canada

Only a 23 minute file, sadly.

Match#1 Jimmy Snuka vs Bobby Bass
Short and meh Jim squash. Splash does it

The Hillbilly is here tonight!!!

Match#2 Brutus Beefcake w/Jonny Valiant vs Bob Marcus
Sadly, this is on the file and not missing at it should be. Fuck you

BLACKJACK MULLIGAN IS BACK AND HAS A TV SEGMENT CALLED BLACKJACK'S BBQ. OK THEN. Bobby Heenan is the first guest!!! Bobby runs down some cliche's of what Blackjack enjoys, and how it has zero class to be found. He has nothing to do with the cowboy atmosphere life (what a line) and he would never dress like one. Blackjack puts his hat on his head, so Heenan freaks off and runs away.

Match#3 Ivan Putski vs Ted Grizzly
Fucking stop it.

Match#4 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs SD Jones & Rick McGraw
Not good as it's an angle and the match itself is a big nothing. Sheik refuses to stop kicking McGraw in the face, so King Kong comes off commentary and fights him for the DQ

KKM fights them off and stands tall.

At ringside. he says he couldn't stand watching them do that, and now he's in here for a fight.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Greg Valentine-13/10/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: North South Connection-26/5/84
WWF Women's Champion; Wendi Richter-23/7/84

WWF Championship Wrestling
November 24th, 1984
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Junkyard Dog vs Mr X

Post match, he dances with some kids

WWF Update-
-Cyndi Lauper is cool as hell.
-it's announced she will receive a special award in MSG in December

Match#2 Greg Valentine w/Lou Albano vs Aldo Marino
The big old Hillbilly is in the crowd again, and Vince says he's at every event these days. Fun squash from Hammer as always, and i can't wait for WWF to bring in some better jobbers so these can improve even more. Figure Four gets it.

Mean Gene-
-Blackjack Mulligan. He's trained in bar fights with a 98-0 record. He's going to slam Studd and pocket 15 grand on top of the 50 for winning the battle royal.

Match#2 Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo vs RT Reynolds & Mario Mancini
US Express make their debut to finally add something to this horrible division. Good mat work as you'd expect from Mike, and some nice strikes from Barry. Bulldog ends it.


Match#3 Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan vs Joe Mirto
Sick outing for Wonderful with some killer neck work mixed with him beating the living fuck out of the kid. Piledriver does the deed.

Piper's Pit. Piper brings out his new bodyguard COWBOY BOB ORTON. FUCKING YES THIS EPISODE RULES SO GODDAMN MUCH. The guest is Aldo Marino because Piper is sick of these young punks trying to make a name off of him. Aldo says he's never needed someone to watch his back, and Piper sends Cowboy off and gets in his face and says he doesn't need help to take him. Orton punches Aldo in the back of the head and Piper decks him with a Lariat. That was amazing.

Match#4 Blackjack Mulligan vs Dave Barbie
Blackjack is one of those guys i've never really explored, so this is a good chance to actually do that here and beyond in other reviews. He does some good arm before he has enough and just murders him with clubbing. He wins with a running back elbow.

Don Murco meets Mr Fuji on a beach, and something AMAZING is about to happen.

Match#5 North-South-Connection vs The Briscoe Brothers
HOLY SHIT WHAT. WWF just throwing this out here is so wild and not the norm, but i'm here for it. They take it to Dicky on the mat with arm work and really throw him off, and they do the same to Adonis. Dick finally clobbers Gerry to turn the tide and we get a short and violent control seg. Adonis drops a gross elbow onto Gerry's face and really fucks him up. Jack has enough and gets in and a massive brawl breaks out. They lock in double Figure Fours and NSC tap out!!!!!!!


What a motherfucker of an episode
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Feb 1, 2021
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Bobby Heenan vs Salvatore Bellomo
Brain is forced into the ring despite being a manager. These humanoids suck tbh. Tons of stooging and stalling from Brain as he is a trained wrestler and knows how to work this perfectly. He takes some wild bumps and really makes his mark on the biggest night of his career thus far. He takes over with a sick punch and works a sleeper for a while. but he does in a really cool way as he's twisting Sal's head and neck to really hurt him. A lost art form on display. Bobby cracks Sal with a loaded fist to win. BOBBY WON A MATCH. I LOVE 1984 SO MUCH

During the ring introductions for Piper/Tonga, Orton is dubbed "Ace" for the first time, and Snuka runs out to join TK's corner and MSG fucking exploded in one of the loudest pops of the era thus far.

Roddy Piper w/Bob Orton vs Tonga Kid w/Jimmy Snuka
TK goes insane and beats the holy hell out of Piper in one of the raddest things ever. A million punches and headbutts and angry offence, and Piper sells like complete death the entire time. TK even steals some of Jimmy's chops with how he hits them in a wonderful fuck you to this dirtbag. Piper finally cuts him off with a gross backdrop that sends TK onto the back of his head, and we get a sick control seg. Piper combines everything he's amazing at and gives us the best stuff of his run to date. TK's selling is really good and his comeback rocks a ton as he unloads hell on Piper. PIPER CATCHES HIM RUNNING AT HIM IN THE CORNER AND HE DUMPS OVER THE TOP ONTO THE CONCRETE. HE CHEAP SHOTS PIPER AND ACE JOINS TO BEAT THEM DOWN. BUT SNUKA FIGHTS BACK AND TK IS ALIVE AND THEY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM AND THE REF THROWS IT OUT.

Greg Valentine (c) vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontiental Championship)

One more time for the boys to kill it. Tito actually doesn't rush in for once and takes his time and it throws Hammer off as he was expecting a fight, so Tito is able to grind him down and dominate him that way. Really cool way to change things up in a feud that's been so wild from the start each time. Hammer manages to kick him in the throat and drop him over the ropes, but Tito snaps again and slams his face off some chairs and ramps up the beating in classic Tito style. Hammer pokes him in the eyes to cut him off and control him, and hey it's another fun control seg from him. Nothing fancy or cool, just a mean old ass beating. Tito fires off a flash forearm to drop him and send him under the ropes, AND TITO SNAPS AGAIN AND WRAPS HIS LEGS AROUND THE POST AND SMASHES THEM WITH A STEEL CHAIR. FUCK YEAH TITO. Greg kicks him in the knee to cut him back off and wears him down with a sleeper for a while. They end up fighting back and forth and Tito buts him open and beats the living fuck out of him until the bell rings because of the curfew laws. Bad ending, but another sick one of the boys.