The Real Mr. Wrestlemania

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Sep 29, 2008
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In an awesome match at Wrestlemania 22 with Vince McMahon that just was an absolute entertaining match...
Hang on. You include Shawn Michael's match against Vince McMahon, but not Hogan's? Hogan's match against Vince McMahon was a much more entertaining match than Michaels.

His other notable match I would say is with Diesel when the playmates were in their corners... Mainly for the showmanship of that event..
Then how can you leave out Hogan's match at WM 1 where he teamed with Mr. T and the special guest ref was Muhammad Ali?


Hbk is Mr wrestlemania no matter how much you cloud the fact hogan is the biggest star. Taker has the best streak and hbk always does very well at wrestle manias. Matches, performances and his entrances. taker has the streak hogan has the crowd and hbk has the all round thing.

Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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You're funny - you've named maybe 3 MEMORABLE matches on that whole list and you have the audacity to say that WM3 wasn't STOLEN by Hogan/Andre - are you serious dude?? Just because a guy has a great technical match (Savage/Steamboat=best WRESTLED Mania match ever imo) that doesn't mean it is what makes that Mania MEMORABLE. You've obviously got a hard on for HBK to say he stole the show on those early Manias. And its crazy to not give any credit to Hogan for his match against Savage or the Warrior. He knows how to sell a match dude. You're young and niave and buy into all the Hogan hater BS that goes on now. Soon you're gonna say that Michael Jordan isn't the greatest basketball player to ever play the game and that its Kobe or Lebron. Geeze.

Dude, people said the same shit when everyone started calling Jordan the greatest to ever play the game. Anyone that grew up watching basketball in the 70's and early 80's knows that Julius Erving is the greatest basketball player in the history of the sport. People after that KNOW Jordan is the greatest ever. One day, Kobe OR LeBron will surpass what Jordan did and will be known as the greatest ever.

I dont hate Hogan, by far. I'm a pretty big Hogan fan. But Hogan never STOLE a fucking show. He had ONE great moment, and a couple great matches, but as fa as performances go, HBK has outperformed them all, EVEN as a tag team wrestler.

Not my fault you dont remember some quality tag team matches with high-caliber performances.

Mr. WrestleMania is the man who gives the best performances, and great matches. HBK has ALWAYS been the most outstanding member of WrestleMania. Go back and watch some of those tag matches from the early Manias. Watch the reactions he got, and some of the risks he took when those risks were unheard of in WWE. Then watch some Hogan matches and find me some other-world shit he's never done (other than the slam on Andre). Don't even count his unsanctioned but allowed match against Yokozuna. Hogan didn't go above and beyond the way HBK, Taker, Hart, etc. did.

And you can say the Taker matches are as boring as you want... but the guy shows crafty veteran ringwork, creative and "old-school" charismatic maneuvers, and he goes to extreme measures (over the top rope suicide dives). Undertaker performs brilliantly with the right opponent, and even with the wrong opponent.

And what's even funnier is ou saying I have a hardon for HBK, yet you're going out of your way to imply that because you don't remember anything but Hogan at any WrestleMania, while hosting Hogan in your sig and probably all over your bedroom. It's clear who has got a hardon for who... and it's not me...
Mar 11, 2009
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Hang on. You include Shawn Michael's match against Vince McMahon, but not Hogan's? Hogan's match against Vince McMahon was a much more entertaining match than Michaels.

Then how can you leave out Hogan's match at WM 1 where he teamed with Mr. T and the special guest ref was Muhammad Ali?

Even with those same two... HBK is way better than Hogan at WM and you know it NBT...

You of all people know that i think Hogan is one of the best of all time.. But HBK is Mr. Wrestlemania...


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
Second post, better make it count.

As far back as I can remember HBK has always delivered at Wrestlemania. If you're talking about those Wrestlemania moments the only one that really registers with me as far as Hogan is concerned is against Andre at WM3. Michaels has got WM10 versus Razor, WM12 against Hart and WM14 against Austin. Even his Wrestlemania debut with Marty Jannety against The Barbarian and Haku (I think) was outstanding.

To be honest I'm not a massive Michaels fan (personally or professionally) but you've got to give the guy the credit he deserves. He always turns it on for Wrestlemania.

Moonlight Drive

What criteria are we basing 'Mr. Wrestlemania' on? Because even if Hogan is better than Michaels, HBK is much more 'Mr. Wrestlemania' than anyone.

Christian 2.0

Feb 20, 2009
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It's going to be Triple H. In the last 10 years he's been in a title match or the last match 7 times! That's crazy and has me a little worried now. Ric Flair was Mr. Starrcade because they needed him to help promote the event. Wrestlemania sells itself so why is Triple H in so many title matches? Is he just incapable of a regular feud?


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
It's going to be Triple H. In the last 10 years he's been in a title match or the last match 7 times! That's crazy and has me a little worried now. Ric Flair was Mr. Starrcade because they needed him to help promote the event. Wrestlemania sells itself so why is Triple H in so many title matches? Is he just incapable of a regular feud?

Three guesses.

I'll give you a hint: it probably has something to do with who his wife is.



JimmyD said:
Second post, better make it count.

Oh, well I guess your THIRD post was wher that intention went out of the window eh?

HHH repeatedly headlines WM because he's one of the best big-match players the WWE has...

Unfortunately most of the roster (even some of the guys the diehard wrestling fans love and swear by) have got a fair way to go before they've proven to have the all-round skills to deliver the goods with a WM ME program.

I suppose the HHH-hater above me thinks Shelton (or the like) should be headlining this years WM. LOL

Great One

I suppose the HHH-hater above me thinks Shelton (or the like) should be headlining this years WM. LOL
Or WILLIAM REEEEEGAL!!! (actually wouldn't be that bad =p).

This is a pretty dumb topic, tbh, we're arguing about a title. Hogan's 'moments' are kinda biased, due to the time period, imo. Even Hogan vs. Rock, Hogan didn't alone really make that moment. Whereas the point of HBK calling himself this, is that he STEALS the show because he performs so amazing. HBK vs. Angle, vs. Vince, vs. Razor, etc. he always did some crazy, awesome shit. So yeah... plus he CALLS himself it, thus he is technically "Mr. Wrestlemania."


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
So from now on I am "Mr. IWF". I'm calling myself that so it is true.

I understand the arguments posted here in regards to HBK being the real Mr. WrestleMania (except for him calling himself it so its that) and in my heart even though I still believe it to be that Hogan had the biggest moments therefore he "IN MY EYES" is MY Mr. Wrestlemania. If it be anyone other than Hogan than all of you guys have convinced me that it should be HBK. He has put on some memorable matches and has proven himself to be a top performer at Mania year after year.


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England

Oh, well I guess your THIRD post was wher that intention went out of the window eh?

HHH repeatedly headlines WM because he's one of the best big-match players the WWE has...

Unfortunately most of the roster (even some of the guys the diehard wrestling fans love and swear by) have got a fair way to go before they've proven to have the all-round skills to deliver the goods with a WM ME program.

I suppose the HHH-hater above me thinks Shelton (or the like) should be headlining this years WM. LOL

I don't hate Triple H at all, I just don't think he should headline WM as much as he does. Admittedly the WWE doesn't have many other faces of his quality and that's their own fault, because they've got the components sitting in front of them but choose to do nothing with them. But that doesn't mean that Triple H should be in the main event every fucking year. I said exactly the same thing about The Rock eight years ago and my point stands here.

Triple H has been on top for too long, and the fact that there are few other main event faces out there who can touch him doesn't change this. Maybe if they actually tried to sensibly push some new faces instead of a) Rocketing them into the main event (Punk) or b) burying them in a feud with the boss (Lashley) they might get somewhere, but instead they keep pushing the same guys. Orton is the future of this business and I respect Cena for working as hard as he does (even if I believe it's time the WWE stopped flogging that particular dead horse), but Triple vs Orton / Cena was boring two years ago, let alone now.

As for Shelton Benjamin, if he can improve his mic skills then he'll be a main event player. If not then he wont.
Sep 29, 2008
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I don't hate Triple H at all, I just don't think he should headline WM as much as he does.
Like someone already pointed out, he’s great in big matches and the fans buy him in the top spot.

Admittedly the WWE doesn't have many other faces of his quality and that's their own fault, because they've got the components sitting in front of them but choose to do nothing with them.
I would love to hear who these guys are, and how it’s the WWE’s fault that they aren’t main event level superstars.

But that doesn't mean that Triple H should be in the main event every fucking year. I said exactly the same thing about The Rock eight years ago and my point stands here.
The Rock was only in the title match for 3 years, and Triple H has been in a title match at 7 of the last 8 Wrestlemanias including WM 25. So why are you using the Rock as an example?

Triple H has been on top for too long, and the fact that there are few other main event faces out there who can touch him doesn't change this.
This might be true, but until the fans stop cheering for him and buying his merchandise, he will continue to be in the spot that he is in.

Maybe if they actually tried to sensibly push some new faces instead of a) Rocketing them into the main event (Punk)
CM Punk got great booking by the WWE. How anyone can blame the WWE for Punk is beyond me. He wasn’t rocketed right into the main event spot on Raw either. When he debuted on ECW, they gave him a fairly long winning streak, he got to team with DX at Survivor Series, he competed at two Wrestlemania’s in the MITB and he won the second one, and he held the ECW championship. He did A LOT in two years before he was pushed into the main event on Raw. He was given plenty of exposure. When they put him into the main event on Raw, they did it by having him win the belt in just about the most exciting way possible. Then they had JBL, someone that gets more heat than just about anyone, put him over while he was champion. So I’m not sure what more the WWE could have done for the guy. It’s not the WWE’s fault that his reign sucked, it’s CM Punk’s fault.

or b) burying them in a feud with the boss (Lashley)
Seriously? That’s one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. They put Lashley in the same feud that made Stone Cold the huge mega star that he became, and you say they buried him? He was involved in the biggest feud going in to Wrestlemania 23, representing Donald Trump, and he won that match. Then he went on to have a 2 month feud with Vince McMahon over the ECW championship, where in the end Lashley prevailed. He came out of the fued 10 times bigger then when it started. So how on earth did he get buried?

I respect Cena for working as hard as he does (even if I believe it's time the WWE stopped flogging that particular dead horse),
Dead horse? Are we talking about the same dead horse that sold more merchandise in one year, than anyone else in history besides Hogan and Austin while they were in their prime, and doing so while the economy was slumping? Is this the same dead horse that was responsible for a ratings increase when he returned from injury?

Come on, did you even think before you posted this crap?