WM Rumors (Jericho)

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As we all know Chris Jericho on Raw has beef with the WWE HOF. For the past few weeks since Mickey Rouke's comments after the release of The Wrestler he has talked down the honour of being a WWE Hall of Famer and has come into conflict with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Now many people have been wondering what match this has been leading to. Most have come to expect Mickey Rourke vs Jericho however Rouke has now reported that he won't be attending Wrestlemania this year (possible due to the negative light wrestling has in the entertainment industry), even though WWE hope he will change his mind after the Academy Awards.

Good old WWE have a backup plan if Rourke decides ultimately not to appear. With several WWE HOFs to make apperances on Raw in the coming weeks the backup match is going to be Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan. If Rourke does come through Hogan is expect to still to make an appearance. Hogan is not confirmed however but feelers have been sent his way to see how he feels about the match.

According to Wrestlescoop, if he doesn't get to fight Y2J, the motions will be made to place him in a match with John Cena who is currently in an ange with Edge which can take them both to Wrestlemania. A question begs though. Who would Edge face if Cena was pulled from the angle? Apperently the Big Show will step up for the match.


We've gotten hints about a possible Edge-Show encounter this past weeks, but I just can't see WWE going with that match for WM. I like both guys, but it just seems like a match better suited for one of the "lesser PPV's".

Evil Austin

Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan :g: hmmm...I seriously don't know about that. The guys is nearly 80'. Jericho would have to carry him for most of the match as did Michaels in 06'. Personally I would prefer something like Jericho vs. Big Show.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
Oh please god no - I love Hogan more than anyone on this site but GOD please don't let him actually wrestle at WM25, PLEASE. I don't want to see Jericho (one of my faves right now along with Orton) go down to Hogan or any Hall of Famer. This would be complete nonsense - and why the hell would they put Hogan (probably the biggest babyface ever) against their current babyface in Cena without turning him heel. Makes no sense and actually disturbs me to think that the E would actually want Hogan ot wrestle and disturbs me more that they would book either Cena or Jericho to LOSE to him at mania (we all know Hogan is NOT losing a match at WM25 if he's in one).
Boooooooo to this idea.


Breaking news:
WWE is planning Jericho vs Rourke
If that doesnt work, it'll be Jericho vs Hogan
if that doesnt work, it's going to be Jericho vs Cena
or maybe Jericho vs Edge
or mayeb Jericho vs HHH
Or maybe Jericho s Verne Gagne

They're bound to get it right one time.
But in all seriousness, I could've sworn the same people just reported Hogan vs Cena?
If Hogan was ever going to come back for a match, it sure as hell wouldn't be against Jericho. it'd beagains tlike HBK, or HHH or Cena, or Taker, etc.

I doubt this alot.
However, if it was to happen, I wouldn't mind it. It'd make sense, and be cool.
Oh, and everyone... Hogan is only like 54. If Vince can be in a match, so can Hogan.


Yeah, I dont know how much truth there is to this. In fact, this could just be a swerve to keep the attention off of Steve Austin. It's been recently mentioned that Steve Austin will not wrestle at 25, but taking picture off the poster.

If it's true and Austin will just be a referee or something, certainly they will need a big match for Jericho. If austin can't go, they are going to need something. If not, Cena is last option sort of.

Which this backstage politics answers a lot of questions why the wwe hasn't set up anything certain for mania yet in these two matches.

The Rated R CMStar

Lol, this report is idiotic.

They said that WWE are planning Edge vs Cena, Cena vs Hogan, Edge vs Show, Y2J vs Rourke and Y2J vs Hogan.

They just have to get one right


I think Jericho wont actually wrestle at Mania (which is B.S if you ask me) but he will still have a big role, maybe a promo setting up a feud. I would like to see a Jericho/Show match at Mania honestly. or possibly Jericho/Cena

The Rated R CMStar

What on Earth makes you think he won't wrestle at Mania? A promo setting a feud? A feud for when? Backlash. You're crazy.

Also, can someone please tell me how Jericho vs Show or Jericho vs Cena at Mania makes any sense?


Consider the wwe can start a hot fued in one night, it wouldn't be that hard to do Jericho vs Cena. Simply have Cena make a save on a legend. I do think Jericho is a lock for a WM match. The article was basically just saying the wwe is still looking at their options. Which has been happening a lot recently at mania time. I believe WM 23 was supposed to have Hogan vs. Umaga, but it ended up being Lashley. So the report may be idiotic, but theres some truth mixed in there too. When booking you always need a Plan B so to speak.


It will be Jericho vs some legend. Hogan is probably most likely. I also doubt they would put Cena in a match vs Hogan. Putting the biggest babyface of all time up against your current draw is not a good idea. Cena will get booed worse than when he faced off against Triple H.

Rourke will NOT wrestle. He just rejuvenated his career.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
We've gotten hints about a possible Edge-Show encounter this past weeks, but I just can't see WWE going with that match for WM. I like both guys, but it just seems like a match better suited for one of the "lesser PPV's".

Even though the hype wouldn't be the best, I'm willing to bet that if it isn't match of the night, it will be a close second or third.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland

Also, can someone please tell me how or Jericho vs Cena at Mania makes any sense?

Cena invokes his rematch clause on Edge next week on SD, he loses. That's it. He has no other chances at the belt. Since both the belts are on SD now, Cena's out of the world title pic at mania.

Jericho keeps going on and on about about washed up Legends, Cena comes out, does his "respect the legends" promo Jericho says he doesn't give a damn about the legends why should he about you (Cena) Cena says well because I'll do this they brawl, they have more promos and altercations..... Cena vs Jericho at Mania.