Whoa, just noticed what a bad move not putting Kane was. Anyways, Christian = 6th entrant.
Mike Knox: He can play the role of the dominance in the match, and be squashing everybody until Rey Mysterio rolls him up. This leads to Knox destroying Mysterio, and having him open for someone else to eliminate him.
Kofi Kingston: Stuntman of the match. This also gets him over, and pushes him up the midcard. He should have a good spot, atleast one.
Chris Jericho: He should go through the whole match as the equivalent to John Cena. The two square off multiple times, and rekindle old flames, but Cena overcomes him eventually.
If Christian is to return here: He should be the next best person to eliminate Knox. Getting him over as something to worry about. Christian can eliminate Jericho, and Jericho gets pissed. The two get a feud. Anyways, John Cena's winning, and thats it. Hopefully the entertainment, is more exciting than the predicatbility of the match.