Samoa Joe Is Overrated

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Its not Joe that sucks. He has amazing wrestling ability. You are only as good as the way you are booked. Watch his first few months in TNA and tell me he was overrated. TNA have booked him in to a corner and now as the guy above said, he's coming back with a big cumstain on his face.

So you're telling me that if The Great Khali was booked well, he'd be a good wrestler? No.

BHooking isn't everything. Fact is that Joe isn't that good. Slyfox put it best, so I rreally don't have anything to add to that.

The Rated R CMStar

He has more moves than you will ever have

You lost the credibility of the argument with this line, but let's continue.

Slagging someone off that is a million miles better than you at probably crapping on the toilet is stupid.

Can you try comparing Samoa Joe to an actual wrestler and not a guy posting in a wrestling forum?

Do not say he hass lackluster of moves, he is better than 98% of the wwe roster and can pull a good match out of absolutely anyone

Not saying this isn't true, but when Samoa Joe gives me one of his "5 star matches" in front of the 20 000 fans WWE performers wrestle week in and week out, this argument is admitable.

Trust me if he came to wwe he might be worse than you think he is now

Why? Because of your blind hate to WWE booking?

But maybe you're right. WWE will build Samoa Joe as a monster for a year, feed him to an old wrestler, send him down to midcard keeping the crowd raving for him to be pushed up. Then WWE will push Samoa Joe up the card only to feed him to the same old wrestler again, making him look like a fool by trusting the old wrestler's wife.

Then, WWE sends him back to the midcard, and about 2 years late, they finally give him the belt.

But then, WWE makes him a whiny champion, looking him look like a fool for his entire run. And finally, in the event he should have been put over, WWE will make Joe lose to an ever older wrestler than before per interference of an even older, crippled wrestler.

There is a reason why people chant JOE IS GOING TO KILL YOU

People also chant for the Punjabi Playboy.

All fans around the world tna roh you should know hes good at what he does, and people who slag him off or think he snot that good are just morons.

Paraphrazing, anybody who isn't blindless sheep and has an opinion of their own, is a moron.

Bottom line is, while you might have a point in all the stupid rambling you said, you used horrible, horrible arguments.

CT Styles

Joe has pretty good athletic ability for someone his size but still, he's not that great. He's just a big monster which is why he is where he is in TNA. I've never been a fan of him.

Luke Flywalker

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At the Samoan drop comment... yes. You shouldn't dawn "Samoa" in your persona/gimmick if you're not going to do a Samoan drop. It's like claiming you were trained in Stu Hart's dungeon and don't use a snap suplex. That's a part of being from the Isle of Samoa. (Yes, I am just being an asshole)

Dude, you just compared a wrestling fan, to a wrestler. I hate when people say a fan can't judge a wrestler's talent. I'm sure you're not a wrestler, so don't sit there and say that a wrestler is talented if you're not as talented as said wrestler... idiot!

Also, yes, it's an opinion. I've watched several Joe matches, I just don't find the guy to be entertaining. I have seen him use an arsenal of moves... but not recently. Why is Joe not allowed to do various moves, when guys like Alex Shelley can shuffle their entire moveset in week after week and show off something different in every match? There are plenty of guys that don't shuffle... but Joe (to me) has the most predictable and recycled performances in the ring every week.

That's not booking, that's horrible "choreography" and terrible showmanship. Even Kevin Nash does a little something different every match he's in... you're telling me Joe can't tell his opponent, "alright, I've got something in the bag of tricks for you, let's try this..." and then bust out something we haven't seen in months or years from him? Please.

The only thing poor booking effects with Samoa Joe is stale storylines, not his ability to use something different in between the ropes once in a while.


Sorry if this topic already exists...

Obviously the guy has a great intensity to him, and his athleticism for his size is cool... but what the hell does Samoa Joe actually provide?

The guy sucked ass when he wrestled in WWE against Essa Rios. He's always been lackluster as far as moves. His muscle buster is cool because it's pretty unique to mainstream professional wrestling. His move set aside from that isn't incredible. A snap powerslam, running one-footed dropkick, overhead "Pele" kick on the turnbuckle, rear-naked choke, and occasionally you'll get a face-wash.

I've seriously never been impressed with the guy, and don't understand why he gets any credit. Not to mention, the guy's mic skills (since plenty of you use that for a credential) are terrible! He wasn't even impressive as a heel, slamming guys onto chairs and all that junk :/.

So what is it about Samoa Joe that people honestly like?

...Thank you, Jesus.


There's nothing wrong with playing the larger guy in a match. Vader was great because he was a fucking beat. If you play an unstoppable monster, obviously you need guys to bump for you. At the same time, if you are a technical worker, you need guys who will sell body parts for you. That's why Joe works well as a monster versus Styles and Daniels AND good against a technician like Danielson and Punk.

The same can be said for Undertaker. There is a reason he has better matches against somebody like Kurt Angle who he can overpower than somebody like Big Show where he has to play the under dog. That does not make Undertaker any worse; it just classifies him as a certain role. The role that people like Joe, Taker, and Vader play is different than the role that Styles, Daniels, and other smaller guys play.

RKO Legend, what Samoa Joe matches have you seen outside of TNA? Just curious.


Joe is good enough to be a top draw. Is he as good as Angle in wrestling? No. Is he as good as Sting in carrying off his gimmick? No. But is he better than the other 95% of the roster yes, and that's all that matters. He's still young. Remember, Edge only started making his mark once he hit his big 3-0. So I think if Joe can still learn to improve himself, he can reach elite status.

For argument's sake, if he were in WWE, and minus all that political bullishit and just going by talent alone, I'll say he'll be around Kofi Kingston's level and push.


Samoa Joe is under rated by some wrestling fans. which they are entitled to of course. I was not comparing a wrestler to a fan i was just angry a little bit a a kids response to a wrestler. Im sure the thread start was 15, now age doesn't matter much but tell me he has had as much wrestling match experience as most of us. I think he lacks the maturity so far. I mean people who are older than you maybe 21 onwards have respect for joe. Not cause we are older so we think he is better but we just appreciate people like joe. Hes a hard worker and can wrestle anyone and look good. I know joe doesn't always use the moves we want him to and Alex Shelley does. Its just the way it is i don't book the guy so i wouldn't know. And i have wrestled before as a few people here know, i know what its like to wrestle and the pressure your under in a match up. i trained for 2 years and wrestled a few local matches and 1 semi big event in Cardiff wales. i know what its all about, maybe not as much as joe obviously but i know how a match is booked. Not as good as tna matches and wwe matches but i kind of have an idea why they'd use certain moves here and there.
Iam a hardcore joe fan thats why ive typed the way i have and sorry if Ive caused anyone any offense.

Luke Flywalker

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Dude, I'm 21 myself... born July 11, 1987. I've been watching wrestling since I was 2 years old.

I've seen Joe have matches against ECW Legends, TNA vets, "new" WWE talent. I've seen Joe in Japan in Tag Team matches, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting his ability here... I'm doubting his rating, as he's not showing off what he's KNOWN for. I'm not seeing him shuffle shit into his matches, shit I know he's capable of. What happened to his Spinal Slap and Tap? Why did he stop doing his running knee (variation of a seated Shining Wizard)? I've seen Joe go to incredible lengths (as I've seen in his matches with guys like Styles and C.D.).

I'm just not impressed with his lack of effort against guys in the Heavyweight division. I'm not asking to see Joe do X-Division shit against Kevin Nash.. but you're telling me he can't do several of his ground moves or basic slams against guys like Kurt or Booker?

And his mic skills, I just don't get it. I mean... alright, he doesn't really stutter or anything, but he's got little aggression in his voice when he NEEDS to talk, and he says some of the corniest shit ever. I know as King Joe, he was doing the "Joe's going to kill you" shit... and obviously that's a bit over the top for TNA... but you're telling me he can't be a bit more convincing?

IDK, I'd just like to see him dive into his bag of tricks a bit. It's not like he's fighting Big Show and he obviously cant do certain moves. He's fighting guys near his weight, he should have a LITTLE bit of control with what he knows how to do.


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Did you ever stop to think that he doesn't use those moves anymore because he's told not to?

This is a quite common occurance amongst wrestlers.


^^^ Exactly my point monkey style . He maybe in a certain part of his career now where he might find it hard referring bk to his old moves. Plus its also the booking. We don't see any 5* tna matches no more so blame them to.

Luke Flywalker

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Did you ever stop to think that he doesn't use those moves anymore because he's told not to?

This is a quite common occurance amongst wrestlers.

^^^ Exactly my point monkey style . He maybe in a certain part of his career now where he might find it hard referring bk to his old moves. Plus its also the booking. We don't see any 5* tna matches no more so blame them to.

How could the guy NOT be allowed to use a snapmare, slap and kick? You mean to tell me that they tell Joe to tone it down so he can't have an exciting match, but allow Shelley to do almost whatever he wants so they can have an exciting match? That's a bullshit argument if I've ever heard one.


So your telling me you hate him cause hes doesn't use a snapmare, slap and kick? Well no also cause shelley is younger more agile and is being pushed. Joe just came back and will probably use all of his so called moves to make you happy after i give him a phone call to tell him your bitching about it.

Luke Flywalker

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So your telling me you hate him cause hes doesn't use a snapmare, slap and kick? Well no also cause shelley is younger more agile and is being pushed. Joe just came back and will probably use all of his so called moves to make you happy after i give him a phone call to tell him your bitching about it.

That's one move he doesn't use anymore that he shouldn't be restricted from. Why is the face-wash a heel move? He could still use that. Why can't he do his running senton splash anymore? Surely on a bigger guy, the move wouldn't be as devastating? Why doesn't Joe do bulldogs like he used to do? IDK, I can't really imagine they'd tell him to not use some of his basic, somewhat signature moves... just because they feel it will make for a more exciting Joe. It makes him appear stale. It's why guys like John Cena got so old so quick... he started just using the SAME exact routine.

I understand with Rey Mysterio... it's not like he can do plaunchas and head scissors to just anybody. I understand with guys like Triple H who are constantly thrown in the ring with stiffs... you can't really explore your former movesets. But TNA isn't really throwing stiffs at Joe (minus Kevin). Sure Kurt's been a BIT stiff... but Booker T? You're telling me Booker can't let Joe throw in a few moves to tickle the balls of Joe's fanbase? TNA's not in the position to restrain guys, so if you're right that they're telling him to tone down the quality of his matches... then what's the point in ANYONE watching TNA for anything?


Good point but tna has wrecked a few wrestlers i reckon. Its booking story lines don't even make sense anymore at all. I dont think its his fault that he dont do the moves. Mind you at the next ppv who knows? Say he does all of his moves will you like him then?