Time to start dropping some F bombs

  • Thread starter Chuck Taylor's Grenade
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Chuck Taylor's Grenade

It's time for another rant from Spiralshock. What am I gonna be going off on about this time? MVP breaking his losing streak? No. Victoria retiring and nobody giving a shit? no. This rant isn't even related to wrestling. This is a rant about work.

Over a year ago I left a full time 35+ hour a week job as an Assistant Manager at a dollar store to take a job as a projectionist at the local theater where I was promised at least 35+ hours a week plus better pay. It was great I got three days off, I got to watch free movies (sometimes before they came out), and I worked with awesome people (I still do...sometimes...depends on their attitude). Fast forward to around April or May the exact time is fuzzy. It was then that the Hotel which used to be under the same umbrella as the theater and several restaurants in town got bought out. The district manager of the theater also ran the hotel so she went with them and we get someone else.

To say that the person who took over is an incompetent fucking idiot is an understatement. Here is a list of his accomplishments-

-Cutting labor a ridiculous amount. During the months of September or October we had four concessionist and four ushers working the entire weekend. 1 each in the morning, 1 each in the evening per day. It was so bad that people actually complained to the main headquarters about the lines being so long and the theaters/rest room not being cleaned properly.

-More or less leading to the departures of at least 5 people. Some of which had been there for at least 2 years and were awesome workers. We now have only 5 ushers now and we used to have at least 10.

-Gutting our stock room. During Christmas Break we ran out of like 10 different candies, napkins, and hot dog buns. There was a time when our stock room would be full. Now it looks bare.

-Getting an assistant manager fired for the most bullshit reason ever.

-Bringing his kids and their friends to the theater, letting them in the office (which is not allowed) letting them do whatever they please

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them. Anyway what used to be 35 or more hours a week has dwindled down to between 28 and 32. Which wasn't that bad when I had a side job at the hotel but now that that's dried up the only sources of income are my job and the wife's job. Guess what, it's not enough. But there was a slight glimmer of hope.

Around October there was a flyer looking for another shift manager at the theater. "Perfect" I thought. An opportunity to get better hours and a possible pay increase. So I put in my resume, I got an interview and I got...nothing. For three months I heard nothing about the job. In the mean time I busted my ass, learned everything I possibly could about being at box office, working concessions, being an usher. There were some weekends when, because we were short staffed I would be downstairs helping concessionists, run upstairs thread and start a movie, back downstairs helping and ad infinitum. I even stayed an hour over helping the concessionist clean up and close out after the last show set on Fridays, Saturdays an occassionally Sundays. I basically became one of the most respected workers at the whole place. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, I worked with routinely said I was an awesome worker and thanked me for everything I did. I thought I was gonna get the job for sure.

Which leads me to today (well yesterday now). Yesterday, I along with everybody else (even the General Manager) found out that the DM has put a new assistant manager in place (something that should have been done a long time ago because we've been running with two managers for three months which is ridiculous). The DM didn't tell anybody about it, something he has a history of doing. It's basically like welcome to work, here's another change deal with it. This basically cancelled out the three plus months of hard work I had put in hoping to impress the bosses and I believe I did impress the bosses (all but the DM apparently) because the general manager even said that he didn't blame me at all for being upset/pissed off. Not to mention every single worker there said I got screwed royally and said that I deserved the management position. Plus this person knows nothing about working at a theater yet somehow they're more qualified than me when I've been there at least a year and routinely bust my ass doing everything that needs to be done. Last sunday I worked 9 hours with no lunch break because our show sets were so bunched and because we were so busy. And Saturdays I work basically from open to close (12 hours). At this point nearly everybody wants to quit because of how bad it sucks at work. It sucks ass through a straw.

There you have it, a look into the life of spiralshock. Where we go from here, only time will tell.

Beer Money Army

i didnt read any of that :shifty: :sofa:

But fuck the douch bags.. Douche Chill...


CT Styles

People these days.* :smh

*I would not have a clue what the fuck you wrote.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
That really fucking sucks Spiralshock, although the Manager did have the right to do that, you did get royally screwed.