Superior Championship Wrestling - SCW

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KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
News, Notes & A Preview:

SCW is proud to announce they have signed five new talents. Former WWE Interviewer, Kevin Kelly was signed to be a new interviewing partner with Kristal Marshall, and the two of them will also be the new announcers of SCW's Saturday-Night show, Explosion! It's a one hour show, that will debut soon, airing before Saturday Night Live on NBC. Also, the other signees are former WWE Hardcore Champion, Stevie Richards! This veteran is said to be happy, as he feels he's been wrongly used for quite some time, and feels SCW can do a better job. Former WWE Tag Team Champion, Bob "Hardcore" Holly is another addition to SCW's roster. Eric Bischoff has said he wants men like Holly & Richards who will bring in that Hardcore feel, and veteran status to give this company that extra "umph". Another new talent signed with the company is Sylvan, a former WWE Tag Team Champion, and a young gun who has a bright future. The final addition to the SCW Roster is none other than the Japanese Buzzsaw, Tajiri! He has been residing in his home land Japan, and has only had about a couple matches in America the last couple years. A translator was with him when he said he was very excited to return to America Pro Wrestling, and debut in the SCW.

Word going around backstage is that Donald Trump and Eric Bischoff met with Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett. Jeff & Sixie have been on thin ice with Spike TV over the last few months with losing some of their top men, like Sting, James Storm. And with a new company fastly rising, Jeff has said in an interview it was hard competing with one billionaire, but two is too much for any man. Jeff told sources close to him he thinks it may be time to do what he does not want to do, and give Total nonstop Action Wrestling up. Donald Trump may be the leadign candidate to buy the company, instead of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Donald has said he'd love to give Jeff an office job, and hopes there would be no hard feelings between the two sides if the deal went down. Eric even said in an interview with the Newspaper in Orlando, that if Mr. Trump and Mr. McMahon could make an agreement due to them being buddies, there could be the first ever draft between two companies, over who gets the TNA Wrestlers! Eric has pitched the idea of Trump, thinking of the ratings that would come in, Vince is yet to respond to this statement, but some of the TNA Wrestlers said they are happy to be wanted, but if TNA did sell, they hope to still have a job. Men like Booker T, Kurt Angle & Christian Cage are just about the only ones who will probably have a job still. More news on this huge subject as it comes.

Eric Bischoff announced the Pay Per View name and date for SCW's first PPV. It will be called Showdown! And the date is September 28th, 2008. It will be a historic night in SCW, that is a must-see.

The ratings are in! The debut show of SCW scored a very high rating of 2.7. Donald Trump said he is very happy with that being the debut show, but the most recent Mayhem scored a 2.3. Trump believes it will get better, and they had a rough night being matched up with WWE RAW's main event, which featured WWE Champion Triple H defending his Championship in a Fatal Four Way Match vs. Finlay, JBL & Mr. Kennedy. The main event stole the show, and beat out SCW's main event by a long shot. Trump said he will have to do one better, and next week has announced a HUGE main event, and card!

Next Week's Matches Announced Thus Far:

Mayhem Rematch
Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman

Six Pack Challenge Preview
CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

Single's Match
Finlay vs. Randy Orton

Tag Team Match
The New Breed vs. Ric & Reid Flair

Main Event - Non-Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bill Goldberg

{I will not write Explosion in full, since it's just an hour show I am just going to write the two or three matches, and if there is any, promo's, in recap}​


Mayhem Rematch
Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman

Six Pack Challenge Preview
CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

Single's Match
Finlay vs. Randy Orton

Tag Team Match
The New Breed vs. Ric & Reid Flair

Main Event - Non-Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bill Goldberg

all looks good except the Main event because I hate Bobby Lashley.
check out T.N.E If you want, the next show is up

Evil Austin

Mayhem Rematch
Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman

Six Pack Challenge Preview
CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

Single's Match
Finlay vs. Randy Orton

Tag Team Match
The New Breed vs. Ric & Reid Flair

Main Event - Non-Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bill Goldberg


BM: 6 Man Tag was pretty awesome

WM: Squizzy Squash

BP: Randy and Sting, really see a big fued out of these two


AC: Really enjoyed reading here man, I love a short and sweet show, I give you alot of credit packing so much into a short show, that's how I used to do it with TNA, awesome work

Mayhem Rematch
Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman

Six Pack Challenge Preview
CM Punk vs. Orlando Jordan

Single's Match
Finlay vs. Randy Orton

Tag Team Match
The New Breed vs. Ric & Reid Flair

Main Event - Non-Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Bill Goldberg

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
I am EXTREMELY sorry for the bad results in the second half of the results, because I saved the results half way through, and literally when I was finishing it, my power went out, and I freaked, lol. Sorry for this, because I hate to do that, and the results were very good, especially Finlay vs. Orton, but I just could not write it all out for the second half. Sorry again guys, and I hope you still enjoy 'em.



Video recapping the previous week's events


"I'm Back" is already playing over the PA System, as Eric Bischoff stands in the middle of the ring, mic in hand, and boo's through the arena.

Eric Bischoff: I love you people too!

Fans boo even louder and Eric just grins

Eric Bischoff: Moving on to better things - Tonight, and our first Pay Per View, September 28th, SHOWDOWN! And on that night we have not only a Six Pack Challenge for the Primetime Championship, with Champion Lashley defending it against Ron Killings, CM Punk, Orlando Jordan, Big Shad, and James Storm! We also have for the Light Heavyweight Championship, Syxx Pac vs. Billy Kidman! A HUGE Six Man Tag Match with The New Breed & Rampage Jackson teaming up against Tito Ortiz, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash. And lets not forget the SCW Championship Match with Bill Goldberg facing off against....*disgusted look* Ric Flair.

"Woo's" heard through the entire arena, and Eric continues talking.

Eric Bischoff: Anyway, I am glad to announcement three more matches for SCW Showdown - The Legend Killer will KILL the Legend of Sting, because those two will face off! And I personally promise that freak Hornswoggle will get disposed because it will be Umaga vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle!

Joey Styles: I cant believe Eric Bischoff would put Hornswoggle in a match, he may have his father Finlay on his side, but come on, Umaga could probably kill him!

Eric Bischoff: And lastly.....The Dudley Boyz will defend their Titles against the team of Cody & Dustin Rhodes! That is Showdown folks, promised to deliver. Now enjoy the show, because I'm sure...

Just then, Hardcore Holly's theme hits, after just being signed to SCW! He enters the ring with Eric Bischoff.

Hardcore Holly: Hold on Eric, just hold on there. I signed my contract, I'm officially apart of the best Wrestling company around now, and I want myself a match at Showdown. Whoever is back there, whatever the match is, I want their ass inside this ring!

"I'll Show You....You'll See!" hits, and another former ECW Original comes out, and a brand new wrestler to SCW's roster heads to the ring, Stevie Richards.

Stevie Richards: Hardcore, wait up. Ya' know I was back there, and I heard you come out here, wanting a match, and I thought to myself, since we're both new here, how about you and I head to Showdown and prove why we belong here.

Hardcore Holly: Stevie....To be honest, I don't need to prove to be here. You might have to prove yourself, I mean look at you. I dont need to come out here and show off to the morons in the crowd. If I want something, I'll get that.

Eric Bischoff: Guys, hold on. You know what I'm going to do? tonight, right here, you two will be inside this ring, against each other....but it won't be one on one. Because there's two other ECW Rejects walking around here, mad at one another. So tonight, Hardcore Holly you will team up with Raven, against Stevie Richards.....and Rob Van Dam!

Fans cheer for that, as Holly and Stevie have a pretty intense face off, Hardcore just out of nowhere slaps Stevie right in the face! Hardcore looks down at Steview holding his face in pain and shows no expression as he goes to leave. But Stevie gets back to his feet, turns Holly around, and nails him with the Stevie Kick! Stevie still holding his face gets a good pop from the crowd as he leaves the ring.


Hulk Hogan: These two dudes faced off on our debut show, and had a great match. Tonight, Spike requested a rematch, and they will face off right now!

Opening Bout
Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman

The two men stand in a corner, and the bell rings. But just then D-Von and Bubba Ray come walking down with the Belts over their shoulders. Kidman gets temporarely distracted, and when Spike goes for the upper hand, Kidman catches him trying to sneak, and knocks Spike down with a clothesline. Spike gets back up, and goes right back down thanks to a clothesline from Kidman. Fans are really behind Kidman here, and he takes Spike down with a Hip Toss once Spike gets back up to his feet. Kidman goes for a pinfall, only a two. Billy grabs Spike by the hair, and puts him in the Side Headlock, but Spike has enough to get out of it as he stomps on Kidman's foot, and then Kidman lets the sleeper go, and holds his foot in pain. Spike grabs Kidman by his tights, and rams him into the ring post. With Kidman bent over the middle turnbuckle, Spike runs and Dropkicks him right in his ass! Spike rolls Kidman up 1...2...Kick out! Stomps on Kidman by Spike, and thena splash. Another cover, but another near fall. Spike walks backwards, going up to the middle turnbuckle. He points down at Kidman, jumps off, but Kidman rolls out of the way, and Spike gets nothing but canvas! Kidman is back on his feet, and picks Spike up. He kicks Spike in the gut, and lifts him up going for the BK Bomb, but Spike is able to get out of the move, and slide out of the ring with his brothers D-Von and Bubba Ray. He gets a small breather, and Kidman does not feel like waiting, as he jumps on the middle rope, then the top rope, and does a front flip, taking all three men out on the outside! Fans chant Kidman, as he grabs Spike and rolls him back into the ring, Kidman then climbs back up to the top turnbuckle, looking for the Shooting Star Press. But Bubba and D-Von climb back up on the apron, distracting the ref, Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press! But ref is distracted, just then Syxx Pac comes running down. Kidman gets up, and right when Syxx enters, he knocks Kidman down with a Spin Kick, nearly taking Kidman's head off! He climbs out of the ring, and Spike covers Kidman, referee turns around, 1...2...3! Spike Dudley steals the win, and this week gets his revenge.

After the match, Syxx climbs into the ring, and stomps away on Kidman. Spike orders the Dudleyz to take Kidman out with a 3D! They pick him up, and as they go for it, Cody & Dustin Rhodes run down to the ring with chairs in hand, clearing the ring! The Rhodes' stand tall, and help Kidman up as he points at Syxx, saying he's coming for him, and he's winning the LHW Title.

Backstage Segment
Kevin Kelly is backstage, making his SCW Debut interviewing Finlay. As Finlay is shown, camera goes down showing Hornswoggle!

Finlay: Kevin Kelly, you don't know what it was like. For one week, my son, Hornswoggle was gone. That big Samoan animal kidnapped my son! Why? Because Eric Bischoff told him so? Hey Eric, if you have a problem with me or my son, you come to ME! Don't send someone like Umaga to do your dirty work. Because now, he has to face the consequences of what you have started. But then you make my son have to be in the match with me and Umaga at Showdown....and you know, that's fine with me. Because everybody will be able to see me and Hornswoggle BEAT Umaga. And tonight, Kevin, I'm going to take out all of my frustrations I have for Umaga out on Randy Orton. All I have to say to you don't know me, you don't know Finlay. You don't know me when I am mad. But tonight, you'll get to meet me!

Finlay looks at Kevin with a serious look, and walks offwith Hornswoggle.


Six Pack Match Preview
Orlando Jordan vs. CM Punk

The two start it off early before the bell rings, as OJ attacked Punk as he entered the ring. OJ jumps out of the ring, and rams Punk into the steel steps. OJ stomps away on Punk, and then lifts him up, throwing him chest first right into the ring post! Orland then beats on him for a little more on the outside, with the match not even starting yet. He finally slides him into the ring, and the bell is rung. Orlando waits for Punk to get up, and as Punk is on his hands and knees, OJ runs going for a kick to the gut, but Punk leg sweeps OJ, and drops on top of him with a splash, cover for a quick two. Punk gets up quickly, Orlando does as well, and Punk takes him down with repeated shots to OJ's head, followed by a Enzuigiri! Another cover for a near fall. Punk lifts OJ up, and charges at him ramming Orlando back first into the corner. Punk then lays in chops on Orlando's chest. CM Punk backs up a little, going for that knee to the head. He runs, but OJ gets his boot up, and knocks Punk down. Orlando covers Punk with his feet on the rope, 1...2...Referee catches him and stops the count, which makes OJ angry. He yells at the referee a bit, and Punk takes it to hsi advantage, as he grabs OJ from behind, trying to lock in the Anaconda Vise! But Orlando again is able to get out of it, and drops an elbow on Punk's back, followed by a quick elbow again. Orlando stays active on Punk's back, as he pulls back, and drops his knee in Punks side/back area. Orlando then stretches Punk's body with his knee directly put in Punk's back, adding the pain. Punk is yelling in pain as Orlando has it locked in. He tries fighting out of it as fans cheer him on, but is unsuccessful at this point. Punk then somehow gets a leg up, and kicks OJ in his head! OJ shakes his head, still with it locked on, but Punk kicks him again, and OJ releases it, holding his head in pain. Punk gets back up to hsi feet, and takes Jordan down with a clothesline over the top rope! Jordan is on the outside, still in pain. Punk then runs against the ropes, and dives through the middle rope, but OJ gets out of the way, and Punk flys right onto the announcers table, and the announcers, hitting hard! Orlando rolls back in the ring, and the referee begins count.....


CM Punk is seen now moving a litte, and crawls over to the ring apron. He puts his hands up on the apron, and reaches for the top rope, OJ runs at him, but CM Punk gets a shoulder in OJ;s gut, gets back on the apron, and jumps over OJ hitting the Sunset Flip, into a pin! 1...2...Kick out! Punk gets another near fall. He Irish whips OJ against the ropes, and hits a Kitchen Sink in OJ's gut, as OJ goes down again. Punk begins taking control of this match, but the next few minutes these two men have a back and forth contest. OJ just hits a backbreaker, still working on that back of Punk's! Cover, but only two. Orlando Jordan gets up to his feet, and is calling for his knockout punch, that Johnson Shuffle! Punk is slow to get up, but when he does OJ gets the first shot in on Punk's face, followed by the second and third punch! Punk is staggering, OJ does the little dance and goes for the final shot, but Punk ducks, and catches OJ on top of his shoulders. He goes for the GTS and nails it perfectly! OJ is out, Punk covers him, 1...2...3! CM Punk gets the victory, and his hand raised, as fans cheer him on. He signals for the Primetime Title, saying he will get that Title around his waste. James Storm then shows up, shaking his head no, saying he's walking away with that Championship. The two stare each other down a bit, with Storm on the ramp and Punk in the ring, as SCW takes a commercial break.


Tag Team Match
Stevie Richards & Rob Van Dam vs. Hardcore Holly & Raven

After everyone's entrance, Holly and RVD start it out, the two lock up, but Holly takes RVD down with a hit to the back. RVD is on the mat on his knees, and Holly kicks him right in chest hard, showing nothing but ruthless agression. Holly picks RVD up, and backs him into the corner, and begins those hard thunderous chops on RVD's chest! Holly then rips RVD's singlet a litt,e so he can chop him more on the skin area. Holly swings back, and hits his hardest chop, as RVD goes down to the mat. Holly looks down at him as he kicks RVD in the back of the head. Tag into Raven, and Raven drops RVD with a Snapmare, followed by a stiff kick into RVD's back, and this tag team of Raven & Holly is looking pretty good, as they just work over RVD. Holly gets a tag back in quick, and he elbows RVD in the back of his head, and chops RVD again, as he goes down. Holly makes the cover, but a two is all he gets. Hardcore grabs RVD's hair, pulling him over to his corner, and tags in Raven. Holly holds RVD up, and Raven runs at him, hitting a picture perfect knee lift to RVD's face. Raven then grabs RVD's face, and just washe's RVD's face over Raven's knee pad. Raven works on RVD's leg, and locks in a Half Boston Crab. Stevie Richars begins trying to cheer on his partner, as fans do to. Raven still keeps the hold in, but after some time of crawling, RVD is able to grab the bottom rope! Raven is forced to stop, and he does. Holly gets the tag back in, and he just sticks his boot on RVD's neck, chocking him with that bottom rope. 1...2...3...4..Holly stops. Hardcore then locks in a reverse chin lock on RVD, but he's too close to the rope. Holly breaks it, and disrespects Stevie by a arm gesture. Stevie tries getting in, but this only allows Raven to get in, and Holly stands on RVD's back, pulling his hair up, and Raven bounces off the ropes, and hits a low dropkick right into RVD's face! Holly covers RVD, but again he gets a two! Holly then hits RVD over the head multiple times as he's on the mat. Tag into Raven, and Raven picks RVD up, and runs him into the corner. Raven runs at him, but RVD gets his foot up, knocking Raven back a bit. RVD runs at him, and Raven takes RVD down with a quick snap Power Slam! Cover, 1...2...Stevie breaks it up! Gets a pop from the crowd. Raven drags RVD by his hair to his corner. He tags in Holly, and the two try a double team move, but Holly accidentally hits Raven, and RVD is able to get a kick on Holly, taking him down! RVD crals over, tagging in Stevie finally. Stevie gets in, and he hits both men with clotheslines more than once taking them down. He Irish whips Holly, but Holly reverses it into an Irish whip of his own. as Stevie bounces off the rope, Holly bends over, and Stevie kicks him in his chest when he gets back to him. Holly holds his chest, and Stevie takes Holly down with a Neckbreaker! Cover, 1...2...Raven breaks it up. Stevie picks Hardcore back up, and he hits a Hip Toss, followed by a kick to Holly's chest as he sits up. The kick echo's througgh the entire arena, and Stevie covers Holly for another two. He picks Holly back up, going to tag in RVD, but Holly pushes Stevie into his corner, and Stevie accidentally knocks RVD off the ring apron! Stevie looks back at Holly who is behind him, and Stevie hits Holly with a Stevie Kick! Holly is down, Raven gets into the ring, and stevie drops Raven down with a Drop Toe Hold. Stevie covers Holly, 1....2....Kick out! Hardcore barely gets his arm up, and Stevie is in disbelief. Stevie gets up to his feet, and pounds on Holly a bit. Stevie walks over to the ring apron, seeing RVD is still down. Stevie decided to climb up to the top turnbuckle, but Raven gets back up, and hits the ropes, which results in Stevie hitting the top turnbuckle groin first! Hardcore gets up, and he walks over to the turnbuckle Stevie is on. He easily puts Stevie on his shoulders in the Alabama Slam position. But as Holly walks to the center of the ring, RVD got up on the ring apron, and blind tagged himself in. Holly nails the Alabama Slam on Stevie! Hardcore then turns around, and RVD takes him down with a Missile Dropkick!! Holly goes down now, and Raven gets up, looking at RVD. The two exchange some hard blows to each other. Raven goes for his Raven Effect, but RVD reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex! He has the bridge for the pin, 1...2...Holly kicks RVD in his gut, stopping he count. Stevie is now back up, and he runs at Holly, but Hardcore sends him out to the mat outside. Hell is literally breaking loose here, as RVD gets up, and when he does Holly hits him in the head a couple times, but RVD knees Holly in the gut, and kicks him in the side of his head. Holly goes down to one knee, RVD turns around, about to go against the ropes, but Raven is up, and he kicks RVD in the stomach, and hits the Raven Effect! Holly is the legal man, he crawls over, covering RVD, 1....2....Stevie pulls his legs! Hardcore takes Stevie down with a hard clothesline. Raven battles with RVD in that ring, and RVD is able to take him down with a Suplex! RVD, exausted and all, jumps up on the turnbuckle, but Holly gets on the apron and hits him a couple times. RVD is able to kick him off! Raven, however, runs at the turnbuckle, and climbs up there. The two men battle up there, knowing whoever goes down will probably lose. Raven hits RVD, RVD uses his educated feet. Meanwhile on the outside, Stevie was in control over Hardcore, but Holly threw Stevie into the ring steps. RVD then hits Raven off the turnbuckle, and Raven lands on the canvas. RVD looks to be going for the Five Star Frog Splash, but when he jumps off, Holly pulls Raven out of the way, and RVD gets nothing but the mat! Holly slides back in, kicks RVD in his stomach, lifts him on top of his shoulders, swings around, and Hardcore nails the Alabama Slam!! Hardcore Holly covers RVD, 1....2....3!! Hardcore Holly & Raven pick up the victory. Stevie is then seen getting back into the ring, attacking Holly, but the two exchange some hard shots. Stevie kicks Holly, going for the Stevie T....but Raven takes him out with a Super Kick of his own! Raven is seen standing in the ring, taunting with Hardcore Holly.

Video Segment
A video is shown for Chris Masters, showing his past Masterlock Challenges, and hyping up The Masterpiece.


Single's Match
Finlay vs. Randy Orton

The Finish: This match was possibly a show stealer, as they fought around the ring, on the ramp, and back inside the ring. Both men had different dominating portions, but then began a back and forth match. At this time, Orton is like a snake, waiting for Finlay to get up and turn so he can hit that RKO. Finlay gets up with help from the ropes, and when he turns, Randy jumps up for the RKO, but Finlay drops him on his back! Orton goes down on the canvas, and Finlay hits his trademark Running Seated Senton on Randy, and he goes to lock in the Celtic Knot, but Randy has none of that and kickes him off into the corner. Randy rolls Finlay up, pulling the tights, 1....2....Kick out! Finlays is just able to get his arm up, and when the two get up to their feet, Finlay drops Orton with a short arm clothesline. Finlay calls for his finisher, and is setting Randy up in the Celtic Cross. He has Randy in the position on his back, but Umaga is seen running down the ramp with Estrada! Umaga climbs in the ring, and when Finlay turns to drop Orton, Umaga hits Finlay with the Samoan Spike!! Bell rings, and Finlay gets the victory by DQ. Umag then stops down on Finlay and chokes him, with Hornswoggle on the outside looking scared. Randy then gets up, and both men just beat down on Finlay. They turns their attention to Hornswoggle, and the lights go out! The yflicker on and out, and when they are back on, Sting appears inside the ring. He nails Umaga with his black bat, but Randy Orton climbs out of the ring, bailing away. Horny gets in the ring, and Sting helps up Finlay as Randy points his bat to Umaga and Randy Orton!


Backstage Segment
Umaga and Randy are in Eric Bischoff's office. Umaga is yelling in Samoan.

Eric Bischoff: Guys.....GUYS! Don't worry, I did not recruit you two men specifically just for nothing. You two are the best in this company, and when your with me you two always get the last laugh. Thats why neext week you two will face both Finlay.....and Sting!

Eric grins, as camera cuts back to ringside.

Tag Team Match
The New Breed vs. Ric & Reid Flair

The Finish: Burke and Marcus pretty much beat Reid a lot in the early portion of the match, but with the help of the Nature boy, Ric Flair got it even as it was a battle til the end. Tito Ortiz, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash were at the announcing table before the match began. Elijah Burke has Ric Flair draped over the top turnbuckle, and is standing in the opposite corner. He runs going for the Elijah Express, but out of nowhere Tito Ortiz gets up on the apron where Flair is, and Tito Ortiz hits Burke with a hard right hand in the face, knocking him out! Flair is able to then slap on the Figure Four Leg Lock, and Burke has no choice to tap out, resulting in the father and son team of Ric & Reid Flair to win the match. Tito Ortiz, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash are on the outside laughing a bit, taking this night to their advantage as Rampage Jackson was not here tonight. Tito Ortiz then grabs the microphone, and tells Elijah Burke that next week.....he wants Elijah Burke in a UFC Bout! Elijah Burke at first looks like he does not want it, but just goes with it trying not to look scared, and accepts! So next week it's Elijah Burke vs. Tito Ortiz in a UFC Bout.


The Main Event
Bill Goldberg vs. Bobby Lashley

The Finish: This was like an old school slugfest between two big men, and it was back and forth for quite some time, but Goldberg began dominating, untill Lashley reverses a move, and threw Goldberg into the ring post, and when Bill turned Lashley caught him with a Spear! Lashley then hits a Military Press Front Powerslam, and sets Bill up for the Dominator, however Bill hits Lashley in the side multiple times breaking it up, Lashley holds his sides going down to one knee, and when he stands up, Goldberg runs Spearing Lashley!! Goldberg then sets it up, and slams Lashley down with a Jackhammer, for the 1....2....3! Bill Goldberg wins the match, and as he taunted, Ric Flair came out and stared down Goldberg in the middle of the ring, gearing up for the huge PPV!


The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Holly and Raven vs. RVD and Stevie

Worst Match: Maybe the Main Event, but I know, there's an explanation 'bout this.

Best Promo: The Opening promo with Bischoff

Worst Promo: Bischoff talking to Orton and Umaga

Additional Feedbacks: Good show and it's pretty quick to put some matches on the PPV. A UFC bout between Burke and Ortiz is interesting eventhough I can't imagine Burke in a MMA match, lol... Adding a Holly/Richards match is not really a good match to see in a PPV but I know you've got something to put this two over. I am looking forward to your next show and maybe we might see a Finlay/Sting vs. Umaga/Orton match.

CT Styles

BM: RVD/Richards vs Holly/Raven. Good solid match.

WM: If I had to pick one maybe Dudley/Kidman. Nothing Special.

BP: Opener, that was the only one really.

WP: Like I said, there was only one, maybe you wanna work on putting in some more.

AC: It was an alright show. Keep improving and you will be great. Promos are something you need to add more of and since you had he blackout I can't really judge you on your match writing since only 2 or 3 matches were in full. Hopefully next week will be better.

PS have a nice 5 day holiday :laugh: