Is there a point to the great Khali

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Jul 11, 2007
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Khali has quite a bit of time left before hes leaving, they just need him tp drop the title and have a fued with Taker again.

Keeb Daddy

Jul 18, 2007
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the guy can barely fuckin' walk!!! it's ridiculous to see him lumber around like he's on stilts... he can't bend over or bend down, so changing his moves wouldn't help much, he couldn't perform anything else...

I think he plays his role well, but as an in-ring performer he's garbage...


Aug 7, 2007
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Houston, TX
Khali is useless. Why do they have smackdown the gimmick battle royal or shows. There is a freakin giant as the world champ and a freakin leprichan as the cruserweight champ. WTF??

Vince refuses to let Khali use any moves he knows because he wants him to be some all powerful monster or some crap. he gets off on big guys.
Khali knows some english and he knows some moves. He cant moonsault or anything but he can match actually watchable.

His match with Batista will suck ass too. Its just like Andre vs. Ultimate Warrior all over again.
Feb 21, 2007
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I hate watching Khali wrestle. It's like watching 2 dogs humping... very unpleasant and funny at the same time!


Jun 18, 2007
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Memphis, TN.
Khali needs to quit wrestling so he can go back to reading children's books at the burn unit hospital.





Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Was there any real point in Snitsky changing his gimmick and look? Has he done anything yet or been any feuds yet?


Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA
Actually, its the little guys who are boring as champions. Noone wants to see a 5'11 200 pound champion. Need proof? Checkout the title reigns on Benoit, Jericho, and Rey. They were all below average. And prior to that, the days when Michaels and Hart ruled the WWE were some of the worse years of wrestling ever.

Big guys draw. Especially big heels. People tune in to see their favorite faces take out giant heel champions. They tune in to see how their face champion with the impressive physique is going to fair agaisnt a heel monster.

They don't tune into see small guys unrealistically hold a World HEAVYWEIGHT championship belt.

You want to see small acrobatic guys? Go watch the cruiser matches or any of the Nacho Libre feds in mexico. Us Americans like big burly men with great physical prowess who dominate the competition.

really? because last time i checked Diesel did a hell of a lot worse than HBK or Bret did as a draw.

and to be a good heel you don't have to be big, hell look at Edge he was one of the best damn heels in the company and he wasn't big at all.

and speaking for the majority of Americans, i would rather see a good small wrestler holding the belt then some giant walking tree. basically what i am trying to say is that Khali only draw is that he is a freak of nature and he should never have a title put on him. to think otherwise is just plain ludicrous


New Member
Jul 22, 2007
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The Great Khali poses an "attraction". The problem came when that "attraction" became the World Heavyweight Champion. Andre the Giant was a successful attraction because he could move around the ring and hit a few basic manouvers. Khali can't even do that.
Jul 12, 2007
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Actually, its the little guys who are boring as champions. Noone wants to see a 5'11 200 pound champion. Need proof? Checkout the title reigns on Benoit, Jericho, and Rey. They were all below average. And prior to that, the days when Michaels and Hart ruled the WWE were some of the worse years of wrestling ever.

Big guys draw. Especially big heels. People tune in to see their favorite faces take out giant heel champions. They tune in to see how their face champion with the impressive physique is going to fair agaisnt a heel monster.

They don't tune into see small guys unrealistically hold a World HEAVYWEIGHT championship belt.

You want to see small acrobatic guys? Go watch the cruiser matches or any of the Nacho Libre feds in mexico. Us Americans like big burly men with great physical prowess who dominate the competition.

Hahahaha you cannot be actually saying that Khali is a better champ than Beniot or Jericho. Rey I will give you, I mean hes miniscule as hell, but thats beside the point.

Okay lemme point this out to you, Kahli...

-Sucks in the ring
-Sucks on the mic
-Cannot even be carried to a good match

Basically hes the complete opposite of Jericho, and on the in ring skill part Beniot as well.

He is AWFUL in every sense of the word. You know, its kind of funny how people hate Giant Gonzalez (as do I), and actually LIKE Khali as champion when theyre essential the same guy.

Your point about the Hart/HBK era isn't valid either. The main events featuring Hart and HBK (and a few others) were amazing. It was the undercard that was horrific, and you can only blame Vince for that.

I don't hate big guys in wrestling. I hate big guys that have no talent. And Khali easily fits that bill perfectly.

the dark knight

Khali is the most entertaining wrestler in the WWE right now. Say what you will about his speed and moveset, but his matches are booked just perfectly.

Why would a giant from the Jungles of India need dozens of moves when a simple chop carries more impact than most wrestlers finishers? Fortunately for other wrestlers he is slow. If he had anymore speed he would be completely unstoppable. Bottomline, his gimmick is highly realistic.

He is better on the mic than most wrestlers. I could care less if he speaks a language I don't understand. It serves its purpose. The way he portrays emotions is great. You can just telll how angry he is.

He is a highly marketable figure who comes from a huge potential market. He is a hero and roll model for Indians everywhere.

Khali isn't going anywhere except the top of the food chain.

Actually, its the little guys who are boring as champions. Noone wants to see a 5'11 200 pound champion. Need proof? Checkout the title reigns on Benoit, Jericho, and Rey. They were all below average. And prior to that, the days when Michaels and Hart ruled the WWE were some of the worse years of wrestling ever.

Big guys draw. Especially big heels. People tune in to see their favorite faces take out giant heel champions. They tune in to see how their face champion with the impressive physique is going to fair agaisnt a heel monster.

They don't tune into see small guys unrealistically hold a World HEAVYWEIGHT championship belt.

You want to see small acrobatic guys? Go watch the cruiser matches or any of the Nacho Libre feds in mexico. Us Americans like big burly men with great physical prowess who dominate the competition.

i am in love with you now :inlove:

seriously, one of the best posts in a while.

remind me to rep ya for that, need to spread :(


Hahahaha you cannot be actually saying that Khali is a better champ than Beniot or Jericho. Rey I will give you, I mean hes miniscule as hell, but thats beside the point.

Okay lemme point this out to you, Kahli...

-Sucks in the ring
-Sucks on the mic
-Cannot even be carried to a good match

Basically hes the complete opposite of Jericho, and on the in ring skill part Beniot as well.

He is AWFUL in every sense of the word. You know, its kind of funny how people hate Giant Gonzalez (as do I), and actually LIKE Khali as champion when theyre essential the same guy.

Your point about the Hart/HBK era isn't valid either. The main events featuring Hart and HBK (and a few others) were amazing. It was the undercard that was horrific, and you can only blame Vince for that.

I don't hate big guys in wrestling. I hate big guys that have no talent. And Khali easily fits that bill perfectly.

From the time Hogan left to the beginning of the attitude era was absolutely horrible. The blame can be solely placed on the maineventers of that time. Hart and HBK were not big enough draws to carry the company. The only reason they were pushed into the mainevent was so Vince could prove to Congress that not all wrestlers were on steriods.

Jericho and Benoit were never draws either. Thats why they were both demoted back to midcard status after their title reigns and people like this (and even Orton's first run) are reasons HHH had so many title reigns. Vince had to go back to old reliable HHH.

I could care less about how great someone is in the ring. If you can't draw or no casuals are intetrested in you, you can never carry the company. If you want to watch great in ring champions there are plenty of other Feds. You can go watch ROH. Sure Hart had a bunch of good matches and HBK had a bunch of great matches. That doesn't make them good WWE champions. If they were in the original ECW or the current ROH, maybe they would have been decent champions. Thats because every fan of those feds is a smark. The majority of WWE fans are casuals who could care less if a brain chop is a wrestlers only move. If that wrestler makes the chop look legit and the other wrestler sells the crap out of it they will be happy.

Khali serves his purpose. He is a dominating big man. People want to see big dominating heels and they will pay to see him. They don't pay to see him wrestle 5 star matches or rattle off catch phrases. They pay to see if someone can beat him. They pay to see his unparelled physique. That is what makes him a good champion.

Oh and by the way, Khali is better on the mic than Bret Hart. You are just saying he sucks on the mic because he speaks a different language than you. Listen to the crowd when Khali speaks. Its instant heat.

Lastly, comparing Giant Gonzalez to Khali is just wrong. Khali is legit. Gonzalez was a tall guy in a fake muscle halloween costume.


May 22, 2007
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Khali is far from as bad a champion as somone makes him out to be. Wrestling is NOT about counting moves or being the most athletic. To me, he is a belivable wc, and its nice to have a top heel that ppl seem to actually dislike...its his job.
I dont think hes a better champ than Benoit or Jericho though. And please stop complaining about Rey.
Jul 12, 2007
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From the time Hogan left to the beginning of the attitude era was absolutely horrible. The blame can be solely placed on the maineventers of that time. Hart and HBK were not big enough draws to carry the company. The only reason they were pushed into the mainevent was so Vince could prove to Congress that not all wrestlers were on steriods.

Jericho and Benoit were never draws either. Thats why they were both demoted back to midcard status after their title reigns and people like this (and even Orton's first run) are reasons HHH had so many title reigns. Vince had to go back to old reliable HHH.

I could care less about how great someone is in the ring. If you can't draw or no casuals are intetrested in you, you can never carry the company. If you want to watch great in ring champions there are plenty of other Feds. You can go watch ROH. Sure Hart had a bunch of good matches and HBK had a bunch of great matches. That doesn't make them good WWE champions. If they were in the original ECW or the current ROH, maybe they would have been decent champions. Thats because every fan of those feds is a smark. The majority of WWE fans are casuals who could care less if a brain chop is a wrestlers only move. If that wrestler makes the chop look legit and the other wrestler sells the crap out of it they will be happy.

Khali serves his purpose. He is a dominating big man. People want to see big dominating heels and they will pay to see him. They don't pay to see him wrestle 5 star matches or rattle off catch phrases. They pay to see if someone can beat him. They pay to see his unparelled physique. That is what makes him a good champion.

Oh and by the way, Khali is better on the mic than Bret Hart. You are just saying he sucks on the mic because he speaks a different language than you. Listen to the crowd when Khali speaks. Its instant heat.

Lastly, comparing Giant Gonzalez to Khali is just wrong. Khali is legit. Gonzalez was a tall guy in a fake muscle halloween costume.

I'm not denying that the 93-96 era was horrible, I just don't think it was because of Hart or HBK. With an undercard as blatantly bad as it was then, its really no wonder they were down as a company. Its like Allen Iverson playing the Lakers with 4 other middle schoolers on the court with him.

About Beniot and Jericho. That may be true but Khali isn't much of a draw either and the same thing will eventually happen to him. People just want to see him once because hes a big Arabian freak (in character), then the shock factor goes away.

And your right that is exactly WHY I watch ROH and other Indy feds, moving on...

I don't think Khali is as good on the mic as Hart was. Personal opinion of course, but at least Hart could cut a decent enough promo to get by. Oh and BTW, Khali speaking another language is exactly WHY he gets heel heat, so it really isn't mic skills. The whole "Arab" thing is going to get you booed in most US venues.


I'm not denying that the 93-96 era was horrible, I just don't think it was because of Hart or HBK. With an undercard as blatantly bad as it was then, its really no wonder they were down as a company. Its like Allen Iverson playing the Lakers with 4 other middle schoolers on the court with him.

About Beniot and Jericho. That may be true but Khali isn't much of a draw either and the same thing will eventually happen to him. People just want to see him once because hes a big Arabian freak (in character), then the shock factor goes away.

And your right that is exactly WHY I watch ROH and other Indy feds, moving on...

I don't think Khali is as good on the mic as Hart was. Personal opinion of course, but at least Hart could cut a decent enough promo to get by. Oh and BTW, Khali speaking another language is exactly WHY he gets heel heat, so it really isn't mic skills. The whole "Arab" thing is going to get you booed in most US venues.

In all fairness to Khali, he doesn't have an "Arab" gimmick. He is and is billed from India. However, you are probably right. Most people probably think he is Arab.

The mid card back in the mid ninties wasn't overly terrible. You had Razor (In my opinion one of the best midcarders ever), Bigeloo, Owen Hart, Bulldog, all solid midcard talent. Plus Austin and the Rock were just starting to come into their own as midcarders around 1996. Come to think about it, the midcard was actually quite strong. The mainevent was really really poor with Hart, Diesel, Yokozuna, and HBK.