A small rant

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This Guy

okay I don't normally do this. and this isn't going to be a flaming thread where I go on about how much I hate people, but I'm hoping perhaps this will get some people to stop asking the same questions to me all the time which ironically is one of my beefs which is what this rant is indirectly about.

tonight I was out. Its about 2:00am (est) the PPV ended about 3 hours ago I would assume as thats when it normally ends. As soon as I got on to do this I noticed some people were posting where's my money, and posts of that nature. One which looks as if it was posted as soon as the PPV was over was very abrupt seemingly to almost be wondering what the hold up was. Before I explain how the whole betting system works so that you understand that why its not always done right aways, (ignoring the fact that I do have a life), I want you all to realize something.....

(Begin Rant)
VCASH IS USELESS!!!!!! Its means even less then Rep which as many of you are constantly told by the staff who cry over rep issues it doesn't really mean anything to anyone on the staff. Vcash means even less. About the only thing its good for is bragging rights. So yeah maybe some of you didn't get your vcash payout right after the event ended, big freaking deal. In most cases like tonight, its not like there is anything new to bet on anyways so whats the rush?
(Rant Done)

Now to explain how this works so you understand why the payouts don't happen right aways. The way the vbookie program works is after the scheduled time for payouts (which for a WWE/TNA PPV is usually 11:30pm (est) ), at that point when I goto the thread I see something different then you do. It has a check box next to each name for me to click in next to for the winning outcome. I can actually click on more then one. For example if tonight the WWE decided to rehash the Breakdown 98 PPV Finish where Taker & Kane both pinned Austin in the triple threat title match, I would be able to click next to Taker & Kane and anyone who bet on either result would win. The only people that would lose are the ones who bet on Austin or the Draw option. (assuming there was one)

After I do that you get paid. However theres a small little trick to this....I actually have to be here to do it. Now I am usually home on Sunday nights and therefore usually between 11:30 and midnight it gets done. However I wasn't home this time. So please please please do me a huge favour and stop bugging me for payouts of events. I usually have them done in less the 24 hours anyways and always before any other event closes for betting so its not like you need it right then and there anyways. And if you can't do that, well to freaking bad, I'll get it done when I get it done.

Thank You.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
*LK stands up and starts applauding This Guy*

(whispers) n00bs dont know its useless, why'd u say

aw shucks we love anyway, but seriously lol this needed to be said


Great way to tell these n00bs what the betting system is all about.......for about the 50th time. If they bug you about it again, why dont you just erase their bets......?


I get why you're pissed with these people, but seriously man, just not pay out to them. And you can talk all the time you want, just to piss them off even more


Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Well said THis Guy. I agree completely. Like I've said MANY times. This site is dominated by fuck ups who defied science by surviving past birth. They are sad bastards who's life revolves around rep and VCash and seriously need to re-evaluate their sorry lives.

You are doing a good job with your section. Fuck the moaners and carry on doing your thing. Life goes on.

This Guy


I was kidding man, no big deal.

although yours was one of them, yours was not the one that probably was posted seconds after the show ended and didn't piss me off as much as others, its cool.

Great way to tell these n00bs what the betting system is all about.......for about the 50th time. If they bug you about it again, why dont you just erase their bets......?

the system doesn't allow me to erase an idividual bets. aside from that I'm sure that would border on abusing powers

I get why you're pissed with these people, but seriously man, just not pay out to them. And you can talk all the time you want, just to piss them off even more

again like erasing bets I can't choose to say not pay out one idividual of the say 20 who bet on the winner and payout to the other 19....also would probably be abusing powers

Well said THis Guy. I agree completely. Like I've said MANY times. This site is dominated by fuck ups who defied science by surviving past birth. They are sad bastards who's life revolves around rep and VCash and seriously need to re-evaluate their sorry lives.

You are doing a good job with your section. Fuck the moaners and carry on doing your thing. Life goes on.

thank you
Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hey simpleton, instead of "ranting", did you ever think people might be innocently bugging you, simply because it irritates you? Thus you creating this thread...

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Also iam assuming you don't order all the PPV's so you probally all the matches spoiled for you to be able to post the results so that in itself would suck.

In my opinion you do a great job i always thought you got them early personally, hell i say take your time watch the matches if ya like after all it's only VCash theres not going to be another event for a month. People should get over it, move on.

This Guy

Hey simpleton, instead of "ranting", did you ever think people might be innocently bugging you, simply because it irritates you? Thus you creating this thread...

Hey retarted R, did you ever think to keep your mouth shut? I'm pretty sure your the only one who does that...but guess what, not everything is about you and neither was this rant.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
^^Rofling at Retarted R, classic.

I reckon you should make a sticky of something similair to this in all 3 of the vbookie sections (a politer version) just so all the newbies understand because I reckon if I was mod and had people nagging you when they should be greatful for your effort I would be annoyed but i'm glad you made this point.