Last Wrestling Match Watched 2.0

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2012 - The Shield vs Ryback and Team Hell No!

HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT THIS WAS AWESOME. They beat the living shit out of each other from bell-to-bell with 0 slow or rest spots it was like watching a Indy match 8D. WWE booked the shield terrifically in this and they looked LEGIT. I think a match like this will do wonders for Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. Hard to say what all three of these guys will be doing 3-5 years from now, but this is a decent start. Shield kept doing the group attacks on their opponents. So it made them look like a violent pack who strike together and will die together. ****1/2 Best TLC match in years.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Way Out 2001 - WWF Hardcore Title: Raven vs. The Big Show
Jesus Christ this was all over the place, but it made for a good opener. This was just a fun little match and sequence that was designed to make things comedic. *1/2

WWF No Way Out 2001 - Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac
Wall-to-wall action, Non-stop action from bell-to-bell. This one of the better total spotfests matches in the WWF, reminded me of the late 90's stuff in WCW. They built the pace of the match, played off stuff with Benoit & Eddie teaming up and then that disintegrating and then epic Benoit vs. Eddie shit, X-Pac and Eddie both wanting revenge on Jericho, just a bunch of great stories. And a ton of amazing nearfalls. ****


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Way Out 2001 - Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Trish Stratus

Sweet mother of GOD this was great, YEAH that's right Pre-2002 Trish and Steph put on a hell of a match. This was like catching LIGHTNING in a fucking bottle. They didn't bother trying to have a match and just beat the shit out of each other, which was without a doubt the right way to go. ***


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Way Out 2001 - 3 Stages of Hell: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H

Before i get to the match i just wanna say the video package before the match might be the greatest package of all time, well after the WM-Seven one. And the build to this has been FUCKIN' great with the zero tolerance stuff which i think was underappreciated if you think about it, YEAH! this was a blood feud but if WWF/E would of booked HHH/Austin just to kill each other every week for 3/4 months fans would of gotten tired of that so why not do the "If HHH provokes Austin he gets suspended for 6 months, and if Austin provokes HHH he loses his WWF title match @ WM. And having them tease that for a month was great." But that's just me. Okay back to the match. Yeah this still holds up to this day, The match is filled with all the things that make a great match intensity, violence, hatred, story-telling, emotion, psychology ect. But the thing that really sticks out in my mind was the finish and how YES! HHH got the pin but both his shoulders were down too and it made him look like he got lucky and won it, as Lawler says that it’s not fair to say either guy really won. Just an absolute WAR with these two beating the living hell out of each other and I love every minute of it. *****
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF No Way Out 2001 - Triple Threat Table Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships: The Dudley Boyz vs. Kane & Undertaker vs. Edge & Christian
This was pretty damn solid but the constant double teaming got pretty stupid after awhile but it wasn't horrible. Passable match for what it was. Though Taker and Kane brought it down slightly. And the Rikishi and Haku run-in didn't help cause they would split like a month later. **3/4

WWF No Way Out 2001 - WWF Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
This was borderline FUCKING AWESOME. Both men bough their A-game here and continued to show great chemistry, but the Big Show thing was just totally pointless. The ending was just weird though as that had to be a botch though as it just made no sense at all. But still just a fun match. ****


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2012 - The Shield vs Ryback and Team Hell No!

HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT THIS WAS AWESOME. They beat the living shit out of each other from bell-to-bell with 0 slow or rest spots it was like watching a Indy match . WWE booked the shield terrifically in this and they looked LEGIT. I think a match like this will do wonders for Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. Hard to say what all three of these guys will be doing 3-5 years from now, but this is a decent start. Shield kept doing the group attacks on their opponents. So it made them look like a violent pack who strike together and will die together. ****1/2 Best TLC match in years


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 02/26/2001 - Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac & Justin Credible

Eddie starts off against Credible and gets in the first shots but Credible soon fights back and gets the advantage. Credible stomps Eddie down in a corner then pulls him off the ropes with a London Bridge that gets a two count. Credible goes for a whip, Eddie reverses it but Credible comes back with a DDT then stomps him in the chest. Eddie rakes Credible’s face and hits a gutwrench suplex when Benoit asks for a tag and Eddie seems reluctant. Benoit still gets the tag and whips Credible but Credible comes back with a Northern Lights suplex for a two. Credible hits a sledge then tags X-Pac and the two double-team Benoit with Eddie not coming to Benoit’s aid. X-Pac takes over and hits some chops when Benoit starts to fight back then nails him with a shoulderblock. Benoit comes off the ropes and X-Pac goes through his moves when Benoit pulls him down into the Crossface. Credible breaks it up then the referee orders him out but Eddie comes in without a tag and pounds on X-Pac. Eddie hits a suplex that gets a two count then tags Benoit in and both guys whip X-Pac and hit a double elbow. Benoit hits a snap suplex then tags Eddie and slams X-Pac while Eddie slings himself into a hilo for a near fall. X-Pac starts to fight back and whips Eddie who rolls under his leapfrog but X-Pac nails him with the spinkick. X-Pac sets Eddie in a corner and goes for a Bronco Buster when Eddie dodges it but X-Pac lands on his feet. Eddie hits X-Pac with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker then whips him but lowers the head and X-Pac kicks the face. X-Pac decks Benoit when Eddie whips him but Credible comes in and helps X-Pac hit a double superkick. X-Pac covers Eddie but Benoit makes the save then drags Eddie over to his corner so he can make the hot tag. Benoit takes it to both guys and hits X-Pac with a shoulder block then suplxes Credible right onto his partner. Benoit plants Credible with a German suplex then holds on for a second German followed by a third German. Benoit then climbs to the top rope and goes for the diving headbutt but X-Pac moves Credible out of the way. Benoit is reeling when X-Pac rolls him in a La Magistral and holds him down for the three count. **1/2 for 4 minutes this was pretty damn great, mainly cause it's mostly Benoit and Eddie vs. X-Pac, and Pac is trying.


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Feb 25, 2012
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Raw 12/10/2012 Sheamus versus Dolph Ziggler

Match was fantastic. Ziggler and Sheamus just have this undeniable chemistry. Not a fan of the DQ finish, but it pretty much was storyline progression.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
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Kevin Steen vs. El Generico - ROH Final Battle 2012

Insane match, lots of spots. ****

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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WWE Tribute to the Troops: Big Show & Dolph Ziggler v.s Sheamus & Randy Orton.

This was a solid a tag team match actually. It wasn't much more than that. It wouldn't develop to anything else than it already was. It was just a good opener for this show which you usually get nothing from. We had some decent exchanges, nothing extraordinary though. At least this was still longer than Andrew's amazing review.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Smackdown 03/01/2001 - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

Before either man comes out The Rock makes his way out to join the announcers for some guest commentary. Angle goes to meet Austin on the ramp but Austin gets the early advantage and throws him back in the ring. Austin clotheslines Angle over the ropes then rams him into the announce table and has some words for Rock. Austin tosses Angle in the ring and lays the boots to him then applies a STF but Angle reaches the ropes. Austin continues stomping on Angle then applies an Abdominal Stretch and even uses the ropes for leverage. Earl Henber sees it and forces a break and Austin whips Angle but lowers the head and Angle kicks the face. Angle goes for a whip, Austin reverses it and Angle goes for a Sunset Flip but Austin just sits down on him. Austin fires away on Angle and whips him then tosses him over the ropes and goes after him on the floor. Austin rams Angle into the table before throwing him back in the ring and hitting a suplex for a two count. Austin get a pair of two counts then whips Angle looking for a Stunner but Angle blocks it into the Anklelock. Austin tries to hold on but manages to inch over and grab the rope then Angle stomps him out to the floor. Angle goes out and rams Austin into the apron but Austin fights back again but Angle rams him into the table. Angle throws Austin back in the ring and hits a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes but that only gets a two count. Angle covers Austin twice more but doesn't get the three then lays the boots to him before applying a chinlock. Austin fights out of it and hits a back suplex but Angle comes back with a knee the chest and applies a facelock. Austin tries to inch over to the ropes for a break but that allows Angle to put his feet on the ropes for leverage. Austin manages to fight out of the hold and hits his own suplex then both men start exchanging shots. Austin goes for a whip, Angle reverses it but Austin hits the Thesz Press and fires away at him with the rights. Austin hits the elbowdrop and drapes Angle over the middle rope then hits the straddle and stomps him down. Austin whips Angle looking for the Stunner but again Angle blocks it and hits another belly-to-belly suplex. William Regal suddenly makes his way out but Rock goes over to intercept him then tosses him in the ring. Austin starts stomping on Regal when Angle nails him and he and Regal double-team Austin for a DQ. *** Another good match between Austin and Angle but not quite at the same level as their match in January, that one had more of a story and about counters where this one was just about Austin wanting to brawl but Angle just wants to break his ankle. And the Predictable overbooking at the end didn't help.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 03/05/2001 - Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Rock (w/Debra) vs. Kurt Angle & Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley)

Triple H to attack Austin from behind to start this off then Triple H stomps him down. Triple H whips Austin into a corner but Austin comes out with a clothesline as Vince departs to the back. Austin stomps Triple H down in a corner then hits the count along punches. Austin whips Triple H but lowers the head and Triple H kicks Austin’s face. Angle tags in but runs into a right hand and Austin pops Triple H off the apron then whips Angle and hits a spinebuster. Rock tags in and hammers away at Angle as Debra applauds him. Rock goes for a whip, Angle reverses it but Rock comes off the ropes with a flying forearm and gets in a shot. Rock whips Angle into a corner then charges at him and eats an elbow but comes back with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Angle rakes Rock’s face and knees him in the chest then tags Triple H in and Triple H stomps him down. Rock exchanges shots with Triple H then goes for a whip but Triple H reverses it and hits the high knee. Triple H turns and pops Austin off the apron but Rock comes back with a right hand and Austin demands a tag so Rock obliges. Austin whips Triple H and hits the Lou Thesz Press then hammers away on him with the rights and follows up with the elbowdrop. Austin goes out to the floor and wraps Triple H’s leg into the ringpost then goes back in and chopblocks Triple H in the knee. Austin goes for the Stunner but Triple H shoves him off and Austin bumps into Angle knocking him off the apron. Triple H low blows Austin and Rock tries to come in but Earl Hebner holds him back while Triple H and Angle double-team Austin. Angle takes over on Austin without a tag and drapes him on the apron then elbows him in the chest. Angle beats on Austin in his corner and Austin starts to fight out of it but Angle hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle continues to work Austin over and Austin again fights back and goes for a suplex but Angle counters into his own suplex for a near fall. Triple H tags in and goes for a whip, Austin reverses Triple H into a corner but Triple H hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Triple H tees off on Austin and hits a kneedrop to the face for a near fall then whips him and slaps on a sleeperhold. Austin manages to counter with a back suplex but Triple H tags in Angle and Angle whips Austin into a corner. Angle charges but Austin drops him onto the turnbuckle then crawls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Rock. Rock hammers away on Angle and caps off with a DDT and Triple H comes in but Rock unloads on him as well. Rock knocks Triple H over the ropes with the Smackdown then turns and hits the Rock Bottom on Angle. Rock covers Angle but Triple H breaks up the pin prompting Austin to knock Triple H back through the ropes. Austin goes out after Triple H on the floor while in the ring Angle manages to slap the Ankle lock on Rock. Austin makes it back in and breaks it up with a boot while Debra hops on the apron and distracts Hebner. Austin lays out Angle with the Stunner and covers him but Hebner is too tied up with Debra to make the count. Austin goes to ask Debra what’s the deal when Rock covers Angle and Hebner sees this and counts the three. *** Good fun, but they kept it simple and just rehashed old spots.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 03/08/2001 - Gauntlet Match: Chris Benoit vs. The Radicalz

Usual gauntlet rules with Benoit taking each of the Radicalz on in succession. Perry Saturn is up first and exchanges shots with Benoit then gets the advantage and pounds him down. Saturn whips him, Benoit slides under him and Saturn takes him down by the legs but Benoit slings him off. Benoit chops Saturn in a corner and stomps him down then whips him into the opposite corner and charges but Saturn blocks a clothesline. Saturn hits a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a clothesline and a suplex for a two count. Saturn hits a modified Rocker Dropper for a near fall then headbutts Benoit and grabs at the face. Saturn sets Benoit on the top rope then goes up and hits a superplex. Saturn climbs to the top again and goes for the flying elbow drop but misses it and Benoit fights back before hitting a Dragon legwhip. Benoit follows up with a snap suplex and a back suplex then climbs to the top and hits the diving headbutt but that only gets a two count. Saturn goes for the Death Valley Driver but Benoit slips out of it and comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Benoit goes for the ropes a second time but Terri grabs his ankle so Benoit pulls her onto the apron. Saturn charges at him but Benoit sidesteps and Saturn knocks Terri off. Benoit then slaps on the Crossface and Saturn is forced to tap out to end the first stage.

Dean Malenko comes in next and gets in the first shots then goes for a whip. Benoit reverses it but lowers the head and Malenko kicks the face then goes into a armwringer. Benoit counters it and goes for an enzuigiri but Malenko ducks it then elbowdrops him and stomps him down in a corner. Benoit reverses positions when Saturn distracts the referee allowing Malenko to kick him below the belt. Malenko goes for a whip but Benoit reverses him into a corner and plants him with a German suplex. Benoit holds on for a second German supelx but Malenko fights out of a third German. Malenko whips Benoit into a corner and clotheslines him then scoops him up but Benoit floats over him and hits an inverted suplex. Benoit whips Malenko but Malenko rolls him up into his own Crossface as Benoit lifts him up on his back. Malenko slips down into a Sunset Flip but Benoit sits on his shoulders and holds him down for the pin.

Eddie Guerrero makes his way down the ramp slowly as Benoit dares him to fight. Before Eddie can climb in the ring Malenko and Saturn both come back in and attack Benoit from behind. Malenko holds Benoit across his knee as Saturn climbs to the top rope and hits a flying kneedrop on him. Eddie eventually asks Malenko and Saturn to clear out of the ring and heads in to finish off Benoit himself. Eddie stomps Benoit and hits a brainbuster then climbs to the top rope and hits the Frogsplash for the three. Eddie celebrates with Malenko and Saturn and it looks like Benoit is now officially out of the Radicalz. ** Good solid action, though there was a bit of sloppiness in the second fall. You’d think this would lead to a big Benoit/Eddie blow-off at Wrestlemania but it didn't quite happen that way.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 03/12/2001 - WWF World Tag Team Titles: The Hardy Boyz (w/Lita) vs. X-Pac & Justin Credible

Heyman actually mentions Credible is a multi-time ECW Tag Team champion but doesn't mention his partner. Mainly because he’s still working for the other guys (at least for two more weeks). X-Pac pounds away on Jeff Hardy to start and and whips him into a corner but Jeff lifts himself over X-Pac then dropkicks him from behind. Matt tags in and both Hardys whip X-Pac then hit a double elbow and follow up with their combo move for a two. Matt gets an armwringer but X-Pac rakes the face. Credible tags in but runs into an armdrag and Matt whips him into a corner and hits a gutwrench suplex for two. Matt goes for a whip, Credible reverses and X-Pac nails him from behind but Matt pops him off the apron. Credible pops Jeff off the apron then knocks Matt through the ropes and the referee tries to keep Jeff back while Credible goes out and helps X-Pac crotch Matt into the ringpost. X-Pac throws Matt back in the ring then tags in legally and helps Credible double-team Matt in their corner. X-Pac kicks Matt down in another corner and follows up with the Bronco Buster. Credible tags back in and goes for a baseball slide but Matt dodges it and Credible ends up crotching himself on the post. Jeff tags back in as X-Pac comes in but Jeff ducks a double clothesline and dropkick both men with each foot. Jeff goes for a whip, X-Pac reverses into a corner but Jeff runs up the ropes and hits the Whisper in the Wind. The Hardys whip Credible into a corner, Matt drops to the mat and Jeff connects with the Poetry in Motion. X-Pac comes up and nails Jeff from behind and whips him but lowers the head and Jeff kicks him in the face. Jeff comes off the ropes but X-Pac tosses him under the ropes and Jeff ends up colliding with Lita on the floor. Matt tosses X-Pac through the ropes then hits the Twist of Fate on Credible while Jeff climbs to the top rope. Jeff connects with the Swanton Bomb and covers Credible when … Albert pulls Jeff out of the ring? Huh?! Albert presses Jeff up and tosses him over the barricade to the floor as the referee calls for the bell. Albert goes in the ring and Matt hammers away at him and X-Pac but Albert lays him out with the chokebomb then poses with his new pals. **1/2 Fun little match with Jeff and Pac both bumping like crazy, and Credible not being totally awful but Albert joining these guys made no sense at all. But i enjoyed it.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Raw Is War 03/12/2001 - Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

They gave this 9 minutes, so basically, it was one of the best Raw matches of the year to this point. Eddie's heat segment was brutal and awesome, and Benoit's selling and desperate comeback were amazing. Still they should have saved it for Wrestlemania, or have Eddie cheat to win so Benoit can demand a rematch at a future pay-per-view. Instead Benoit gets his clean win to end this feud. But at least we got the Benoit/Angle 3 month feud ***1/2