Adrenaline 14 Results

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score

Martin Mays: Welcome to ACW Adrenaline! We come to you this week from RIVERSIDE COLISEUM in Cincinnati, Ohio!

Kareem Ali: Yes, sir! We have burst forth from our bonds of Yonkers, New York, and flown the coop to bigger and better crowds!

Martin Mays: Well, let’s not dis the Yonker’s crowd; they DID support us in the formative months! And, for that, we thank them!

Kareem Ali: OLD NEWS! We are coming of ANOTHER successful Internet Pay Per View; STRIKING DISTANCE! And, although Rippercussion have retained the tag titles, we have two brand new champions!!

Martin Mays: Long time veteran, Abram Vance, has achieved his dream and returned to the winner’s circle with International gold!

Kareem Ali: Not only that, but we have a NEW ACW HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPION!!


Suddenly, PANTERA’S Revolution is my name plays and the crowd lights up! Before the commentators can announce him, Zack Bronko steps out solemnly onto the stage and holds aloft the ACW Heavy Weight belt! There seems to be a mixed reaction, but most act happy to see him with the belt.


Martin Mays: This Ohio crowd seems to be into the Badass, Kareem!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, they’re just probably celebrating that awesome match between him and former champion, SYN, and the other challenger, Eric Snow! That was one awesome match!

Bronko stands there for a while soaking it in. He shows no smile or gloat; just a look of solid belief of who he is and what he’s accomplished. After a short while, he walks down to the ring with purpose. He heads straight up the steel steps, but stops at the top and looks over the crowd. A faction there erupt in celebration along with Zack. Quickly, the big guy steps over the ring ropes and takes his place in the ring. He holds the belt high and a microphone to his mouth.

Zack Bronko: I told you….didn’t I?

His supporters acknowledge him with a massive cheer.

Zack Bronko: When I came here, I told you THIS was what I was after. I held myself as the bar and none surpassed me. But, I have to say…SYN…SNOW..

The crowd begins to cheer showing their appreciation for the amazing Internet Pay Per View match. Zack lets them cheer; showing his respect for his competitors.

Zack Bronko: You guys gave me one HELL of a match. You truly deserve to be in that match; both of you. And, any time either of you want a rematch…

The crowd chants: REMATCH! REMATCH!

Zack smiles: Anytime. But I need to address a small problem I seem to be having with a certain member of management. John McHenry!

The crowd begins to boo and Bronko waits them out.

Zack Bronko finally goes on: McHenry! I’m not sure what your problem with me is. I mean, if you wanted rid of me, you shoulda done that before I got THIS!


The new ACW Heavy Weight Champion raises his belt high!

Zack Bronko again waits for the crowd to subside: Like I said, not sure what the problem is, but, if we didn’t have issues before, we sure as hell do now!

The Champion lowers the mic and looks at the camera like he’s looking for McHenry himself.

Zack Bronko raises the mic again: You put your hands on me again, you better do it to my face like a man and be ready for one hell of a response, cause, where I come from, we take care of issues like men. Not like cowards.

Bronko just stares at the camera for a moment while the crowd chants…


There are some dissenting chants as the Champion tries to get a last word in.

Zack Bronko: So, at HUNTING GROUNDS, I’m ready for whatever comes my way….


Suddenly, DUALITY by Slipknot breaks in and Bronko turns to the entrance with a ready for anything look on his face. Suddenly, the lights in the arena went out, cuasing the crowd to erupt as the awaited Syn's arrival. The lights came back up moments later, and the crowd grew even louder as Syn stood on top of the announce table, staring blankly at Bronko.


Martin Mays: WHOA! We got company!

Kareem Ali: What the-YO, SYN! Get up off my damn table, man!

Syn hopped off the announce table and asked Ashley for a mic, before he slowly began circling the ring, his eyes never leaving Bronko. Syn finally stopped and walked up the steel steps and enters the ring. He looked around as the fans continued to cheer, before turning to Bronko.

Syn: So, by the very lovely World Title on your shoulder, I take it you had a very pleasant time at The Pay-Per-View?

The fans roar as Bronko mouths the words "Damn Right" to Syn, causing the smaller man to chuckle darkly.

Crowd: SYN AND BRONKO! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap* SYN AND BRONKO! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap*

Syn quited the crowd with a small smirk, before continuing.

Syn: I won't stay out here too long and wast both your time and mine...well, more-so mine than yours, but you get the point. You see, Zacky, I'm not a normal individual, not by the standards of the fans, and not by the standards of a wrestler. I'm someone who thrives on being challenged both as a competitor, and as an individual. And so far, you've been the second person to do that.

Syn slowly begins circling Bronko, a curious look on his face as he continues speaking.

Syn: I've beaten nearly everyone I've ever been in the ring with, Zack. By pinfall, by sending them into an early retirement, or just simply out lasting them, I've. Beaten. Them. All. Everyone, that is, except you.

Syn stops right in front of Bronko, meeting the giant's eyes as the two stared down. The tension was slowly starting to build between the current and former World Heavyweight Champions.

Syn: You've somehow managed to stay out of my reach, and it interests me. I won't come out here and whine and complain about the title being in your possession. I've long since stated that I don't particualarly care for the honor of being a Champion when I won my first World Title, and I haven't changed my stance on that. No, I simply want to see if you truely live up to the title as the Measuring Stick of Alternative Championship Wrestling. The Title is simply a formality to me at this point.


The fans go wild all around the two men continued to stare down, not at all hearing the fans as they focus on each other.

Syn: McHenry will get his, I have no preference on which of us gets him first, as long as I get to "Play" with him for several minutes. So that only leaves you and I, One-on-One in this very ring tonight. All I need is for you to accept my challenge.

Bronko smiles: I don't mind sharing Big John. And, as for accepting your challenge, as the song says, I'm on I..

Suddenly, before Zack can answer, he is interrupted by the entrance music of ACW's illustrious leader, John McHenry. John walks out onto the stage.

John McHenry: I think you two have run your mouths enough. It's time we start the show.

The pyro goes off and the Cincinnati crowd is making tons of noise as the theme song gets the crowd pumped!


The camera pans the fans, who are all on their feet with their signs; all waving and trying to get attention.

Martin Mays: We’re back on the air and ready for another night of unbelievable wrestling action! I am Martin Mays.

Kareem Ali: And I am Kareem Ali! Cincinnati is crazy tanite’ and the wrestlers in the back are all rarin’ for a chance to prove they have what it takes to take gold in the ACW!

Martin Mays: For those fans lucky enough to gain admission to the packed out Riverside Coliseum, we’re opening up with what has the potential to be a brutal hardcore match between Avalanche and Multiplex!


Hardcore Match
Avalanche v. Multiplex

Ashley Sparxxx: The following match is set for one-fall.

The lights go out in the arena. A low rumble begins and the lights flash on before fading to nothingness. Meanwhile, the rumble begins again, this time with a little music. Once again, the lights flicker on and off before completely stopping. Suddenly, "South Texas Death Ride" by Union Underground blares over the speakers of the PA system while the lights flare back to life. Avalanche flashes on the screen. Within moments, Avalanche descends down the ramp.

Ashley Sparxxx: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 247 pounds, hailing from Parts Unknown, Avalanche!

Following Avalanche’s arrival on the scene, “Sad But True” by Metallica begins to emanate from the speakers of the ACW’s PA system.

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, weighing in at 416 pounds, hailing from Brooklyn, New York City, Multiplex!

Simultaneously, Multiplex begins to descend down the ramp, engaged in conversation with one of his other personas as not to hear or recognize the appearance of Avalanche. Only when the two meet in the ring does Multiplex realize that Avalanche is his opponent.

As Avalanche and Multiplex eagerly wait for the sound of the bill, their attentions are suddenly diverted by the TitanTron.

Martin Mays: “What in the world is going on?”

The cameras shift their focus to the TitanTron, streaming Dr. Frank Urwhich’s face.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: “Before you begin to beat the living crap out of each other, I just have a little message for Avalanche.”

Urwhich flashes Avalanche a wicked smile and stares at him threateningly.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: “I came to ACW to collect victims for my… uh… ‘special project’.”

Urwhich pauses as his wicked smile is quickly replaced by a creepy one.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: “And you have been marked as my first.”

Avalanche stares up at the TitanTron, traces of concern visible on his face.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: “And if I have my way, you’re not going to make it to Hunting Grounds.”

Urwhich breaks into a fit of maniacal laughter as the TitanTron fades to black. Avalanche shakes his head in disbelief as the referee calls for the bell.

As the match begins, to the two men walk to and meet in the center of the ring. They lock eyes as if to taunt each other mentally. Within seconds, the two lock-up and Multipex begins his assault upon Avalanche due to his obvious weight advantage. An onslaught of lefts and rights follows as Avalanche is pinned against the turnbuckle. However, the referee’s count forces Multiplex to release Avalanche. Somewhat distracted by the referee and himself, Multiplex is hit with a leaping dropkick from the top turnbuckle by Avalanche. Once dropped, Avalanche goes on the offensive and applies the gogoplata, the signature move of John McHenry, to Avalanche in an effort to end the match quickly. However, being as close to the ropes as they are, Multiplex is able to grab the bottom rope and force in rope break, breaking the hold. Once standing again, Avalanche Irish whips Multiplex into the opposite turnbuckle. He runs forward to try to hit Multiplex with a crossbody, but Multiplex dodges. With Avalanche dazed, Multiplex grabs and hoists Avalanche up to deliver a powerslam to his opponent. Bam! The move hits and Multiplex goes for the pin.



Avalanche is somehow able to kick out. Confused as to how such an occurrence could happen, Multiplex begins to argue with himself, thus, ignoring his opponent. With Multiplex still sitting on the mat, Avalanche hoists his body upon the ropes for a lionsault, hitting Multiplex across the face. He goes for the cover.



Displaying a level of dominance previously unseen during the match, Multiplex throws Avalanche off of his body and across the ring. Avalanche proceeds to roll outside of the ring to give himself some time to recover. Enraged, Multiplex chooses to follow Avalanche. With both men outside of the ring, the referee begins to count both of the men out.

Referee: 1…2…3…

Lefts and rights continue to be exchanged, before Multiplex hits Avalanche with a hard right and goes for the man’s throat. Slam! Avalanche goes neck-first into the guard rail at the hands of Multiplex’s chokeslam.

Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Referee: 4…5…6…

With the referee’s count getting higher and higher, and with Avalanche temporarily out of commission, Multiplex seizes his opportunity to win the match and goes back in via the steel steps.

Referee: 7…8…

Just as the referee is about hit 9 on his count to ten, Avalanche uses what little energy he has left in his body and pulls himself back into the ring under the bottom rope. Exhausted, he rolls to the center of the ring. Multiplex goes for the cover once again.



Unrelenting, Avalanche is able to kick out of the pin. Avalanche suddenly realizes he has the perfect opportunity to win the match. Without warning, Avalanche once again pulls John McHenry’s move out of his bag and lock Multiplex within the gogoplata. Once applied, Avalanche begins to assault the disgruntled face of Multiplex. In the middle of the ring, Multiplex has little chance of escaping Avalanche’s hold. Slowly, the two begin to move as Multiplex shifts his weight to make his way across the ring to the ropes. While making his way across the ring, Multiplex’s ingenuity kicks in and he decides to move Avalanche toward the turnbuckle. Moment after moment passes and Multiplex’s face continuously grows more and more red. Amazingly, Multiplex is able to force a rope break on Avalanche. Using both his wits and agility, Multiplex jumps and up grabs the top ropes, hoisting his legs forward. Bam! Multiplex executes the Weight of the World upon Avalanche’s torn body. Sitting upon Avalanche’s chest, Multiplex covers and the referee begins his count.




After a hard fought battle, Multiplex emerges from the match the victor. His face bears a notorious smile as Avalanche lies before him, unconscious. As “Sad But True” by Metallica floods over the speakers of the ACW’s PA system once more, Multiplex rises to his feet and smiles yet again at Avalanche. Unwarrantedly, Multiplex lifts the carcass of Avalanche and applies the Straitjacket. Avalanche, being helpless as he is, is aided by security guards who try to force Multiplex out of the ring. Alongside the security guards are paramedics, ready to check on the body of the fallen competitor. Multiplex yells at himself and froths at the mouth as the guards continue to take him up the ramp. With the match now over, and Avalanche now being escorted from the ring on the arms of the paramedics, none other than Dr. Frank Urwhich walks out and past Multiplex. Urwhich moves creepily towards Avalanche and begins to scream threats towards the superstar. Urwhich smiles, regardless of the vulgarities coming out of his mouth and pretends to slap Avalanches face. Avalanche, feeling threatened, moves backward before pushing the paramedics away and jumping into the crowd. The ACW’s broadcast of ACW Adrenaline goes off-air once more for yet another commercial break.


Tag Team Match
Brandon Banks & Raiden Blaze v. Dave Summers & Jacqui Monroe


The cameras fade in to a spot somewhere outside Riverside Coliseum. It’s dark and windy and not much going on outside, but you can hear a small buzz inside of a crowd. Across the street, a makeshift bigtop and a mini tent city has been erected in a vacant lot. The sign across the front reads Cracks and Farknocker Traveling Circus. The lights are off there besides a spotlight on the front banner and things are dead on that side of the street.

The camera pans back to show Wisecrack and his Twin, Hispanic Engines of Destruction, El Loko and Maddog, standing on the nearest side of the main road opposite of the circus.

Wisecrack smiles: Hello, boys and girls! A little quiet at the circus right now. Big John McHenry has taken it on the road so we wasted no time getting permits to open up the ole circus right across the street no matter where he goes! Gotta travel with the fam, ya know! But, it’s a little quiet tonight cause all the action is here in RIVERSIDE COLISEUM!

The camera pans over to show the venue and pans back.


Wisecrack is still smiling: But we wouldn’t know, would we, boys? We weren’t invited to the party this week. Not that we’re BITTER! Why would we be ANGRY? I mean, we just beat the TEAM TO BEAT AKA Starrdom Nation! They were the untouchables; the unbeatables…and we BEAT them in record time!! It was the fastest number one contender’s match in ACW history!

El Loko and Maddog smile, laugh and slap happy hi-fives!

Wisecrack’s smile gets a little strained: But here we are standing outside, not even a ringside commentary or Promo inside the venue. Not that WE’RE UPSET!! Come on!!! We’re professionals! We don’t take it PERSONAL that management left us OFF THE CARD!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We’re good with it, RIGHT BOYS?

The cracked clown looks around to his ‘boys’ and they look confused at first. Suddenly, they shake their heads in a negative.

Wisecrack looks back to the camera: SEE? We’re great with being ostracized like red headed step children! Kinda used to it. I mean, surely, BIG JOHN isn’t still sore about that whole PWA thing!?! Come on! We were just JOKING, bossman! Right? Bygones be bygones. Look at us. WE DON’T HOLD A GRUDGE, RIGHT BOYS!!!

Wisecrack is gritting his teeth harder with every word and his boys are seething.

Suddenly, the LWO manager takes a deep breath and smiles a more relaxed smile: But don’t worry Kiddies! The Lunatic World Order has a ticket to the big dance! So, we don’t sweat the details. Cause at HUNTING GROUNDS, we hunt the elusive, unbeatable, untouchable, TEAM TO BEAT, RIPPERCUSSIONS….SOUND FAMILIAR?? Ha! History has a way of repeating itself in the weirdest ways, Jackie…Durwood…

Wisecrack steps up to the camera: See ya …wouldn’t wanna be ya!

Fade to black


Hardcore Match
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement

After a short commercial hyping up the first ever ACW DVD, "The First Six Months", the action returns to the ring for the second hardcore match of the night!

Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a Hardcore contest and it is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the streets of Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 272 pounds, "The Ghetto Shred", JAY CLEMENT!

The new fan favourite superstar bursts through the curtain and throws down to his theme song, DMX's "Party Up", on the entrance platform. Then, still grooving to the song's beat, he begins to make his way down the ramp, swinging left and right to slap as many outstretched hands as possible.

Martin Mays: This young man, Jay Clement, becoming a fan favourite overnight, after a couple of very convincing performances here on ACW! There's talk of him moving on to bigger and better things real soon. But right now, he'll have to contend with the mad doctor!

Kareem Ali: Nice ta see a smurf' gettin' some respect! My boy Jay's from Brooklyn, an' dat's a tough 'hood, I'll tell ya! This brutha' knows how ta handle himself if he grew up there!

And, in fact, no sooner has Jay taken to the ring that he is fishing in his pocket for his weapon of choice: a pair of brass knuckles, which he promptly puts on.

Martin Mays: Can he use those?!

Kareem Ali: Hey, Hardcore match, Mays. Weapons are allowed. An' a pair a' brass knuckles will fuck ya right up, I'll tell ya! The Doc better be prepared!

As if on cue, from the backstage area and with absolutely no fanfare comes the mad scientist, and Jay's opponent for the night, Dr. Frank Uhrwhich.

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, from Berlin, Germany, weighing in at 255 pounds, DOCTOR FRANK UHRWHICH!

The doctor comes down the ramp with his eyes glued to the ring, not so much as acknowledging the heat or the fans around him. Midway down, he, too, fishes in his pocket, producing his cranium-measuring tool and holding it up, as he points at Jay and licks his lips in anticipation. Seeing his opponent means business, the "Ghetto Shred" does not even wait for the bell, sliding under the ropes and running straight at Dr. Uhrwhich!

Martin Mays: Jay Clement not waiting for the bell to get us started here, and taking down Dr. Uhrwhich!

The Brooklyn native has indeed managed to run his opponent to the ground, and is punishing him with stiff strikes from the brass knuckles. Blood begins to trickle from the Doctor's left eye, which is quickly turning puffy and purple. Uhrwhich tries to retaliate by driving his measuring instrument to the side of Clement's head, but the tactic is not very effective, and the black man retains the upper hand.

Kareem Ali: Look at Jay go! This brutha's a powerhouse!

Eventually, Dr. Frank manages to profit from a split-second's respite to knock Clement from atop him. He then, instinctively, rolls away from his opponent, who lunges forward immediately, but clutches only air, falling face-first to the concrete. Dr. Frank calmly takes a knee, as Jay also begins to get up. Then, as the Brooklyn brawler gets to his knees, Uhrwhich gets up and drives a boot to the side of Clement's head, taking him down. He then immediately runs towards the apron. Clement gives quick chase, but the doctor feels him coming and sidesteps just in time: Jay smashes against the apron at full speed, getting the wind knocked out of him!

Kareem Ali: Oof! Didn't expect that!

Uhrwhich makes the most of his upper hand, driving an elbow to the back of Clement's neck. The huge black man topples to the floor in pain, and the doctor resumes his search for a weapon. He emerges with a kendo stick, which he promptly uses on the still groggy Clement! Then, he finally rolls him into the ring, and goes for a cover!




Despite the kickout, Dr. Frank retains the upper hand, and Irish whips Clement to the ropes. That proves to be a mistake, as Jay evades the attempted clothesline, swings off the ropes on the other side, and connects with "The Bullet"!

Kareem Ali: HUGE impact from Jay Clement, and Dr. Frank seems out cold!

Despite having connected with his finishing move, Jay doesn't seem to be done. He slides off the apron and rummages under the ring, as the referee kneels down to check on Dr. Frank. He lifts the German's arm once...

...and it drops.

Twice... drops...

Three times...

...and it stays in mid-air, as the Doctor begins to stir back to life.

Kareem Ali: Jay better watch out, he's on the outside, he doesn't expect Dr. Pepper ta be gettin' up!

Uhrwhich, however, is still far from recovered, and is slow to get to his feet. Jay, in the meantime, has slid a couple of steel chairs into the ring, and seems to have something on his mind. He re-enters the ring just as Uhrwhich is leaning against the ropes, trying to stand upright. Clement does not give him that chance, knocking him over the ropes with a clothesline!

Kareem Ali: There goes the good doctah!

Rather than follow up his offensive, however, Clement returns to the chairs, almost lovingly setting them up in the centre of the ring, then testing their sturdiness. He clearly seems to have a plan in mind.

Martin Mays: I wonder what he's planning to do here...whatever it is, it's bound to be not too healthy!

By this point, Uhrwhich has managed to crawl back in the ring. He runs at Clement, ducks under the lariat, and instead drops the kendo stick to lock in a suplex, sending his opponent through the chairs!

Crowd: OOOOOH!

Martin Mays: BRUTAL move there from Uhrwhich, and I think Clement's plan just turned on him!

It certainly appears that way, as the Doctor now takes the remnants of the two chairs and puts Clement's head between them, before stomping down on the top one!

Kareem Ali: Chair sandwich!

Martin Mays: That's gotta hurt!

Kareem Ali: Jay should'a finished it wi' the Bullet. Now he's payin' for his mistake!

Dr. Frank covers!




KICKOUT by Clement!

Martin Mays: How is he still conscious after that chair sandwich?!

Kareem Ali: It's simple, Mays. People from the 'hood don't go down that easy!

Dr. Urhwhich seems irritated now. He knows better than to whip Jay to the ropes a second time, but instead takes profit of his grogginess to punish him with whips from the Kendo stick! Clement seems in very dire straits until suddenly, out of nowhere, he manages to stretchj out a foot and connect with the doctor's midsection! He promptly follows it up with a gigantic Spear, which nearly rips the German madman's head off!

Martin Mays: Clement right back in this one, with that huge spear!

Dr. Urwhich has landed on the by now demolished chairs. As for Jay, he goes to the outside again and retrieves another pair of chairs, seemingly dogged to go on with his plan.

Martin Mays: Hasn't he learned from the first time?! Go cover!

And indeed, Dr. Uhrwhich is once again running at his foe. He dives over the top rope in a suicide plancha, but Jay is ready, collecting him and powerslamming him to the hard concrete!

Crowd: OOOOOH!

Jay takes advantage of the precious seconds his opponent takes to recover, slides back in the ring, and once again sets up the two new chairs side by side. When Dr. Uhrwhich comes this time around, he is ready, and connects with a huge lariat to the mad scientist's face!

Kareem Ali: Huge impact from Jay, an' he's not finished!

And indeed he is not, as his plan now finally comes to fruition. He picks the doctor up in a powerbomb then, after stumbling around for a moment, drives him through the first of the two chairs!

Crowd: OOOOOH!

Not letting go of his opponent, Clement then repeats the move on the second chair, completing a brutal Double Clothesline!

Crowd: OOOOOH!!!!

A groggy, bloodied Jay drops down for the cover!





Ashley Sparxxx: Here is your winner, JAY CLEMENT!

Martin Mays: Jay Clement continuing to make an impact here, and Dr. Frank's first victim will have to be postponed!

Clement celebrates effusively, throwing down once again in the ring, and performing a few simple breakdancing moves, as the crowd give him a hearty cheer. He then exits quickly, before the Doctor comes to and decides to make him one of his victims. He goes up the ramp slapping hands, but also keeping tabs on the ring, to make sure Uhrwhich is not following him.

Adrenaline cuts to commercial!


Handicap Match
RipperCussions v. Donnie Trix

Ashley Sparxxx: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a handicap match!”

“Five Finger Death Punch” by War Is The Answer hits as Donnie walks out from backstage with an intense look on his face, letting out a battle cry. He walks straight for the ring, not even acknowledging the fans.

Ashley Sparxxx: “Introducing first, from Dallas, Texas, he is Donnie Trix!”

As he enters the ring he stands in the middle looking at the entrance ramp, waiting for his opponent.

Martin Mays: “Donnie Trix just dominated Chase DeSanto at Striking Distance on Sunday but don’t you think a handicap match is a bit quick?”

Kareem Ali: “Word on da’ street is he asked Big John for it. Must have bad blood with RipperCussions.”

Martin Mays: “Guess so.”

The Boys Are Back In Town” by Thin Lizzy hits over the P.A. system. Jack Ripper and Darren Pesinger walk out onto the stage to a mixed reaction. Kerry Buckingham follows closely at their heels, gesturing politely to fans to get them riled up.

Ashley Sparxxx: “And the opponents, accompanied by Kerry Buckingham, they are the reigning ACW Tag Team Champions, RipperCussions!”

Ripper interacts with nearby fans on his way down the ramp, but Pesinger keeps his eyes locked on Leroy and Billy, clearly meaning business. The pair slides into the ring as Kerry takes a spot on the outside. RipperCussions hand their tag belts to the referee and begin plotting out their starting strategy. Ripper decides to take the league, so Pesinger retires to the corner as the referee calls for the Bell and Donnie stares on with a wicked smile on his face.

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Martin Mays: “Donnie looks a bit too excited.”

Kareem Ali: “Yeah, like fat kid who just got cake excited!”

Trix immediately charges at an unsuspecting Ripper and nearly breaks him in half with a devastating spear! Jack is driven brutally into the mat and flails awkwardly in pain as Donnie swoops in for a quick pin.

Martin Mays: “Looks like that bad blood thing might’ve been true.”



Kareem Ali: “Shoulda’ up by Ripper.”

Jack shakes his head, attempting to get re-orientated, and gets to his feet, clutching his ribs. Ripper stumbles towards Donnie who quickly locks his arms around Ripper and tosses him recklessly over his head. Ripper crashes back-first onto the canvas and yelps in pain at the impact of the Belly to back suplex. Jack slowly crawls towards the turnbuckle as Donnie excitedly calls for him to reach his feet from the opposite side of the ring. Pesinger curses at Trix from his corner, so out of nowhere, Donnie turns to him and knocks him clean off the apron with a brutal fist to the face. As Pesinger tumbles to the mats on the outside, Ripper uses the turnbuckles to reach his feet, his back turned to Donnie. Trix charges at the tag champ, looking to destroy him with his weight. Ripper, hearing the footsteps, rolls backwards, evading the move. Unfortunately for Donnie, he isn’t able to stop his built up momentum and crashes chest first into the top turnbuckle. Jack takes advantage of the miscalculation by quickly rolling up the big man from behind.


Donnie easily powers out of the pin, and Jack stares on in terror as he lets out a furious war cry. Jack quickly attempts a knee to the mid-section, but it has no effect. Frustrated, he follows up with a series of jabs, but Trix slams his knee into Ripper’s ribs. Jack haunches over in pain, and Donnie slides up behind him. He sticks his heads between Jack’s legs and easily lifts the cruiserweight off the mat. Donnie walks around the ring, playing with the defenseless, dazed Ripper, and spots Pesinger out of the corner of his eye. He stares directly at him as he falls back and releases Ripper. Jack slams into the canvas and cries out at the impact of the Electric Chair. A furious Darren slides into the ring as Donnie taunts him from the inside.

Martin Mays: “Looks like this is going from a tag on one handicap match to a two on one handicap match.”

Pesinger charges towards him and leaps out at him. He catches Donnie with a running should barge, sending Trix stumbling into the ropes. The referee attempts to intervene and force Darren out of the ring, but Pesinger silences him with a brutal fist to the face.

Martin Mays: “Ref down! Ref down!”

The referee collapses to the mat as Donnie approaches Darren. Pesinger lashes out first with a brutal boot to the mid-section, but Donnie manages to shake it off and fires back with a fist to the side of the head. Pesinger maintains his balance and answers with an uppercut to the face. Trix stumbles back into the ropes and uses the momentum from the stumble to lash out with a brutal elbow to the face. Darren reels back in pain as Donnie’s elbow crushes into his nose and grasps at his face. Trix stands over him, relishing the reaction, but Darren takes advantage of the distraction and drops Donnie for the first time in the match with a stiff spinning clothesline.

Kareem Ali: “The alleged ‘hetero’ takes down Donnie for da’ first time.”

Martin Mays: “If RipperCussions want to keep their recent streak alive, they’re going to need to keep Donnie grounded.”

Pesinger swoops in on the downed beast and quickly locks his legs around his body and his arms around his throat in a deadly scissors sleeper hold. Trix immediately begins to flail wildly, attempting to get off his back and onto his knees. Pesinger tightens his grasp, hoping to choke out Donnie before he can reach his knees. Trix begins rocking back and forth, forcing Darren to reposition. When Darren does, he releases pressure on the hold, and Donnie manages to roll onto his knees. Using the canvas, he pushes himself to his feet, but Darren refuses to relent the sleeper hold. Trix jogs backwards towards the turnbuckle and drives Darren forcefully into the turnbuckle. Pesinger cries out in pain but continues to hold onto the submission, tightening his arms around Trix’s neck. A frustrated Trix groggily stumbles into the center of the ring. He grabs Darren by his head, leans forward, and flips him off his back, sending him hurtling towards the canvas. Pesinger bounces off the mat with an impactful thud, and Trix collapses to his knees, gasping for breath and massaging his throat.

Martin Mays: “Pesinger may not have gotten the submission, but he has managed to tire out Trix.”

Kareem Ali: “That stupid hick did nothin’. Once Trix gets his breath back, they gonna’ be in trouble.

Donnie shakes off the sleeper hold and drags a dazed Darren to his feet. He places both hands on Pesinger’s abdomen and lifts him above his head into a Gorilla Press position as Kerry Buckingham watches on from the outside. Kerry, seeing Jack stirring out of the corner of her eye, jumps onto the apron and begins yelling at Donnie.

Kerry Buckingham: “Put him down, dearie’!”

Kareem Ali: “The old bat is loony. What da’ hell is she thinkin’?”

An amused Trix stares at KBux for a moment before viciously dropping Pesinger. Darren falls roughly six and a half feet before his chest slams into the canvas below. Pesinger rolls around the ring in pain as Trix approaches Kerry on the apron. Buckingham begins to talk Donnie down, but ignoring it, he extends his hand and locks it around her throat, oblivious to Jack Ripper climbing the apron just out of sight. Buckingham flails in fear as Trix smiles at her, but Ripper quickly leaps towards the monstrous Donnie. He drives both of his feet into Donnie’s head sending him to the mat with a brutal and unexpected missile dropkick. Kerry drops to the apron and nods graciously to Ripper as Donnie pulls himself to his feet in the corner.

Kareem Ali: “The old bat got luck. Trix should’ve broken dat’ bitch in half.”

Martin Mays: “What did Kerry ever do to you to get that reaction?”

Jack charges after Donnie and recklessly leaps towards him with his body outstretched. He crashes into his abdomen nailing a running crossbody. Ripper lands on the apron as Donnie stumbles into the center of the ring, clutching his tender ribs. Jack scales the ropes and waits for Trix to turn. As Donnie does, Ripper leaps off the top and positions himself for a body splash. Trix quickly takes a step back and extends his hand. He manages to catch Jack by the throat, killing his momentum. Trix smiles wickedly at Ripper before lifting him off the mat and then planting him on the canvas with a vicious choke slam!

Martin Mays: “Choke slam from Trix!”

Kareem Ali: “Yeah, but Pesinger and the ref are back on their feet.”

Donnie prepares to swoop in for a pin when Darren drops him to his knees with a double axe handle to the back. He follows it up with a brutal running boot to the mid-section, causing Donnie to collapse to the canvas. The referee gets into Pesinger’s feet and begins to scold him when the cameras catch a man running down the ramp towards the ring.

Kareem Ali: “Who da’ hell is dat’?”

Martin Mays: “That’s JOEY MAVERICK! Donnie’s partner from the Independent scene!”

Kareem Ali: “Neva’ heard of em’.”

Martin Mays: “It’s about time Donnie got some help down here.”

Maverick reaches the bottom of the ramp, and the cameras get a good glance at him. The man wears street clothes and looks furious, obviously not initially planning to intervene in the match. He slides into the ring, and Pesinger immediately meets him with a flurry of fists to the face. The referee ignores the fight and instead turns his focus to a stirring Donnie. Maverick manages to cover up and get in a brutal shot to the ribs. Pesinger haunches over in pain, and Maverick takes the opportunity to deliver a boot to the mid-section. Darren stumbles into the ropes, and Joey charges after him. He delivers a brutal running clothesline, sending Darren to the outside, and follows at his heels to allow Donnie an opportunity at a pin.

Martin Mays: “Trix is moving in for the kill!”

Trix drags the dazed Ripper to his feet and locks him into a powerslam position. He lets out a loud war cry before slamming Jack into the mat, nailing a Soulcrusher. Trix hooks the leg!




Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Winner in 13:37: Donnie Trix

Martin Mays: “In his second ever match, the rookie manages to take out the tag champs in a handicap match, well sorta’.”

Kareem Ali: “Don’t have to hear the fags talk about that damn streak anymore!”

The referee raises Donnie’s hand in victory, and Maverick slides into the ring and raises the other hand. The crowd voices their approval with a pop, but Trix keeps his eyes locked on the unconscious Jack Ripper. Kerry grabs his leg and begins to drag her client out of the ring. Upon seeing this, Donnie immediately shakes loose of his partner and the referee and lunges towards Ripper. He snatches him up by the foot and drags him away from Buckingham. Donnie unleashes a series of stiff boots to the groggy Ripper.

Martin Mays: “What the hell? Someone put a stop to this!”

A shocked and seemingly disgusted Maverick manages to hold Donnie back, and Kerry, now with the help of the standing Darren, drags Ripper from the ring. The possessed Donnie continues to stare at the unconscious Ripper and runs his hand across his throat in a slitting gesture as the crowd goes wild.

Martin Mays: “If you take one thing from this match, it’s got to be that Donnie Trix wants to take out Jack Ripper.”

Kareem Ali: “AND, this seems to be only the beginnin’!”

Adrenaline fades to a promo for Hunting Grounds.​


Hardcore Match
Andrew Sanders v. Toyota Chelios


As the crowd continues to give Chelios a mild pop, clearly not taking him extremely serious as evidence by a few laughs and jeers, Toyota angrily gets to his feet. He brushes off the referee who tries to raise his hand in victory and calls for a microphone. A stage hand tosses him a microphone, and Chelios addresses the crowd.

Chelios: “Okay, I just want to say that I am sick and tired of being treated like this.”

Chelios points out into the crowd at a group of teenagers chuckling at him.

Chelios: “ I’m sick and tired of being overlooked because people think I’m just nothing more than a joke.”

Chelios pauses and hangs his head in frustration. Suddenly, he brings the microphone to his mouth and yells forcefully.

Chelios: “I am more than that. I won a three man steel cage match. I survived being TORTURED! And yet people still want to look at me like I’m just a pitiful joke.”

Chelios pauses and bites his lip before continuing angrily.

Chelios: “If you won’t take me serious… I will give you a reason to take me seriously. Next week, I want the most hardcore guy in this company in this damn ring, and I’m going to send him out here on a stretcher!”

Chelios throws the microphone to the ground as the crowd responds with a massive pop. He storms out of the ring as Adrenaline fades to a promo for the Predator Title Match at Hunting Grounds.​


Tag Team Match
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Chase DeSanto

The cameras take us to the backstage area. Aaron Asterisk is seen walking through a hallway on the way to the ring for his match. As he walks, the reigning International Champion steps out from the shadows and says quietly.

Abram Vance: “Gotta’ confession to make.”

The younger wrestler furrows his brow and squints his eyes in confusion. Vance ends his confusion.

Abram Vance: “I took out Summers last Sunday.”

The camera zooms in on the two men’s faces, hoping to capture their reaction to the bombshell. Surprisingly, Vance just drops his head and stares at the ground, appearing guilty and disappointed- no trace of his usual cockiness. Asterisk immediately bites his lip, clearly angry at the news. He opens his mouth to lash out at Vance but intelligently, manages to take a deep breath and regain his composure. He responds with a curt yet fitting question.

Aaron Asterisk: “Why?”

Vance slowly raises his head and hesitantly makes eye contact with the visibly angry Asterisk. In a hushed tone, he squeaks out an answer.

Abram Vance: “I heard Banks and Starr no showed the show, and well… I thought I might need ya’.”

Aaron Asterisk: “Need me?”

Vance responds hesitantly, as if seeking Asterisk’s approval.

Abram Vance: “I was hearin’ rumblings that McHenry wanted the winner of your match against Trix and me for that belt at Hunting Ground, and well… (hesitant pause) I figured I could trust ya’.”

Any sign of anger left on Asterisk’s face vanishes as he leans forwards, clearly interested in what Vance is offering. He continues with another question, but the curtness in his voice has been replaced by genuine curiosity.

Aaron Asterisk: “Trust me for what?”

Vance stands up straight, appearing more confident, and answers bluntly.

Abram Vance: “If I wanna’ retain over the golden boy, Imma’ need an ally.”

Asterisk responds with a shocked huff. He fires back sarcastically.

Aaron Asterisk: “So, you want me to blow my shot and help YOU retain?”

Abram Vance: “Naw, I’m sayin’ we should take out the golden boy first…”

A satisfied smile crosses Asterisk’s face at the sound of the words. He excitedly cuts off Vance finishing his sentence.

Aaron Asterisk: “And then go at it one-on-one for the belt?”

Vance nods knowingly, and the two share a brief chuckle, excited about the prospect of the deal. As the laugh dies down, Vance fires off a sarcastic comment to set a friendly atmosphere for their seemingly new found alliance.

Abram Vance: “Ya’ think ya’ can take out old gramps, here?”

Asterisk smiles and fires back with a joke of his own, giving Vance the friendliness he was aiming for.

Aaron Asterisk: “I’ll just kick the cane out from under ya’ and swoop in for the belt.”

Asterisk flashes him a cheeky smile, and Vance laughs along at the shot. With a seemingly genuine smile on his face, he extends his hand towards Asterisk.

Abram Vance: “We gotta’ deal?”

Asterisk’s gaze slowly travels down to Vance’s hand. He extends his arm hesitantly, but after a quick look at Vance’s seemingly genuine smile, his hesitation disappears. He embraces the handshake and excitedly replies.

Aaron Asterisk: “Deal!”

The broadcast returns to the arena.

Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a tag team contest, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, Massachussets, weighing in at 240 pounds, AARON 'A-STAR' ASTERISK!

The pyro explodes in the shape of a star as the ACW's newest rising star comes through the curtain, slapping hands and hyping up the fans!

Martin Mays: The stage is set for this tag match, which will give two young men a massive boost in popularity! This man, of course, is the new Number One Contender to the ACW International Championship...

Kareem Ali: ...luckiest mo'fucka alive...

Martin Mays: Well, yes, he was a little lucky, but I am a fan of Asterisk! He's been paying his dues for the longest time, and he deserves his moment in the sun here tonight! It remains to be seen whether he can contribute to give his team a win tonight. He certainly has a good partner...

As if on cue, "Ignition" by Toby Mac explodes on the PA, announcing the arrival of the fan-favourite babyface, and dethroned International Champion, Nicky Trix!

Ashley Sparxxx: And his partner, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 180 pounds, NICKY TRIX!

Signs with sayings like "NICKY STILL HAS TRIX UP HIS SLEEVE" continue to litter the crowd, who clearly has not lost an ounce of appreciation for the former International Champion!

Martin Mays: Listen to the crowd reaction here! These fans love him!

Kareem Ali: Meh...pretty-boy spot monkey...I hope Vance destroys him again!

Martin Mays: What do you mean, "again"? He stole the win last week!

Suddenly, the announcers' banter is interrupted by the arrival of the third contestant in this four-man match!

Ashley Sparxxx: And introducing their opponents! First, from Melbourne, Australia, 'The Angel of Light', CHASE DESANTO!

Kareem Ali: Talk about a push! DeSanto must be thankin' the Big Man he's here, in this spot!

Martin Mays: Which Big Man would that be, Ali? God or McHenry?

Kareem Ali: Both...dude's just lucky!

Martin Mays: I *do* wonder what made Vance pick him as his partner...well, I guess the International Champion will have his reasons...

Precisely at that moment, "Back In The Saddle" hits, heralding the arrival of the Champion!

Ashley Sparxxx: And his partner, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the ACW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION, ABRAM VANCE!

Vance stubs out his cigarette, nonchalantly, and comes down to the ring without much of a fuss.

Kareem Ali: See? That's class. No need to be jumpin' around like a kid in a candy store! Just hurry up an' do your thing!

Martin Mays chooses to reserve his comments on this occasion, as Vance now takes to his corner to confer with DeSanto. He sarcastically gestures towards the ring in an "after you" motion, signalling that the Australian will start the match. On the other side, Asterisk has volunteered to start, and is now taking to the ring to square off against the wonder from down under. Soon, the bell rings and the match is under way!

The two men lunge at each other and lock up. DeSanto gains advantage, and has Asterisk in a side headlock for a while, before delivering a quick backbreaker.

Martin Mays: Old school wrestling to start us off here!

DeSanto picks his opponent up and flings him to the ropes. Asterisk hangs onto them, forcing DeSanto to change tactics and run at the young Number One Contender. Asterisk swivels out of the way and pulls the ropes down, causing the Australian to topple to the outside. The 'A-Star' then climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a Full Marks to the outside!

Martin Mays: Asterisk looking to impress Nicky Trix here, early on, and maybe give Vance a warning!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, but he's also puttin' his body on the line. An' considerin' how his schedule's about to become, that ain't too smart!

Martin Mays: Aaron Asterisk can't cover, of course, and he's hurting after that daring move to the outside. Here comes Vance to try and capitalize...but he's stopped by Nicky Trix!

In fact, the International Champion has come around from his corner to stomp on the fallen Asterisk, but Trix has stopped him midway with a few stiff punches. As the two continue to brawl, DeSanto gets up and once again regains control of the match, throwing Asterisk against the apron, then rolling him into the ring. He slingshots onto the top rope, then launches in a daring 720 corkscrew moonsault. Unfortunately for him, Asterisk is conscious enough to roll out of the way, and DeSanto finds nobody home.

Asterisk gets up and looks around, checking to see if Trix is in position for a tag. The smaller man is still brawling with Vance, but once he sees his partner looking for him, he aims one last kick at the veteran and runs up to his corner, just in time for the tag!

Martin Mays: Here comes Nicky Trix! Big boot to the head of DeSanto! And a moonsault off the ropes!

Nicky has entered the ring with the usual fire in his belly, and landed the two moves in quick succession. He then goes for a cover.



Abram Vance breaks up the pin!

Martin Mays: Thought he had him there!

Kareem Ali: Vance to the rescue!

After breaking up the pin, Vance orders DeSanto to hold Nicky in a full nelson, while he aims a Superkick at him, flooring the young cruiserweight. Vance then tags himelf in, intending to go for the cover. DeSanto is visibly not too happy about this, but accepts it.

Martin Mays: Tensions boiling between the two partners...

Kareem Ali: But Vance still gets to cover!




Martin Mays: Kickout at the last second from Nicky Trix, who is still in this one!

Vance cannot believe his eyes, and his ultra-cool facade drops for a fraction of a second. He whips Nicky to the ropes, lands another Superkick, and covers again.




Once again, Nicky Trix escapes by a hairsbreadth, kicking out just before three. Vance, again incredulous, picks his young nemesis up for another Irish whip. This time, however, Nicky comes back from the ropes swinging a lariat. Vance ducks, but gets hit with a dropkick to the back for his troubles. This makes him topple forward so that his head and shoulders are leaning on the ropes. Showing incredible agility, Nicky performs a stunning move: he runs up to Vance, places a foot on the veteran's back for leverage, ascends to the top rope, then drops in a leg drop to the back of Vance's neck!

Crowd: OOOOOH!!!

Kareem Ali: Abram felt that one, ya can be sure a' that!

However, Nicky seems to have felt it too, as he fell awkwardly. DeSanto, who is closer by, tries to capitalise with a few strikes to the chest of the cruiserweight, but Nicky keeps him away with his elbows, until eventually Asterisk comes to help. Nicky climbs down from the apron, then up again through the ring steps, and tags in Asterisk. As the "A-Star" re-enters the fray, Nicky tells him to cover Vance, then turns to DeSanto, looking to keep him away from the action in the ring. Aaron, however, is momentarily entranced by the brawl his partner and the Australian begin to engage in, not noticing that, behind him, Vance is beginning to stir.

Kareem Ali: Uh-oh...

Martin Mays: Aaron, look behind you!

Too late. Vance has lunged forth and, in a last-ditch effort, rolled up Asterisk in a Small Package, complete with a handful of trunks! The referee drops down.




Ashley Sparxxx: Here are your winners, Chase DeSanto and Abram Vance!

Nicky looks back in disbelief, as Aaron himself hangs his head in shame. As for DeSanto, he abandons the brawl he was having with the little cruiserweight, and goes to celebrate with Vance in the middle of the ring. As the referee raises both their arms up, Asterisk is seen exiting, dejected, his head still hung in embarrassment. Vance taps his new found ally on the shoulder and points to his head. The two share a friendly yet competitive smile as Asterisk slides out the ring. On the outside, Trix holds out a hand, which Asterisk shakes.

Martin Mays: Look like the Vance Asterisk alliance is still intact despite the cheap win, and some great sportsmanship there from Trix, showing he is not angry at his partner...

Nicky asks for a microphone from a nearby stage hand, and wastes no time in addressing the crowd and his opponents:

Nicky Trix: Vance...DeSanto...well played once again. And Aaron, thanks for the effort. I couldn't have asked for more.

The "A-Star" smiles, apologising once again. Nicky waves away his words and continues:

Nicky Trix: Before we all leave here tonight, I just wanted to say that I'm moving on. My time here in the International Division has been great, only three defeats in four months!, and I'm very proud of it. But management thinks, and I agree, that it's time I go for something bigger...

The small wrestler grins, as the crowd guesses what the "bigger thing" is and pops deafeningly. Trix waits until the cheer has died down before concluding:

Nicky Trix: So starting tonight, I've decided to mount a challenge for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

The pop grows even larger, and a chant of "NI-CKY! NI-CKY!" starts, from a section of the crowd. Nicky glances that way, smiles, and prepares to leave, but before he can make his exit, he is interrupted by a familiar theme song.

Kareem Ali: Uh-oh...guess somebody has something to say about that, Little Nicky!

Martin Mays: Former Number One Contender and International Champion Eric Snow coming out here, and presumably he has a problem with Trix's intentions!

Indeed that is the case, as Eric Snow arms himself with a microphone and promptly spits at Trix:

Eric Snow: You know, Trix, ever since you came around you've been a thorn on my side! You've already taken one belt away from me, and now, you want to take another?! Think again, bro'! I'm still in line for a shot at the World Heavyweight Title, and I'm not going to let some hundred-pound pipsqueak like you cut me in line! If you want a shot at the gold, you'll have to get through me!

Nicky does not seem too happy with Snow's words, and is about to reply, but before he can say anything, another familiar theme song hits: "Money" by Pink Floyd announces the arrival of the ACW GM!

Kareem Ali: Oooooh shit!

Martin Mays: Our GM has arrived, hopefully to sort out this mess!

On the platform, John McHenry has already armed himself with a microphone, and is addressing the two wrestlers:

John McHenry: You two want to quibble like schoolgirls? Do it outside my ring. Have a pillow fight or something. You two want to see who has dibs on the Heavyweight belt? I'm giving you a match at Hunting Grounds to sort it out. Which one will it be, boys?

Snow seems to take badly to the GM's actions, ranting in McHenry's face; the GM, however, stands fast, telling the "X-Factor" to back off or suffer the consequences. By the time Snow relents and prepares to leave, Nicky is long gone, having been satisfied with the stipulation. After he has made sure the situation has been averted, McHenry, too, disappears back behind the curtain.

Martin Mays: Another exciting match set up for Hunting Grounds! The thrills and spills continue here at ACW, when we come back!

The show cuts to commercial.


ACW World Heavyweight Championship
Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn

Ashley Sparxxx: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ACW Heavyweight Championship!”

“Duality” by Slipknot hits. The lights dim and smoke starts to fill the arena as Syn creeps onto the stage, a dark smile on his face. He stands up straight and slowly walks down to the ring with his hands clasped behind his back.

Ashley Sparxxx: “Introducing first, the challenger, he is Syn!”

He creeps up the steel steps and enters the ring, then sits Indian style in the middle of the ring as he awaits his opponent.

Ashley Sparxxx: “And his opponent, he is the reigning ACW Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Revolution’ Zack Bronko!”

As the speakers blare “Revolution is My Name” by Pantera, Zack walks out in his leather chaps over his black and red wrestling tights. He also wears a leather vest with no shirt. Most of the times, he wears a red or black bandanna with various designs. He steps out to the edge of the ramp and raises one fist high in the air as red pyro explodes igniting the crowd. Without much show, Bronko walks slowly down to the ring either watching the ring and his competition or looking behind him and into the audience (expecting an attack). Stepping slowly up the stairs, he stops and looks over the crowd before hoisting a leg over the top rope and heading straight for the center of the ring; Once more raising his fist in the air, beating his chest and yelling over the music and the crowd; "I STILL BELIEVE!!"

Martin Mays: “These two have been going back and forth since Bronko has arrived in ACW, and it looks like it all comes to culmination here tonight.”

Bronko and Syn circle each other in the center of the ring, carefully eyeing their opponent. Zack hands the referee the belt, and the referee calls for the two to meet in the center of the ring. He shows them the prize they are about to fight for before raising it over his head for the crowd. The lively crowd pops at the sight of the ACW Heavyweight Championship. The referee tosses the belt aside and begins to call for the ball.

PA: “Money” by Pink Floyd

Martin Mays: “McHenry again?”

Kareem Ali: “Big John owns this company, Mays. He can do whatever he damn wants.”

Martin Mays: “Well, he obviously has some sort of stake in this match.”

McHenry breaks through the curtain to a mixed reaction. He jogs down the ramp, staring up at Bronko and Syn, who exchange his stare with glares of their own. McHenry ends up at the announcer’s table and gestures for the match to begin.

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Martin Mays: “Nice of you to join us, again, John.”

John McHenry: “Came for the match, not you two clowns.”

Bronko immediately lashes out with a brutal right hand to the face. Syn reels back from the impact of the blow, clutching his face and nearly collapsing to the mat. He shakes off the blow and charges the bigger man. With all of his weight behind him, Syn delivers a stiff running dropkick to the mid-section. Bronko stumbles back in pain, grasping his ribs and gasping for breath. Syn charges towards him, but Bronko reacts quickly. He tosses Syn over his shoulder and flings him to the outside. The former world champ manages to snag onto the top rope and pull himself onto the apron. Zack turns to face him, and Syn quickly grabs his head and slams it into the unforgiving ring rope. Bronko stumbles back into the center of the ring, trying to get his bearings, when Syn pulls himself onto the ropes and springboards towards him. Syn goes for a springboard body splash, but Bronko thinks quickly and catches him with a Big Boot to the face. Syn’s momentum dies on impact, and he collapses to the mat.

Martin Mays: “Quick thinking on Bronko’s part.”

John McHenry: “Aren’t you suppose to, ya’ know, analyze the match? Not just point out the obvious.”

Kareem Ali: “Tell em’, Johnnie!”

John McHenry: “It’s John. Not Big John. Not Johnnie. Got it, Ali?”

Syn uses the nearby ring ropes to reach his knees as Bronko closes in on him. Zack reaches down to scoop him up and is greeted by a hard elbow to the mid-section that knocks the air out of him. Zack clutches his mid-section in pain only to be hit with an uppercut to the face. Bronko grabs at his face for a moment before furiously turning back to the still dazed Syn. He charges him, but Syn smartly drops to the mat and pulls down the top rope with him. Bronko crashes over the rope to the outside and lands brutally on the mats. Despite the hard fall, Zack begins to stir quickly, so Syn leapfrogs over to the top rope and lands on the apron. He shoots a look back at Bronko who has now reached his knees before turning his back to the champion. He suddenly leaps off the apron, attempting to take out ‘The Revolution’ with an apron moonsault. Bronko lunges forward, evading the maneuver, and Syn manages to land on his feet just behind the champ.

Martin Mays: “Quick thinking on Bronko’s part.”

John McHenry: (Sarcastic) “Great, more astute announcing…”

Syn catches Bronko off guard by predicting his move and ducking the Zack’s spinning clothesline. With Zack’s back turned to him, Syn leaps towards the apron and springboards off the side of the ring. He barrels downward towards the disorientated Bronko going for a springboard crossbody, but Zack manages to catch him. Syn attempts to wiggle free, but Bronko quickly releases him, tossing him over his back. Syn is sent hurtling towards the unforgiving ring barricade and collides back first with the stiff object. He slinks to the mat, clutching his back in pain, as Zack snatches him up by his hair. He drags the former champion towards the steel steps and proceeds to viciously Irish whip him towards them. Syn’s upper body crashes into the brutal steel, and the impact sounds throughout the arena as the former champion wails in pain, clutching his back.

Martin Mays: “That one looks like it…”

John McHenry: “Lemme’ guess, Mays, looks like it ‘hurt’. Cut the crap and do your job.”

As Syn attempts to reach his knees, Bronko drops him with a brutal knee to the face. He drags the dazed former champion to his feet and locks him into a piledriver position. Bronko taunts for the crowd, pointing at the bottom half of the hard, steel steps, and receives a massive pop in response. He carelessly rolls Syn up into a powerbomb position, but Syn takes advantage of Bronko’s carelessness and locks his arm around Bronko’s head. Zack unintentionally releases his grip at the feeling of the hold, and Syn uses his momentum to drive Bronko downwards. He drives Bronko’s skull directly into the deadly steel below, nailing an unexpected snap DDT, and his head bounces off the unforgiving surface with a loud ‘thud’. Syn stares down at the champ, expecting him to be completely unconscious, but ‘The Revolution’ continues to stir, refusing to give up his newly won belt so easily.

Martin Mays: “Syn needs to stay on him. Keep fighting smart and not hard.”

Kareem Ali: “You always gotta’ fight hard Mays!”

Martin Mays: “Not if your opponent is bigger than you and can outbrawl you.”

An unsatisfied Syn slams his fists down in frustration and climbs up onto the apron. He crosses to the other side of the ring and begins taunting for Bronko to get the hell up, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. Bronko answers his call and reaches his knees causing Syn to sprint along the apron from behind. After crossing about half the length of the ring, the former champion recklessly leaps off the apron, barreling towards a standing Bronko with his back turned. Zack, seemingly out of instinct, drops to the mats below, and Syn, unable to stop his momentum, crashes head first to the mats on the outside. His body bounces off the mats from the impact, and he falls stiff as it collides with the barricade.

Martin Mays: “Bronko has an opening now.”

Zack sees what Mays does and immediately snatches up his opponent by the hair. He drags him into the ring and pushes him under the ropes into the center of the ring. Bronko slides in at the former champions’ heels and stands over him. He taunts to the crowd, receiving a massive pop in response, before turning to swoop in for the pin. Before he can cover Syn, the former champion catches him off guard and rolls him up into a small package!



Martin Mays: “Bronko kicks out!”

John McHenry: “Had me a little worried there.”

Kareem Ali: “Why? Ya’ rootin’ for Bronko?”

John McHenry: “Nope, I wouldn’t mind seeing both guys taken out on stretchers.”

A shocked Bronko reaches his feet and is immediately dropped with a stiff clothesline to the throat. Zack manages to his feet, completely disorientated and gasping for breath, but Syn follows up with a dropkick to the face, knocking him to the canvas yet again.

John McHenry: “Syn has Bronko on the ropes. He needs to keep this momentum going!”

Zack slowly reaches his feet, shaking his head vigorously in a desperate attempt to get re-orientated. The second he gets a firm stance, Syn charges towards him, locks his arm around his head, and drives him face first into the mat with an Insanity’s Edge! As Syn reaches his feet and points to the top rope, clutching his throbbing back, a static sound sounds over the broadcast.

Martin Mays: “Where ya’ goin’, John?”

McHenry slyly stands from the announcer’s table as Syn reaches the top rope, his back turned to McHenry. He taunts for the crowd, receiving a mil pop, before leaping off the top and flipping through the air. He crashes onto the champion with a match ending Falling Into Chaos and crawls towards Bronko. He manages to drape his arm over Bronko’s chest, looking to regain his title.




Martin Mays: “NOOOO!”

McHenry grabs Syn by the leg and rips him out of the ring. Syn lands awkwardly on the mats just before the stage. The referee screams to John to lay off, but McHenry charges at Syn and nails him with a stiff running boot to the face.

Kareem Ali: “Syn just got screwed out of his bling!”

The referee calls for the Bell as McHenry forces Syn to his feet.

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

He locks Syn’s feet onto his shoulders, allowing the former champion to dangle off his back, before brutally forcing him forward and slamming his whole body into the mats with a deadly Bankrupt! McHenry squats next to the man who got him fired, relishing the sight of his unconscious body. He turns to the ring to focus on Bronko only to be greeted by an unexpected sight.

Ashley Sparxxx: “The winner of this match via disqualification, Syn!”

Winner via DQ: Syn

McHenry is unable to move in time as the big man and still reigning ACW Champion Zack Bronko leaps over the top rope and barrels down towards him. He crashes down onto ACW’s owner, nailing a huge suicide dive.

Martin Mays: “Suicide dive from Bronko!”

The impact sends McHenry slamming into the steel ramp. A furious Bronko snatches up his championship and slides out of the ring as Syn reaches his knees and McHenry begins to crawl up the ramp in an attempt to escape the World Champion. Zack quickly reaches the two, and both stare up at him defenselessly.

Martin Mays: “This doesn’t bode well for McHenry and Syn. Both are dazed and completely at Bronko’s mercy.”

Syn stares up at Bronko and nods mysteriously. Zack smiles back in response, turns to McHenry and drives his boot down onto the side of McHenry’s head. He brutally drives McHenry’s skull into the steel below and watches as the owner goes limp. He shoots a threatening glare back at Syn before making his way up the ramp.

Martin Mays: “He’s letting Syn go unscathed? But, why?”

Bronko raises the championship over his head as the unscathed Syn stares up at him with a wicked smile on his face. Adrenaline fades to black.​

Quick Results
Multiplex def. Avalanche
Dave Summers & Jacqui Monroe def. Brandon Banks & Raiden Blaze
Jay Clement def. Dr. Frank Urwhich
Donnie Trix def. RipperCussions
Toyota Chelios def. Andrew Sanders
Abram Vance & Chase DeSanto def. Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix
ACW Championship: Syn def. Zack Bronko (c) via DQ (no title change)

Avalanche v. Multiplex: Andy
Brandon Banks & Raiden Blaze v. Dave Summers & Jacqui Monroe: ~Primetime~
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement: Pete
RipperCussions v. Donnie Trix: The_King
Andrew Sanders v. Toyota Chelios: ~Primetime~
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Chase DeSanto: Pete
Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn: The_King

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
BDC has a promo for the LWO, should I pop it in here somewhere or what?


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Mar 18, 2012
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Please do! I need space before the Asterisk/Trix v. Vance/DeSanto match, but besides that, anywhere else should work.
MoM, Prime, and him are also working on the opener, so if he sends it to you, just toss it on there!
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Promo dropped. BDC has asked me to tell you that the promo is not a dig on anybody, just kayfabe.


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Mar 18, 2012
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So, here's the plans. If it involves a non-staff character, the RPer was briefed and okayed the idea.:
-Opening: Main event announced. [Segment Written by: MoM, BDC, & Prime]
-Before the Multi/Avalanche Match: Urwhich pops up on the titan-tron and informs Avalanche that he is going to be his first victim and warns him that if he gets his way, Avalanche won't make it to their title match. [Written By: KeepItFresh]
-Multi v. Avalanche: Regardless of the ending, Urwhich will come out after the match with a weapon in hand, looking to injure Avalanche. Avalanche takes off through the crowd. [Segment Written By: Andy]
-Jacqui/Raiden Tag Match: As of now, just a tag match that revs up the rivalry. Waiting to hear back from Derrick if he has anything planned.
-Urwhich/Clement: Straight up hardcore match. Nothing special planned.
-RipperCussions/Trix: Plans haven't been finalized yet, but I have this covered.
-Chelios/Sanders: After the match, regardless of the result, Chelios is going to cut a promo saying that he's sick of people looking at him as a joke and wants to be taken seriously. Asks McHenry for a match to prove himself next week. [Segment Written By: Slim]
-After Chelios/Sanders: Fade to backstage to McHenry's office where Sanders is complaining about ACW allowing a man to impersonat him for months and the fact that a hardcore legend is being booked as filler. Asks for a shot at gold. McHenry says that he has to get past Multiplex first- leading to a feud between them.
-Trix/Asterisk v. Vance/DeSanto: If Asterisk/Trix win, we’ll make it look like Trix carried the match. After everyone exits, Trix grabs a microphone, says he appreciates the competition, but he wants a bigger challenge and asks for a shot at the ACW Championship. Snow comes out and says that he’s in line for a shot- McHenry books a contendership match between the two at Hunting Ground. If Asterisk/Trix lose, we’ll have Trix seemingly take out Vance and turn to DeSanto on the outside. Vance can sneak in, roll up Asterisk, and steal the win. Trix then grabs the mic’, thanks for Asterisk for the effort, but says he’s going to leave Asterisk and Vance to go at it. He’s moving on for the big leagues- cue Snow coming out and rinse and repeat like above. Regardless of the ending, after the match, Vance and Asterisk shake hands and congratulate each other on a good match- have a long term ally angle going between the two. [Match & Fallout Written By: Pete]
-Zack Bronko/Syn: McHenry costs one of them the match continuing the storyline. [Written By: The_King]

I'll update this when I hear back from Derrick/Beedz.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Vance is pretending to be face. Basically, Vance/Asterisk are going to ally thinking they need the other to take out Trix at Hunting Ground. When its announced after the match that Trix isn't involved, Asterisk continues the friendly rivalry while a pissed off Vance begins to scheme behind his back while staying friendly to his face (hence the handshake after the match). So, Vance is going to be the heel, but he's going to seem face to Asterisk.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Avalanche v. Multiplex: No comment (but Prime did a good job with his two)
Brandon Banks & Raiden Blaze v. Dave Summers & Jacqui Monroe (default - maybe make it seem like Summers stood her up and she had to go out there by herself?)
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement (extremely odd RP from KIF, focused from Chriss)
RipperCussions v. Donnie Trix: no comment (but looking at it impartially, I'd either go for a tie or give the win to Donnie - RRS was quite good)
Andrew Sanders v. Toyota Chelios (neither was really good, but Slim wins by a fraction of a percent)
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Chase DeSanto (King and RRS put in the usual brilliance, but this one comes down to the lesser partners. Lewb's first was good, but his second sadly wasn't. Meanwhile, I surprisingly enjoyed Andrew's - perhaps the first time he's actually tried in a while. So giving this to Vance/DeSanto on the grounds of DeSanto's one RP beating out Asterisk's second).
ACW Championship: Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn (another close call. BDC's second and ManOn's first were equally stellar. ManOn's second, while short, was just a tiny bit stronger than BDC's first. But ManOn's first really clinches this for him - the character really establishes itself in it).

John McHenry

John McHenry
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I actually second all of Petes.

Fuck I want BDC back so he can do all the tags.

John McHenry

John McHenry
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I will not have my matches until tomorrow possibly saturday (I thought I read somewhere we'd have them today?). If someone would like to put up quick results for those matches I can put in the matches later.

I think we should visit doing quick results paragraph or two for matches and whatever we feel is necessary for segment for Adrenaline and leave the long shows for PPV gives more time to rp quicker results and I think it'll make everyone happy. Once we start getting more diversity out of rpers and more writers I think we could then go back to long form



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Mar 18, 2012
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You voting for RipperCussions or Donnie Trix? I'm guessing Donnie but just wanted to clarify.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Donnie yes. Sorry forgot he refrained on that one.


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Mar 18, 2012
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I will not have my matches until tomorrow possibly saturday (I thought I read somewhere we'd have them today?). If someone would like to put up quick results for those matches I can put in the matches later.

I think we should visit doing quick results paragraph or two for matches and whatever we feel is necessary for segment for Adrenaline and leave the long shows for PPV gives more time to rp quicker results and I think it'll make everyone happy. Once we start getting more diversity out of rpers and more writers I think we could then go back to long form

Matches are due tomorrow. Results are being put up tomorrow night at 11:59 PM (eastern) at the latest.
I'm cool with the quick results starting next month, but if we decide to pursue that, I'd want to put up a poll asking for the RPer's opinion. If they're against it, we'd probably get a few desperation MWers out of it.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
^I personally think it's a step back ambition- and scope-wise. But I'm cool if you two decide to go in that direction.

Just remember, the way to get more people is to get MORE ambitious, not less. Nobody wants to join the small potatoes.