WWF 1988 Redux

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Aug 28, 2024
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Welcome to a very special journey. Today I am about to take you back to a very iconic time in Wrestling history and see what happens when slight changes occur, and the wrestling landscape is altered forever.

This is WWF 1988


The time is Wrestlemania IV


and this is how it should have happened....

Disclaimer: I am writing this thread as if you the reader are watching the event unfold live. As such, I will be including ringside commentary, backstage segments that either occurred [or should have occurred] at the event. I hope you enjoy this trip back down memory lane. P.S. this begins here at WMIV but will continue on from there...


Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse "The Body Ventura open the festivities with some back-and-forth banter...

Monsoon: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Showcase of the Immortals, Welcome to Trump Casino & Plaza, Welcome to Wrestlemania! I am joined as always by my esteemed colleague, Jesse "The Body" Ventura"! Jesse, are you excited enough?

Jesse: Gorilla, I am pumped to see the crowning of a new World Wrestling Federation Champion! Finally, the Million Dollar Man is gonna be a Million Dollar Champion!

Monsoon: Well, I don't know about that, Jesse, but I do know that the WWF Tag Team Championships are on the line, Demolition vs Strike Force. Also, the Intercontinental Championship is up for grabs as Brutus Beefcake faces the Honky Tonk Man! Also, what about the opening bout, Jesse, a battle royale where the winner receives a trophy and the opportunity to challenge for a title in the future, whichever one the winner wants to challenge for!

Jesse: Gorilla, this is gonna be a night to remember, and I can't wait for it to get started!

Monsoon: Indeed, it is going to be a happening!

As the roar of the crowd gets louder, the opening contestants for the battle royale make their way to the ring...
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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania IV continued....

Opening Contest: 20-Man Battle Royale for special Wrestlemania Trophy and future title shot

Entrants: Bad News Brown, The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov), The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart), The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell), Danny Davis, George Steele, Harley Race, Hillbilly Jim, The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond), The Young Stallions (Paul Roma and Jim Powers), Junkyard Dog, Ken Patera, Ron Bass, Sam Houston, and Sika

The bell rings and the wrestlers begin attacking one another, many looking for quick eliminations. After roughly 12-15 minutes, the twenty wrestlers are whittled down to six: Bad News Brown, Bret Hart, Harley Race, Junkyard Dog, Ken Patera, and Sika. Certain wrestlers pair off against one another, like JYD and Race, or Patera and Sika, but strangely enough, Hart and Brown just stand off to the side and watch this all unfold. The ringside commentary team are as baffled about this situation as the fans seem to be...

Jesse, what in the world is going on here? Why are Bret and Bad News just standing around? Don't they want to win this battle royale?

Hey Gorilla, who knows? Maybe they decided to split the thing: You know, one takes the trophy and the other takes the title shot.

Jesse, they can't do that, and you know it! I just get the feeling that a double-cross may be somewhere in our future!

Jesse: Oh, Gorilla, stop being so paranoid! They're just biding their time, and picking their spots, trust me!


Trust you?! Hah!

Patera batters Sika with rights and lefts, eventually staggering the big man on the ropes. Patera goes for a clothesline, Sika ducks and Patera tumbles to the floor. Patera is thusly eliminated from the match. JYD drills Race with a headbutt that sends him bouncing into the ropes. A second headbutt sends Race tumbling backwards out of the ring. Race is thereby the next man eliminated. JYD turns and is super kicked by Sika, and he drops to the mat. Sika wastes no time in grabbing JYD and throwing him over the top rope and onto the floor.

Sika turns and surprisingly faces Bret and Brown. Sika then drills Bret with a thunderous clothesline, felling the Hitman. Brown looks down and howls with laughter. Sika grabs Bret off the canvas, scoops him into the air, and attempts to throw Bret out of the ring. Sika fails to account for his own momentum, and when Bret shifts his weight, Sika is the one who finds himself eliminated from the match.

Bad News Brown spies Bret returning to the ring under the bottom rope, and makes a bee-line for him. However, instead of hammering him with blows, he helps the Hitman to his feet. Brown turns to the referees, flips them off, and signals to Bret that he wants the trophy, and Bret can have the title shot. Bret smiles, holds up his hand for a high-five, Brown reciprocates, and then blasts Bret with a Ghettoblaster from behind! The fans are so shocked and angered that they begin doing something amazing: they begin cheering Bret.

As Bret makes his way to his feet very slowly, Brown looks ready to pounce. He grabs Bret and throws a haymaker, Bret ducks, and clips Brown with a clothesline from behind. Now, both men are down, and the fans continue to cheer for the now babyface Bret Hart. Hart gets to his feet, drills Brown with an inverted Atomic Drop, and then a backbreaker. Bret climbs to the middle turnbuckle and drills Brown with an elbow drop to the throat. Bret slams Brown head first into the turnbuckle. As Brown staggers from that move, Bret times his next move perfectly right, and dropkicks Brown from behind, propelling him out of the ring and onto the floor.

Winner: Bret Hart

Gorilla: Well, Jesse, I hate to say I told you so, but Bad News Brown did indeed attempt to screw over Bret Hart, but the Hitman was resilient and emerged victorious! Now, he can challenge for any title he wants at any time he wants!

Jesse: Well, you gotta look at it like this, Gorilla, it was every man for himself, and Brown was trying to show Bret Hart just that! I have to give credit where it's due, and congratulate the Hitman for surviving the double-cross and winning the match! It is going to be very interesting to see who Bret decides to challenge, wouldn't you say, Monsoon?

Gorilla: Oh absolutely, Jesse. The future is going to be very interesting for sure.
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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania IV continues....

The fans have just recovered from that frantic match and outcome, when they see a graphic on the big screen, which just happens to be the same one we see at home:

wmiv tourney.jpg

At this precise moment, the commentators begin talking about the forthcoming tournament...

Gorilla Monsoon: Well Jesse, we are moments away from the beginning of the tournament to crown a new World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion! As they always say, Jesse, "the card is subject to change" and this tournament is no exception as two changes were made to that graphic that was just displayed, and they are significant. In one, "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin are scheduled to face one another in an additional match added to the tournament, and the Hogan-Andre match is no longer a bye match! This means we now have sixteen full competitors in this tournament, and the road to the title just got harder!

Jesse: Well, Gorilla, I for one am happy in one aspect of this announcement, and bamboozled in another. Hogan no longer gets special treatment, and has to earn his way to the title! Good! However, I gotta know: How in the world did "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin rate an invitation into this tournament?! The guy's a hack, a low-level thug who just beats guys up. No skill, nothing. this guy's another Duggan type: Million Dollar Body, ten cent brain! As far as I am concerned, Tunney is equal parts brilliant and out to lunch!

Monsoon: Well, either way, this is how it's gonna go down, and I for one cannot wait! In fact, the first match of the quarterfinals is about to get underway!


WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match #1: "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

The match is pretty much a back and forth affair, right up until the finish. Duggan sets for the three-point stance maneuver, but Andre trips him. Instead of reaching through the ropes to attack him, however, Hacksaw instead leaves the ring entirely, and begins brawling with the big man. The referee sees this, and with the help of several other officials, orders Andre to be removed from ringside. Duggan rolls back into the ring, and drills Dibiase with the three-point stance! Duggan covers Dibiase, but the referee is still trying to make Andre leave ringside. As this is occurring, Virgil enters the ring with Duggan's 2x4, and drills Duggan across the back with it! Virgil leaps out of the ring with the foreign object, the ref turns around and sees Dibiase with an arm draped over Duggan, and makes the three count! The Million Dollar Man wins his first match!

Winner: "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

Monsoon: What kind of travesty was that, Jesse?! Duggan got robbed! First by Andre's interference, and then by Virgil blatantly breaking the rules with that heinous shot with the 2x4! What a miscarriage of justice!

Jesse: The way I see it, Gorilla, Duggan brought it on himself! First, like the idiot he is, he leaves the ring to brawl with Andre, and then he drills Dibiase with that idiotic move of his, and covers him, knowing full well the referee is outside the ring. Secondly, he brought that stupid weapon of his to the ring in the first place, and you know what they say, Gorilla, about people who rely too much on a certain weapon, right? "Live by the sword, die by the sword!" Hah! Fits old "Hacksaw" to a tee, don't it?"

As Hacksaw is helped to the back, the commentators discuss the next match in the tournament...

Monsoon: Well, the next match should be a doozy! pure power vs power matchup. "The Rock" Don Muraco vs Dino Bravo. Jess, I'm not really sure who has the advantage in this match. It could really go either way.

Jesse: Gorilla, Muraco's a powerful guy for sure, but come on! There is no one who can match Bravo's power! Remember, I was there, Monsoon, when he broke the powerlifting contest at the Royal Rumble!

Monsoon: You mean, you were there to "help" him break the record, Jesse!

Jesse: No, no, no! how many times do I have to say it, Monsoon? I did not lift anything for Bravo, he did himself! I only spotted him, and then helped return the weights to the bar! You, and all of the other naysayers, will see just how powerful the world's strongest man really is tonight!

Monsoon: World's strongest man, indeed! Hah!

The two commentators continue their back-and-forth banter as the next two competitors make their way to the ring...


WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match #2: "The Rock" Don Muraco (w/ Superstar Billy Graham) vs Dino Bravo (with Frenchy Martin)

Once again, as with the previous match, both men exchange the advantage in the match, trading blow for blow. the match only truly goes off the rails at the finish. As Muraco goes for the forearm smash off the ropes, the referee moves behind Bravo, and when Muraco actually hits Bravo, the Canadian strongman collides with the unfortunate referee. With all three men down, Frenchy Martin attempts to enter the ring with the Quebec flag, but Graham nails him from behind with his cane. As the crowd roars with approval, Graham grabs the French Canadian flag, and rips it to shreds. Bravo gets to his feet, sees this, and is distracted by it. Dino does not see Muraco get to his feet, turns right around, and walks straight into a scoop power slam from "The Rock"! Muraco covers Bravo, hooks the leg, and the referee crawls over and counts the three!

Winner: The Rock" Don Muraco

Gorilla Monsoon: The Rock secures the victory and moves on in the tournament! If he winds up facing Ted Dibiase in the semifinals, the Million Dollar Man could be in serious jeopardy!

Jesse: Gorilla, that was horrendous! Did you see the way "Superstar" Billy Graham attacked poor Frenchy Martin without provocation! The dude should be suspended! Bravo got robbed in my opinion! Even so, if Dibiase does have to face Muraco, I am more than confident in the Million Dollar Man to outwrestle the guy!

Gorilla Monsoon: I guess we'll have to wait and see, Jesse! Wrestlemania marches on with more matches yet to come...
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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania IV resumes...


WWF Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal Match #3: "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs "The Natural" Butch Reed

Randy Savage's music begins to play as the heavyweight championship tournament continues. Savage and Elizabeth make their way down to the ring amidst a huge chorus of cheers. Savage climbs onto the ring apron, holds his hands palm up to Ms. Elizabeth as if to say "hold on", and then grabs the ring ropes to let her enter first. The fans roar with cheers at this gesture, and Elizabeth also seems moved by the maneuver. She claps for Randy as he climbs to the top turnbuckle, eliciting cheers from the crowd. Savage eventually climbs down, and Elizabeth helps him remove his glasses, robe, and bandana in order for him to prepare for the match.

Suddenly, the massive cheers turn to a thunderous roar of boos as Butch Reed and his manager "The Doctor of Style" Slick make their way to the ring. Slick walks to the ring with a swagger and attitude that immediately gets a response from Jesse and Gorilla.

Jesse: Look at that, Gorilla! Don't Slick look great! He's always at the height of fashion, you know! Did you know that I let him co-ordinate my outfits from time to time, Monsoon? It's why I always look so stylish!

Gorilla Monsoon: Stylish? Slick? Gimmie a break! This guy is about as stylish as a circus monkey! I wouldn't trust Slick to co-ordinate my sock drawer!

Reed enters the ring, taunts the crowd (which draws even more boos), and then takes off his jacket, and the bell rings to start the match. The two men lock up, with Reed drilling Savage in the gut, and this drops Savage to the canvas. Reed scoops up Savage and slams him, but then misses with an attempted elbow drop from the ropes. Savage turns the tide with a right hand to the gut, and then an elbow to the head. Reed reels from the move, and falls into the ropes. Savage follows with a clothesline, which sends Reed over the ropes to the floor.

Savage climbs the top rope, waits for Reed to get up, and then drills him with a double axhandle to the back of the head. This sends Reed careening into the steel post, and Savage pounces on Reed. He grabs him and throws him back into the ring. Slick tries to stop Savage, but this only earns him a stiff right hand from the Macho Man! Slick is out, Savage rolls back into the ring, ducks an attempted double axhandle from Reed, and then drills him with a leaping clothesline/neckbreaker combination.

Reed is down on the canvas, and Savage takes full advantage and drills him with a Flying Elbow from the top rope! Three seconds later, and Savage is declared the victor!

Winner: Randy "Macho Man" Savage"

Jesse: Gorilla! I just love watching Macho wrestle! He's as quick as a cat, and can beat you in so many ways!

Gorilla Monsoon: You are so right, Jesse! I would have to say that Randy Savage is the odds on favorite to win the tournament!

Jesse: Wait just a minute, Monsoon, this tournament isn't even half over yet! Macho's a great wrestler, but let's see him get past the second round first and then maybe we can start singin' his praises!

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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania IV marches on...


WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match #4: Greg “The Hammer” Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

The first of the two combatants to walk down the aisle is Greg “The Hammer” Valentine with Jimmy Hart in tow. They taunt the crowd, which boos them both relentlessly. Valentine enters the ring, with Jimmy close behind him. Valentine removes his red robe as he mentally prepares for the match. Moments later, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat walks down the aisle alongside his wife (who is carrying their infant son, Richie) while the fans cheer them all loudly. He waves to the fans as he enters the ring, kisses his wife as she leaves the ring, and the bell rings to start the match.

Both men enter into a lockup, jockeying for position and the advantage, yet neither man ever gains it. As Valentine maneuvers Steamboat into the ropes, he drills him with a knee to the midsection. Seconds after that, Valentine lowers the boom with a forearm to the back. Steamboat reels from the one-two punch, and this allows Valentine to drop him with a back suplex. The move secures Valentine a two count. As Steamboat attempts to gain his bearings, Valentine decides to taunt him instead of continuing the onslaught. This proves to turn the tide of the match, Steamboat drills Valentine with a punch to the gut, then follows that with a knife-edge chop across the throat. Valentine staggers backwards and Steamboat seizes the opportunity to hammer Valentine with more knife-edge chops and finishes the sequence with a leaping chop to his head.

Valentine falls face first to the mat, and Steamboat motions to the crowd that he's ready to up the ante. This draws Jimmy Hart to the apron, but he just eats a flying chop to the head himself, and he tumbles to the floor. Steamboat scoops and slams Valentine to the mat. The Dragon climbs to the top rope, and delivers a leaping open-handed chop to a prone Valentine. Steamboat scales the opposite turnbuckle and when Valentine finally gets to his feet, drills him with a flying bodyblock splash. As Steamboat covers Valentine for the pin, the referee counts to three and the match is over!

Winner: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Gorilla Monsoon: Wow, that was quite the encounter, Jesse! Ricky Steamboat pulls out all the stops and moves on in the tournament!

Jesse: Yeah, but why'd he have to hurt poor Jimmy like that! Jimmy didn't hurt anybody! Steamboat should be fined and suspended! Steamboat outwrestled Valentine but it's still no excuse for attacking poor Jimmy Hart!

Monsoon: Well, what's done is done, and neither you nor I can change it! Ladies and Gentlemen, night is still young and there's more action still to come after this...


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Sep 13, 2022
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Very interesting time to go with, as it's so difficult to imagine anybody other than Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage on top in 1988. I would love to one day attempt something from this era. Things look good so far, very methodical approach to handle one match per day. It definitely allows for more detail, but the strain will surely reveal itself at some point. But then again, maybe it can work? It's a unique approach. Thus far, it's nice to see Ricky Steamboat get the win, eyeing up for that WrestleMania III rematch with Randy Savage, one year later. They claim Ted Dibiase was originally to win the WWF Championship here, but I just can't conceive that notion one bit. Never have. Let's hope we don't go that route, but if we should, it entices a good hook to remain invested headed into the spring.
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Aug 28, 2024
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No strain here, lol. Just taking the time to map everything out. I will even be including weekly shows such as Wrestling Challenge and Superstars of Wrestling, adding matches and moments. Hope it works out to your liking.

As for who wins the tournament and where it takes things from there, keep reading....
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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania continues following a brief break...


The commentators are still chatting amongst themselves when one of them (Gorilla Monsoon) is alerted on his headset that someone is standing by in the interview area, so he throws it backstage to a waiting “Mean” Gene Okerlund...

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Ladies and Gentlemen, Wrestlemania rolls on, and the tournament to crown a new World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight champion marches onward! Joining me at this time is one of those participants who will be competing a little later on in this tourney, and it is none other than Jake “The Snake” Roberts! Jake, you face a rather sneaky, underhanded individual in your quarterfinal match, and that man is “Ravishing” Rick Rude!

Jake Roberts
: “Ravishing”? Is that what they really call you, or did you pick that one out for yourself? Rather egotistical if you ask me. A man who thinks only of himself at the expense of everyone else is primed for a fall. Tonight, your Narcissism will be your ultimate downfall! You may walk into this match thinking your safe. You just might think to yourself, “this guy's a pushover! I'm the sexiest man alive! Nobody can beat me!” and that will be the moment you realize that you are beaten!

Okerlund: I truly hope, Mr. Roberts, that you're not taking Rick Rude lightly! He can hurt people in so many ways!

Jake Roberts
: (smirks for a moment, then his facial expression turns deadly serious) Take Rude lightly? Not on your life, “Mean” Gene! What I am doing, even as I stand here talking to you and all the people out there, is planning Rick Rude's demise! Just like Damien here, (at the mention of the snake in the bag, Roberts raises said bag and shows it to the camera) I will hide in the shadows, and allow you to think you're safe, and then just like a snake, I will strike! Your defenses will be gone, your bravado will be eradicated, and the only thing left will be for Damien to swallow you whole! The sting of a snake always outweighs, and overcomes, the ego of any human dumb enough to tangle with it!

Jake Roberts glares straight at the camera, sending instant chills down the spine of those in attendance in the arena, and also those watching from home. Gene Okerlund seems equally impressed with him and can't help but comment as Jake silently walks away...

Okerlund: “Ravishing” Rick Rude may just have walked into a Wrestlemania snake pit! Whew! Back to you, Gorilla and Jesse “The Body” Ventura!


WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match #5: One Man Gang (w/ Slick) vs Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Oliver Humperdink)

One Man Gang stalks down to the ring with his manager, Slick, in tow. He enters the ring, and pumps his fist into the air when he's introduced to the now booing crowd. Slick leaves the ring, just as Bam Bam Bigelow, and his manager, Oliver Humperdink walk down to the ring. Bigelow enters the ring, and is immediately ambushed by Gang. Gang drills him with a forearm smash, which sends Bigelow crashing to the mat. Gang then drops a vicious elbow to Bigelow's back, but that only nets him a two count.

Gang whips Bigelow into the turnbuckle, but this is where the tattooed big man's agility comes into play. As Gang charges into the turnbuckle, Bigelow moves, and Gang drills his own head right into the turnbuckle. With Gang now stunned, Bigelow drills him with a dropkick! The move shoves Gang back into the turnbuckle, yet the monster stays on his feet. Bigelow charges at Gang, and catches him with a forearm shot to the head. Bigelow goes to hit a stunned Gang in the gut with a kick, but Gang snags his foot. Bigelow deftly reverses that block with an enziguri! The move actually stuns Gang even further, and drops him to the canvas. Bigelow gets the crowd revved up, and then scales the top rope. He drills Gang with a flying headbutt, but the move only gets Bigelow a two count!

As Bigelow gets to his feet Slick picks this moment to climb onto the apron. This distraction allows Gang to clip Bigelow with a low blow, as the referee was also distracted by Slick. Slick drops down to the floor, only to turn around into a right hand shot from Humperdink's cane! Slick is out cold on the floor! This time, Gang is the one distracted, and after yelling at Humperdink, he tries for a splash off the ring ropes, and misses!

Bigelow crawls to the opposite ring ropes, gets to his feet, and when Gang gets to his feet, plants him with a bulldog! The move nets Bigelow with another two count. Bigelow launches himself into the ropes to attempt a headbutt, but Slick (who has roused from the cane shot) hooks his leg, and trips him! Humperdink chases Slick around the ring, while Gang connects with a splash, but the maneuver only gets a two count. Gang gets to his feet to argue the count, and this gives Bigelow the opening he needs.

Bigelow slowly makes it to his feet, drills Gang with successive right hands, and then surprises him a dropkick. Bigelow then amazingly scoops and drops Gang with a backdrop suplex. Bigelow slowly covers gang, but again only nabs a two count. Bigelow grabs Gang, whips him into the corner, and charges at him. Gang gets his mammoth foot up and catches Bigelow right in the face! Bigelow sinks to the canvas, just as Slick climbs onto the apron, distracting the referee again.

With the referee distracted, Slick drops his pimp cane, and that allows Gang to grab it. Humperdink yanks Slick off the apron again, and the referee just so happens to turn his attention back to the ring. Unfortunately, this is also the exact moment that Gang swings for the fences and nails Bigelow with a cane shot to the head! The referee has little choice but to disqualify One Man Gang! Gang and Slick are livid but the ruling stands!

Winner (via disqualification): Bam Bam Bigelow

Gorilla: One Man Gang ought to be ashamed of himself! Using a foreign object like that! Well, he just cost himself a further berth in the tournament, Jesse!

Jesse: You know, Monsoon, sometimes you get carried away in the heat of the moment. Gang got frustrated, and allowed himself to get disqualified!


Once again, the broadcast is sent backstage for another interview. This time it is Sean Mooney standing by with “Ravishing” Rick Rude...

Sean Mooney: Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time, I am joined by Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and a member of the Heenan Family, “Ravishing” Rick Rude! Gentlemen, welcome to Wrestlemania! Rick Rude, in a very short time you will face off against Jake “The Snake” Roberts in the quarterfinals of the championship tournament!

Rick Rude: Mooney, listen up, and listen good! Jake Roberts is nothing! I am gonna go out there, and destroy any hopes and dreams he has of ever becoming the World Wrestling Federation Champion! I am gonna prove that there is only one man worthy of holding that title, the sexiest, most virile man in history!

Jake Roberts, you may be a snake, but you can't beat me!
Get ready, Roberts, for humiliation on a massive scale! Get ready for a Rude Awakening! (Rude faces the camera as he says this, and makes a mocking kissing motion as if to tell Jake to kiss his chances goodbye)

Mooney: Wrestlemania keeps rolling on, and things are heating up! Let's send it back to Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura!

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Aug 28, 2024
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The Wrestlemania tournament continues...


WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarterfinal Match #6: “Ravishing” Rick Rude vs Jake “The Snake” Roberts

The commentators are still chatting amongst themselves when “Ravishing” Rick Rude's music hits and he strides down to the ring with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan beside him. The fans shower him with boos and catcalls, as he slowly enters the ring, adorned in a decked-out robe with his name emblazoned on the back of it.

Rude grabs a microphone, and motions like he is about to address the Wrestlemania crowd...

Rick Rude: What I'd like to have right now, is for all you fat, out-of-shape, Wrestlemania washouts to keep your mouths shut, and keep the noise down so that I can take my robe off and remind all the men what they can never be, and the ladies what they've always wanted! Hit my music!

The music begins playing again as Rude takes off his robe, and then does his hip-gyrating shtick, all the while as the crowd boos loudly. The commentators can't help but comment on the shenanigans going on...

Jesse: Ha! Ha! I love how Rick Rude just puts these fans in their place! You gotta love his confidence, Monsoon!

Gorilla: Jesse, “confidence”? Seems more like arrogance if you ask me!

Moments after this, Jake Roberts' music hits and he skulks down to the ring with Damien slung over his shoulder. Jake nears the ring, looks directly at Rude and Heenan, and then slides the bag right into the center of the ring! Rude and Heenan dive out of the ring, as the commentators speak up once again...

Jesse: Monsoon, Jake Roberts should be fined and suspended! That is a dangerous foreign object! Damien has no business being in the ring!

Gorilla: Jesse, the match hasn't even started yet! Jake's just having fun!

Jesse: Fun?! The referee needs to disqualify him right now!

Jake grabs Damien and settles him, bag and all, in the corner. Jake then turns around and walks right into a right hand from Rude! Rude pounces on Jake, and drills him with a suplex. Rude clips Jake with an elbow drop across the throat. Rude continues throttling Jake by choking him on the bottom rope, forcing the referee to administer a four count before Rude breaks the hold.

Jake gets to his feet, drills Jake head-first into the turnbuckle, and then whips him forcefully into the opposite turnbuckle. Jake grimaces in pain, as Rude drills him with a knee to the midsection. Rude scores with a snap mare, and then climbs to the top rope, and attempts a leaping fist drop to Jake's face!

Jake moves at the last split second, and Rude is now the one in pain. Jake grabs Rude by the wrist, and then wrenches in an armbar. Rude screams in pain, and then falls victim to a short arm clothesline. Jake motions for the DDT, but just as he tries to hook it in, Heenan yanks Roberts out of the ring through the middle ropes, which sends Jake crashing to the floor.

Jake immediately springs to his feet, and drills Heenan with a stiff right hand. Heenan collapses from the shot, as Jake re-enters the ring. Rude clips Jake with another right hand, and then clotheslines Jake to the canvas. Rude scoops up Jake and drills him with a backbreaker! The move only nets a two count.

Jake writhes in pain as Rude sizes him up, then Rude drills him several knees to his back. Another quick two count for Rude is the result of the attack. Rude goes to whip Jake into the corner, like before, but this time Jake reverses the maneuver, and Rude goes flying into the same turnbuckle that just so happens to have Damien (in the bag) on the mat.

Rude immediately freaks out, which leaves him wide open for another short armed clothesline! Jake signals again for the DDT, but Rude backdrops him to the canvas. Rude drills Jake with several boots to the head, and then proceeds to gyrate for the crowd, whether they cheer for him or not. Jake takes advantage of this utter lapse in judgement, and grabs Rude from behind by the tights. This has the added, and shockingly unintended, effect of inadvertently causing Rude to moon the crowd!

Rude is so unnerved by all of this, that he walks right into a DDT! Jake covers an embarrassed and unconscious Rude for the 1-2-3!!!

Winner: Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Gorilla: Well, Rude got distracted and it cost him the match, Jesse!

Distracted?! this is just another instance where Jake Roberts should be fined and suspended for what he just did! Poor Rick Rude and Bobby must be mortified!

Once again, the broadcast is sent backstage for another interview. This time it is “Mean” Gene Okerlund, who happens to be standing by with a very special guest, as they recap the tournament thus far...

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Aug 28, 2024
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Wrestlemania IV marches on....


“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage, waiting to recap the action thus far, and he's not alone. Standing alongside Okerlund is the stunning and vivacious Vanna White. They are recapping the action that has taken place, and to let us know what it is yet to come...

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Vanna White, welcome to Wrestlemania! Have you ever seen anything like this?

Vanna White: No, Gene, I can't say I have! The spectacle, the grandeur of it all! It really is amazing!

Okerlund: You can say that again! Well, Vanna, as you can see behind me (Gene points to a huge graphical tournament bracket board on the wall behind him) that the World Wrestling Federation Championship tournament is well underway, and we already have a few winners, but unfortunately, we also have a few losers as well.

Vanna: I cannot believe how much these athletes do in the ring, Gene! This is really so exciting!

Okerlund: Indeed it is, Vanna! Let's look at who has advanced thus far in this leg of the tournament, shall we? (Vanna walks to the other side of the bracket board, as both Vanna and Gene Okerlund now occupy each end of the board as the discussion continues) So far, Ted Dibiase, “The Rock” Don Muraco, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Bam Bam Bigelow, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and the “Macho Man” Randy Savage have all advanced in the tournament. We still have two big matches left in this round, Vanna, with Hogan facing Andre, and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff facing “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin. After this round, the participants will be matched up again with new opponents, and we will attempt to whittle field down to four! Do you have any favorites in this tournament?

Vanna: Well, I actually have two, Gene. I love this guy (Vanna points to Hulk Hogan's name, which causes Gene to chuckle). He's just great! My choice to win it all though, has to be him (Vanna then points to the “Macho Man” Randy Savage)! He's amazing, and Ms. Elizabeth, wow! Those dresses she wears. Aren't they just something?!

Okerlund: She is something else, indeed, Vanna! As for Hogan and Savage, I would have to say they are they odds on favorites to win the whole shooting match! Only time will tell! Also still to come, Brutus Beefcake challenges for the Intercontinental Championship against the Honky Tonk Man, and the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships are up for grabs between Strike Force and Demolition! Lots of action still to come, and Vanna White thank you so much for being here!

Vanna: Thank you so much for having me, Gene, it was fun!

Okerlund: It was indeed! Gorilla and Jesse, back to you!

"Mean" Gene Okerlund sends it back to ringside, where Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura wait to continue calling the action...