I don't mind the ones when they say "na na na na hey hey hey goodbye" when a wrestler gets fired or when they leave the company for good, those are actually funny. Or any time they repeat a wrestlers catchphrase when they say it because of its popularity : "If ya smell what The Rock - - and they always say IS COOKING before The Rock could finish or when he says the millions and millions (and the crowd does it back to him) of The Rock's fans etc. Those are what make the shows fun to watch, but I hate the ones that are irrelevant to what's happening in the ring like the CM Punk chants and whenever they shout "What" when a heel wrestler is trying to cut a serious promo, those are very annoying and really distract from what they're trying to say. Or every time you see a wrestler do a knife edged chop to an opponent, the crowd shouts "Woo" even though the wrestler doing it is not Ric Flair. "This is awesome" etc.