Ultimate Fighter 13 Finale: Bloody Elbow Staff Predictions

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Event: The Ultimate Fighter 13 Finale
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2011
Location: The Pearl at the Palms, Las Vegas, Nevada

Ramsey Nijem vs. Tony Ferguson

Kid Nate: Ferguson may be a really unlikeable person but he sure does hit hard. Ferguson by TKO.

Brent Brookhouse: It's always really hard to know how much fighters advance from the TV show to the finals as they get in with good camps and start working. Ferguson was one of the very few guys on the show this season who threw anything resembling a technically correct punch, Ramsey had a hell of a time with Cope. Tony Ferguson by TKO, round 2.

Mike Fagan: Ramsey Nijem and Tony Ferguson are headling an MMA show on Spike TV, he said with the hint of disdain written on his lips. Tony Ferguson by TKO.

Leland Roling: I'll give the edge to the more experienced Ferguson. I think Nijem has the ground skills to be a threat, but Ferguson's power should stop him before he can get started. Tony Ferguson via TKO.

Anton Tabuena: To be honest, I haven't watched a single episode of TUF this season. I just don't like how Spike TV will, more often than not, choose the more ‘TV friendly' fighter rather than the most talented or accomplished (Galvao!). Couple that with the bad reviews this season has been getting, and it never really made me bother to pay attention for even a little bit.... I don't know much about them, but Anthony Ferguson has been blogging for SBN, so I guess I'm choosing him. Tony Ferguson by TKO?

Matt Bishop:
I'm going to parrot most of the rest of these cats here. I watched the first episode of this season and could not watch another. I made a good effort to watch the final episode but my DVR was not cooperative. I don't think I missed much. The trendy pick here sees to be Ferguson and I'd hate to mess up my stellar record and win percentage. Ferguson by TKO, round 2.

K.J. Gould:
Ferguson seems like the better fighter. Pick who you think will win, not who you want to win. Ferguson by TKO.

Fraser Coffeen
: I tried UFC, really I did. But after 13 seasons I just can't muster up the strength to really commit myself to The Ultimate Fighter anymore. Sorry. Tony Ferguson by TKO.

Clay Guida vs. Anthony Pettis

Kid Nate
: Oh I am so pumped for this fight. I think Guida is just the test Pettis needs to show he's for real. Pettis by decision.

Brent Brookhouse:
I enjoy watching Anthony Pettis but I just think Clay Guida presents a lot of problems that I don't think Pettis is going to have an answer for, mainly in pacing. Clay Guida by decision.

Mike Fagan:
Probably should have made this for the WEC title so we could get five rounds out of it. Clay Guida by decision.

Leland Roling:
Pettis is a much more well-rounded fighter than Guida, and Guida's striking is still at a very low level, despite improving a bit in his last few fights. Pettis batters Guida on the feet and surprises many by holding his own against Guida's hard pace. Anthony Pettis via decision.

Anton Tabuena:
Clay Guida, I hate to say this, but he's the gatekeeper to the upper echelon of the division. It's not a shot at him as he's always been very good, always inside top 10-15 in the division. It's just that while he beats majority of the lightweights, he can't beat the top of the top, making him the perfect test to see where a guy belongs in the crowded lightweight division. This fight will tell us if Anthony Pettis is a contender, or a pretender. Tough call, but I'm leaning towards the former. Anthony Pettis by decision.

Matt Bishop:
As I said earlier this week, this is a Fight of the Year candidate before it even enters the cage. Pettis showed tremendous growth in his final two fights of 2010, beating Shane Roller and Ben Henderson. That growth is going to continue here is this fight. Guida's a tough man, but Pettis will be too much. Anthony Pettis by decision.

K.J. Gould:
Normally I'd pick the wrestling based fighter with the top level competition experience ie Guida. I just really like the fact that Pettis has not only been training with the Duke Roufus guys but has also had Ben Askren to spar with giving him world class advice on counter-wrestling. Will it be enough? I'm going to go out on a limb and say ‘Yes'. Pettis by Decision.

Fraser Coffeen:
This is an awesome fight that is getting woefully overlooked. I think this one is very close, but in the end, I think both men will try to push the fight into a sprint and it will end up in a shoot out at times. And in a shoot out, Pettis has the stand-up to hurt Guida enough to take the rounds. Anthony Pettis via decision.

Ed Herman vs. Tim Credeur

Kid Nate:
Herman is only good at one thing. But he's really really good at that. Credeur is gutsy and fairly capable, but he's getting grounded and pounded here. Herman by decision.

Brent Brookhouse:
I forgot that both of these guys were even in the UFC. Neither had a fight in 2010. Herman is sub .500 but he has fought better competition. I'm thrilled that this made the main card instead of a fight like Grispi/Roop. If this stays standing it's Credeur's fight, if Herman decides for the takedown he can probably ground and pound his way to a win. Tim Creduer by decision.

Mike Fagan:
The only thing worse than guys in the house getting fights on the finale is old, bad TUF guys still getting fights on TUF finales. Herman is 4-5 in the UFC, and Tim Credeur has one of the most unimpressive 3-1 records in UFC history. Tim Creduer by decision.

Leland Roling:
I can't think of a fight that's more irrelevant that this one. Ed Herman via decision.

Anton Tabuena:
Aside from the Pettis/Guida showdown, I'd would rather watch Jeremy Stephens vs. Danny Downes, Scott Jorgensen vs. Ken Stone and Josh Grispi vs. George Roop, than any other bout on this main card. Stephens is one of the most entertaining guys in the sport, Jorgensen is top 6, Grispi is top 15, and they're all stuck behind these guys? ...Wait, got off track there. This fight is a toss-up, and there are a bunch of unknowns with injuries and ring rust, but I think Credeur can grind things out. Tim Credeur by Submission.

Matt Bishop:
This will probably be a sloppy stand-up brawl. And for as long as these two have been gone for, they both now seem woefully out of place in the UFC in 2011. Think about this: We were still firmly in the "Machida Era" the last time these two fought. As for this fight, Herman is coming off knee surgery and I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who has looked good in their first fight back. Creduer by decision.

K.J. Gould:
If Credeur becomes too reliant on working from his back that's not in a standing or sweeping capacity, Herman can do enough to stay put and smash on him. Unless it turns into a sloppy kickboxing match, then I don't know. Herman by Decision.

Fraser Coffeen:
I imagine this will be a perfectly fine, and ultimately forgettable fight. I normally hate to pick anyone coming off a nearly two year lay off, but since both haven't fought since 2009, I am a bit stuck. I've never found myself much impressed by Credeur, while Herman has won me over a few times. Ed Herman by decision.

Kyle Kingsbury vs. Fabio Maldonado

Kid Nate:
I'm baffled by all this love for Kingsbury. Maldonado by KO.

Brent Brookhouse:
Maldonado is the better striker, this will be a stand-up fight. Fabio Maldonado by TKO.

Mike Fagan:
The Victor Conte supplement cocktail gonna run wild on you. Kyle Kingsbury by TKO, round one.

Leland Roling:
Fabio Maldonado's boxing pays off here as Kingsbury has never been great in one area. Fabio Maldonado via TKO.

Anton Tabuena:
Oh it's going to be all Randy Cou... I mean, Kyle Kingsbury... by Decision.

Matt Bishop:
This is actually a pretty interesting fight and I'm looking forward to it. Kingsbury was impressive in his last fight, as was Maldonado. Let me outline Kingsbury's plan for success: Phase 1: Get with Victor Conte, Phase 2: ?, Phase 3: Profit. So with that being said, Kingsbury by Phase 2.

K.J. Gould: I like Maldonado in this by a long way. Maldonado by TKO.

Fraser Coffeen
: I like a guy with more developed stand up skills than just your straight ahead UFC Fight of the Night style brawling, and that's Maldonado here. Kingsbury has improved, but I think Maldonado's boxing will do the trick. Fabio Maldonado by TKO.

Chuck O'Neil vs. Chris Cope

Kid Nate
: I can't believe this fight is on TV. O'Neil by sheer cosmic indifference.

Brent Brookhouse:
If you happened to skip the show, Chuck O'Neil wasn't all that good but Dana decided he loved him. Now I'm not saying that's why this is on the main card. But that's why this is on the main card, even taking into account the "third place factor." Good thing for O'Neil that Cope is even worse. Chuck O'Neil by decision.

Mike Fagan:
I will always know Chris Cope as the guy I mistake for Gina Carano's one-time fiance. Chuck O'Neil by TKO, round I Don't Care.

Leland Roling:
Seriously? This is why The Ultimate Fighter should be canceled. Chuck O'Neil by TKO.

Anton Tabuena:
Ohhh. So Chuck O'Neil was from TUF! I've been hearing the name, but I seriously thought it was just another celebrity or talk show host that I didn't know. (I am serious). Again, I haven't paid attention to this season, and I haven't even heard Chris Cope's name, so I guess Chuck O'Neil by Decision?

Matt Bishop
: My prediction? No, not pain. I'll leave that to Clubber Lang. It is this: The loser gets cut. It will be Cope. O'Neil by decision.

K.J. Gould:
Just based on their TUF fights, Cope usually spends too long hanging back after edging ahead in each round where O'Neil pushes the pace start to finish unless he's outmatched in skill. I can see O'Neil controlling the distance and finishing on the ground. O'Neil by Submission.

Fraser Coffeen:
I at least TRY to pay attention to the TUF champion. But the guys who didn't make it to the end? No chance UFC. I'll go with Cope as I like his training pedigree more. Chris Cope by TKO.