I was sceptical of the Edge face-turn long before his return.
E&C weren't great as faces. Mid-card Edge was dull on the whole... No reason to expect any different and sadly it doesn't look like it will be.
BUT for what it's worth, I'm not overtly down on this "spear" shit. Granted it's not great, l but I agree with the concensuss that says that WWE need to get the fans involved again with chants, catchphrases and stuff (something they did SO well in the Attitude days)... I've already seen "spear" signs in the crowds so peeps are responding to it - Job done (regardless of whether I think it's cool or not.)
ORTON:So far so good... Looking forward to seeing where this goes after Mania, but I have a slight fear that his current 'tweening' is really only for the benefit of spicing up the Legacy split. Still... IF it does come to it a return to 'The Age Of Orton' would be most welcome compared to any more of this Legacy nonsense (*).
Orton's still finding his face character (let's not forget he's been a face for less than 2/3 months in his entire WWE run).... I honestly don't think Edge has one.
Winner: ORTON.
(*Gotta wonder what HBK thinks of all this... He reportedly comes back from leave asking who's been newly built up, "no-one" is the reply, sacrifices himself being the one to get totally owned by Legacy for nearly 3 months straight during their fued with DX, then when the program is over they go back to being Orton's bitches and a storyline which goes nowhere.... Way to make the most of one of your biggest ever star's juice in the twighlight of his career, writing fucks!)