Sometimes, I think WWE scripting can use a few too many words in foreign language dialogue, or it uses expressions that translate in a funny way. I am nearly fully fluent in French. I can already read the language at an expert level. I can also listen almost as well. I can certainly spot certain passages that could be expressed in a different way.
Like for example, when Kevin Owens taunted John Cena during their feud, he said the following...
John á Battleground, je te promets une chose - c´est que je te vais battre et devenir le nouveau champion des etats units. Et il y a personne, pas toi, pas eux, personne, qui va vouloir m´en empecher (John, at Battleground I promise you something: I will beat you and become the new US champion, and there's no one, not you, not them, no one, who's going to want to stop me.'
Now, that sentence in English is perfectly correct, but the concept of "going to" is not used in French the same way it is in English, so it can't be used. I would have said in the part of il y a this...
et personne pourrait m´en empecher= and no one will be able to stop me.
Like for example, when Kevin Owens taunted John Cena during their feud, he said the following...
John á Battleground, je te promets une chose - c´est que je te vais battre et devenir le nouveau champion des etats units. Et il y a personne, pas toi, pas eux, personne, qui va vouloir m´en empecher (John, at Battleground I promise you something: I will beat you and become the new US champion, and there's no one, not you, not them, no one, who's going to want to stop me.'
Now, that sentence in English is perfectly correct, but the concept of "going to" is not used in French the same way it is in English, so it can't be used. I would have said in the part of il y a this...
et personne pourrait m´en empecher= and no one will be able to stop me.