“Well, I’ll tell you this, there are a lot of people that deserve to induct John. Randy Orton, who was his biggest — I guess competition, or his nemesis. But Stephanie McMahon, don’t forget that she’s the one that discovered his rapping ability, and she was a big fan of his. She really supported him quite often. But, no, I’d be honored to induct John Cena. The one thing I want to say about him is he has shown that he is possibly the greatest WWE Superstar of all time. Winning 16 World Heavyweight titles in one company — Ric Flair won 16, but he won them in NWA and WCW and WWE, and you can’t take that away from him, they were all major promotions. But to do it all in one company, that makes you that company’s greatest star. And I really believe that he deserves another title before he retires.”