House of Hardcore 14 [Results]

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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score

* Bull James (Bull Dempsey) defeated Eddie Kingston

* CJ Mirror, Psycho Mike and Hacker Scotty defeated Beta, Adam Brooks and Ben Ortiz

* Colt Cabana defeated Chris Hero by stealing a pin out of nowhere

* Magnus defeated Cody Deaner. Magnus was the mystery opponent for Deaner, who played a babyface

* Rhino defeated Moose after launching him into a chair in the corner and two Gores

* Tony Nese defeated RJ City and Alex Reynolds in a Triple Threat. Nese eliminated City with a 450 and pinned Reynolds with a Michinoku Driver

* Tommy Dreamer and Mickie James defeated Pepper Parks and Cherry Bomb when Dreamer hit a piledriver on Cherry and Mickie pinned her. The match saw weapons used, including a prosthetic leg from a fan. TJ Marconi interfered at one point but local bodybuilder Mindi O'Brien made the save

* Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young in the All Ontario main event with Jimmy Korderas as the special referee. Young and Roode were wearing their Team Canada gear and played "O Canada" before the match. After the match, they raised each other's hands and ended the show

Source: WrestlingInc