I think so because The Rock always changed his personality depending on how the audience reacted to him. As Rocky Maivia from 96 - 97, he was booed despite being a face so he turned heel in The Nation Of Domination and unexpectedly got cheers within a year because of his hilarious promos he always did before every match, so he turned face in late 1998 and then went heel again at the end of the year as The Corporate Rock, then went babyface in the spring of 99 and stuck with it until 2003. He also kept changing his appearance with the Elvis Presley hair and the sideburns, the Versace dress up shirts, the sunglasses etc. Then in the early 00's, he ditched his old attire and had shorter hair, while the only tattoo he had was his Brahma Bull then later covered the other side of his body with the Samoan tattoos and went completely bald, his music also went from "Do you smell" to "If ya smell" as well. It's not like John Cena who had the same music for years, wears the same clothes and does the same thing after 10:years. With Rock you can tell the difference between his 90's Elvis look to his new look with the bald head, he always evolved overtime like The Undertaker or even Chris Jericho.
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