In some cases where most fans use it as a way to compare it to the WWE that exists today when they see something they don't like in the current era. "This is nothing like the stuff from the late 90's" of course it isn't, you're comparing two completely different time periods that were done 20 years apart from each other. So of course the WWE in 2018 is not going to look and feel like the show you used to watch in 1998. As of the era itself, it wasn't in terms of popularity and all of the attention the WWE (then WWF) and WCW got because of the fact that the two shows were competing against each other at the same time. So you could flip to TNT and catch an episode of Monday Night Nitro or WCW Thunder if you didn't like WWF RAW IS WAR or Smackdown at the time with the addition of the original ECW, which you can't do anymore because they're all owned by the WWE, which means it's never coming back even though I wish we could.