I am, I became a WWF/WWE fan because of The Attitude Era and I get that it has to do with what you personally enjoy. But I noticed whenever somebody sees anything that "sucks" in today's era, it's always compared to what was around in the past. Completely forgetting that what's around today didn't exist until recently, the product in the late 1990's was more raunchy and adult oriented with the blood and the sexual innuendos, the cursing and extremely violent matches. Today they've cleaned up a lot of that because there's no reason to have it anymore, the WWE did it at the time when they were competing against WCW and ECW to get more views on the product. The internet also wasn't a big deal like it is now. The views didn't come from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram the WWE Network or Twitter because there was no such thing, you had to actually watch the show on TV or if your friends and family told you about it or you found out about it through magazines or newspapers. So it's an unfair comparison.