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  1. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Very weird when tribalism has people supporting botch accounts and siding with an actual sex-pest in Taka just because they think Rossy might be one
  2. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    I agree Tam winning the title after losing all her GP matches was dumb. She's at least the right person to hold the title, I don't Natsuko Tora was (and I think that's who you meant, not Ruaka. They'd have real problems if Ruaka was the champ, haha). Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  3. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Maybe, but I'd argue it's easier to grow and get a buzz when you're building to the biggest matches you have. The fact we never got an Utami v Guilia match in either Stardom or Marigold to me is a bit of an indictment on his conservative approach. That's a money match that sadly may never happen...
  4. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Rossy is also a very conservative booker, so while he has a handful of solid stars in Utami, MIRAI and Miku, he rarely actually books the big stars to face off in big matches. We only just got the first Red Belt defence after all, and all of Miku's White belt defences have been against lesser...
  5. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    One of the problems Marigold as a whole has is it feels very old Stardom and while that's great for me and other old Stardom heads, Stardom's popularity exploded post Bushiroad takeover and most fans prefer the newer version of it. And the similarities with Stardom mean your more hardcore Joshi...
  6. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    I thought Sareee v Bozilla was great. Not a MOTYC or anything, but a super fun match with a bit of an old-school dynamic where the Japanese hero has to overcome the big foreign monster (almost like a homage to Inoki v Andre, especially with the finish). Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  7. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Attendances haven't been great but that's kind of the way things are in Joshi wrestling. Stardom is the dominant force and everyone else is fighting for the scraps leftover. They announced 866 for the last Korakuen but they exaggerate by about 15% so probably about 750. Sent from my moto g14...
  8. DaveRodgers

    Kenny Omega comments on Rossy Ogawa

    There was an old rumour about him literally pimping out his wrestlers to rich businessmen. I always figured it was BS but now I'm very worried there might be something to it. Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  9. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Nanae's an all-time great of the scene. Having a veteran like her running the dojo would be huge for the promotion. Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  10. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    Looking forward to this thing getting off the ground. Fingers crossed he's got some quality talent signed up beyond the 5 from Stardom and Nanae. Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  11. DaveRodgers

    Dream Star Fighting Marigold

    That was Fumi Saito, a Japanese wrestling historian and coincidentally close friend of Rossy. Sent from my moto g14 using Tapatalk
  12. DaveRodgers

    SUKEBAN - American-owned joshi promotion

    A lot of big freelancer involved in this. It'll be interesting to see hear what the first taping is like in a couple of days time. If the wrestlers go all out, the action should be really top notch, but the presentation is giving me WOW/GLOW vibes. Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  13. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    Today's the day MIRAI wins her first ever singles title. Looking forward to the PPV. Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  14. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    Nanae has been doing 'Passion Injection' matches going back over a decade. As mentioned they're just matches, typically against younger or lower card wrestlers where Nanae more or less just beats them up and the younger wrestlers can prove their toughness by withstanding the beating even if they...
  15. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    I just glad the Gastly match hasn't come back to Haunter! Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  16. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    A lot of fans seem to blame her for the Ghastly match incident. Some fans were also annoyed when she beat Momo on the 10th Anniversary show (including me before I was more familiar with her as a wrestler). But since watching her more regularly now, I've become a big fan. Sent from my RMX2020...
  17. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    What are everyone's thoughts on Nanae Takahashi btw? I know she's unpopular among some long time fans, but for me she's been great since returning. She just brings a different, more intense vibe and her tag work in particular has been great. Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  18. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    Isn't NSA's logo just the old Stardom logo (the one that looks like the old CMML logo)? Although NSA might not even be a thing any more. Nanae Yuu and Yunamon tend to just go by 7-Upp now, and that's the name they merchandise. Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  19. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    Terrible news. Hopefully Kairi recovers well and the match can still happen sometime soon. Sent from my RMX2020 using Tapatalk
  20. DaveRodgers

    Stardom Discussion

    I could see Kid dropping the belt at Nagaoka or Sumo Hall so she can move up the card. She's been topping all sorts of popularity polls lately, just made the cover of ShuPro, and I think there's a very good chance she'll win the Cinderella tournament this year. There are big things in her...