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  1. LoneStar305


    **Chavo happens to glance over and locks eyes with Corbin** Guerrero: Ugh...I thought the trash needed to be taken out but now I get why It reeks of garbage. What the hell you staring at anyways creep ass? You should ne preparing. You are going to have your work cut out for you thats for damn sure.
  2. LoneStar305


    **Bigshow sees Styles walking by his private LR while he's watching the replay of himself winning the HoH World Champipnship** Bigshow: Hey!Styles come catch the ending of this! **TV screen shows Bigshow Choke slamming Ambrose through a Table for the victory and then his celebration as...
  3. LoneStar305


    **Chavo looks up noticing Dean and responds reluctantly** Guerrero Nothing much, just been preparing to whoop Baron Corbins ass Thursday Night. From what I heard Natalya made the mistake of stepping in front of that freight train holding the World title. **He smirks shaking his head**
  4. LoneStar305


    **Bigshow gets in his car and heads home after a long week of pissing everyone off(lol)** **Chavo Guerrero heads over to catering to see if anyone's around**
  5. LoneStar305


    *Bigshow is in his private LR relaxing and watching footage of his harsh attack on Natalya earlier as a production intern polishes his HoH Heavyweight Title* *Chavo Guerrero is seen heading to the training facility area*
  6. LoneStar305


    Sanic & Electro get back to your Yugioh Roleplay lol the joke was funnier the 1st time around [emoji23]
  7. LoneStar305


    **Unfortunately for the Womens Television Champion, slowing down to try and chat was a very unwise decision** **Bigshow turns the corner as well now standing behind Natalya towering over her** **Bigshow wraps up Natty from behind and german suplexes her into production equipment and tables**...
  8. LoneStar305


    **Bigshow now on 1 knee watching from the ring as Natalya heads backstage** Show: She just signed her death warrant. Nobody disrespects the FACE of HoH like this! **Seething with anger, Bigshow picks up his World title and heads to the back**
  9. LoneStar305


    **Bigshows music hits and he walks out on to the ramp stopping to raise his World Championship before making his way into the ring** **He slowly approaches a confused and nervous looking Natalya and grabs the mic away from her never losing eye contact** Bigshow: Leave my ring...NOW. **Show...
  10. LoneStar305


    *Bigshow arrives and enters the arena with his HoH World title on his shoulder heading to the training facility* *Chavo Guerrero enters the arena happy with the chaos he created down in the ring yesterday*
  11. LoneStar305


    OOC-Jk bro lol. Loving this stroyline so far tho
  12. LoneStar305


    Tommy Dreamer Alroght Roman. Thank you for keeping me posted on your condition. Hopefully you will be good to go Thursday Night against Matt morgan but we wont force you. Rest up big guy.
  13. LoneStar305


    Hahaha worth a shot. Lol jk you and AngleV2 may continue.
  14. LoneStar305


    Ooc-Whos calling?lol
  15. LoneStar305


    ---Show looks down and manages to crack a smirk for the first time in awhile--- Bigshow: Not today...atleast I dont think. This place has changed me man. Its put me back in that ECW mindset and I just cant help but rip apart anyone trying to slow me down. But I guess it also has its perks...
  16. LoneStar305


    ---Bigshow walks up standing next to Jericho holding the HoH World Championship on his shoulder--- Show: Did he make fun of your scarf?
  17. LoneStar305


    ---Chavo rolls out of the ring holding his head but overall not injured and heads backstage to his LR to gameplan---
  18. LoneStar305


    ---Chavo Guerrero's music hits and the crowd responds with heavy boos as he heads down the ramp and into the ring with a steel chair in hand--- ---Lillian Garcia hands him a mic--- Chavo:All of you shut the hell up already and pay close attention. Baron Corbin! I know you are backstage...
  19. LoneStar305


    Chavo: Uhh... ---Guerrero begins throwing combinations of jabs through the air acting busy with training--- Chavo: Pshh puhlease Jericho...I wish I had the time to give that guy a reality check...but uhh...I actually have to keep working for my match this week on Velocity. ---Looks back at...
  20. LoneStar305


    *Chavo looks over at Ambrose* Chavo From what I hear..our World Champion has been a bit of a grump ever since arriving in HoH. Youd think becoming Heavyweight champ your first week here would make you crack a damn smile atleast... My opinion? Someone needs to take him down a peg and humble his...